Just watch till the end. This is probably the msot unbiased video you will ever get about it from an outside perspective.
Thruth about United States and all Imperialist powers agenda and methods
Other urls found in this thread:
36 minutes??? are you nuts??? Do you just assume that I have no life??
You wont regret it, i assure you. The 36 minutes you spend watching this will give you a perspective no other english video producing media outlets can give.
I am sure people here in Sup Forums have an attention span that is greater than a fish . So that they can concentrate on one task for half an hour.
Mudslime propergander, nice try kike.
Have you even watched the full video ?
This video was not about turkey lol, watch it first before commenting .
roaches gonna roach
The biggest problem pol has is most of the people here are only reactionaries. And not intelligent ,interrogative people.
They get upset over one thing( blacks, jews etc.) and fill the board all day with its hate. If you ask them they cant even tell you why things came to be this way. I feel sorry for them.
Another idiot who sees a turksih flag and immediately spews insults. The video is not about turkey imbecile lol.
I don't care about western media, I only care about my race, enough with these filthy wars.
didn't watch
looks like it's gonna be a coherent rundown of US involvement in the middle east
one single things the hippies ever got right
have a bump for that reason
We all hate you roaches
If the pill is too hard to swallow dont watch.
Also it is not only about middle east, it is a more generalised video.
I skipped to the end and saw the comparison between numbing people with material wealth and religious dogma. Looks interesting and will watch it later.
I watched it and saw plenty of turkish dinduism in it.
I saw the title of the video and closed it. You know there are a few white guys posting on pol, right?
The title is a bit misleading, it could have been chosen better , i agree.
It is about imperialism in general, not race based.
Stop bumping this, its garbage.
Don't waste your time. Nu/pol/ can only regurgitate memes.
t. obese Redditor shills
Sorry no one is going to listen to the agony screams of your dying ideologies.
Shill? yeah right.
Good vid
thanks for the link
Why are Turks so crazy on ppl lately?
Bitte schön.
Despite the title, it isn't a shill video; just points out the flaws of modern arguments using a clever title that would draw attention to it, were it not for its thirty-six minute length.
Pretty based desu.
Even argues Hitler could have been a good guy in a way towards the end.
I will watch your moving picture show mister cockroach
Thanks, as it is mentioned in the video USA itself is not the real evil, the real evil is the pressure groups and lobbyists that is behind the scenes and pushing for an imperialist agenda.
This same group is also against donald trump for his stance against interventionalist policies.
As trump states in 19:20 he is against giving support to people who are probabaly worse than assad.
If you take it into account that guys like george soros is supporting both blm movement and oil fields in kurdistan , the stones fall into place.
alright mr.star and toenail clipping, i'll watch your gay video
give me 36mins
is it your vid ?
>"at that point, you know he's a bitch"
fucking kek
No, but the producer is a short movie maker that is also a friend of mine.
wtf is is britbong soldier on?
Tea ?
>we boycot american products
>start supporting russians ones, and Russia gorows big
>russia BTFO's USA
>now Russia becomes the world bully
It's useless, whoever has power, they will abuse it . It's how the world works.
I dont totally agree with that part also desu.
Russian imperialism will be as scary as western imperialism. What we should do is to keep things in a good check and balance system where neither side gains total domination over others. Especially against free countries.
We all know what has happened in ukraine,syria etc afterall. It is a giant chessboard for these players.
Watch the video pls, the title is a bit click bait.
Also fun fact, the wife of the guy who made this video is romanian.
It was solid. I liked it.
"The white man"...By saying this , you're putting all native Europeans in the same basket without without differentiating them . You're essentializing Europeans.
So why should you be taken seriously ? Why should we listen to what you have to say ? When you're incapable of making the difference between an Irish or a Swedish man ? Or a German , Italian , French , Croatian , Serb , Spanish , Hungarian , ,Polish , Basque , Corsican , Dutch , Estonian ,etc.....etc..
People with different tongues , history , cultures , religions...
And yet the title of your video is "the white man is the real evil"... Implying everyone of us...Without exceptions. We're all the same.
Don't be surprised when one of us says "Muslims"...(making no difference if you're Turkish , Algerian , Pakistani , Morrocan , Chechen , Albanian , Egyptian etc...etc..)
You want to know the truth ? It's not a question of "evil". It's a question of strong vs weak. Smart vs stupid , rich vs poor.
And guess what ? There's a lot of dumb fucking people on this planet. People who get played all the time.
Trump voters got tricked , into giving Neocons even more power than ever before.
(see these videos for proof)
People are FUCKING STUPID. (me included , but i'm smart enough to understand it).
But don't blame all the problems of the world on Indigenous Europeans (or "the white race")...If you don't want to lose credibility.
Nigga, you should have watched the video first instead of just looking at the title before making a wall of text.
okay finished
bumping so thread doesn't die
Cute anzu btw, saved.
No one doing for the lol, eh? Like the Turks who killed pregnant Armenian women opening their wombs and betting on the sex of the umborn they killed...other than that, I agree: both sides are wicked, both sides are full of crap. And yes, the West Governments, and those above them, try to portray themselves as the "good guys".
That's why I agree we should stay away from you guys, we are Euope, you are the Middle East; but, pleae, could you stay away from Europe as well? And don't hate the brainwhased people of Europe and America, don't hate us who are against the same global monster State...or else we're both preaching good and doing the same bad we claim to fight against.
Continued from I actually thought, that Turks like West and Erdogan.
I mean, anti-west hysteria(which is good, imho) is only a Russian thing and always backed by state-run media, like in Russia.
But now, our country is divided by conformists(who just dont care), pro-Putin(who in 84% of occasions are brainwashed) and pro-West(who in 84% of occasions are brainwashed by consumerism and western lifestyle).
The point is: almost everybody has closed themselves inside their imaginary world, without understanding that we can achieve BOTH national independence and western level of life at the same time.
Nobody wants to unite, everybody wants to shit on each other.
>Turks like West
We got enough Turks back home (I'm Italian) to know they hate us...
This. Its a common mistake to overestimate the relevance of your own country vis a vis every other countries. Americans do this alot, but to be fair, its not that off base. Turks do it alot too, and it waaaaay off base. OP is exhibit A for this. Turks are also really big into pants on head crazy conspiracy theories that support again, their wildly overestimate opinion of their own countries importance.
The only redpill in this video is that roaches think they are important, and that because of their special importance vast shadowy plans are being hatched by the United States behind the scenes to overthrow their special land in order to further something something, evil agendas, world domination, gulan, turkey is awesome and righteous and will defend etc etc etc.
ill be back in 36 m8, off the batt tho, i respect what this man is saying. and i respect anyman who refers to his countrymen as his people. i am the same
I agree that every country should work for its own peoples betterment and we should make our reforms by ourselves. Turkey had a huge reform era with the founding of the republic thanks to mustafa kemal. We became a secular modern republic that was in some ways ahead of its time ( check the womens sufferage rights given in 1930 and for example first female fighter pilot being turkish ''sabiha gökçen'')
But nowadays we are falling behind and becoming more close minded due to the outside influence and the current government(and some governments before that). As christians went through a reform era islam should undergo the same era too. But as you can see whenever a middle eastern country starts having progress outside influence fucks it up and you see very radical governments in their place. Check out afghanistan,iran etc. before the government changes. Women were allowed to go into higher educations and were free to wear what they want.
As for the armenian issue, i cant say for certain what happened or what has not but dont you think it is weird taht out of all the genocides,etc in the world only armenian issue and 6 million jews is talked aobut today? No one talks about king leopold 2 who killed 10 million kongo citizens, or american indians that were killed.
I am not giving these examples to say they should also be balmed but to show that how your perceptions can be manipulated.
Sup, Cenk
>But nowadays we are falling behind and becoming more close minded due to the outside influence and the current government(
Like it was before mass media. And I think it's a good thing: being wary of others is never a bad thing.
>As for the armenian issue, i cant say for certain what happened or what has not but dont you think it is weird taht out of all the genocides,etc in the world only armenian issue and 6 million jews is talked aobut today? No one talks about king leopold 2 who killed 10 million kongo citizens, or american indians that were killed.
I agree, we all come unclean at the nd of the day, and everyone focuses on the massacres (real or not) which mostly help its cause.
The video tries to be "neutral", bu it can't, because (let's e honest) no human opinion is free of biases.
About 40-45 percent likes erdoğan but the funny thing is if you pull a random passer by from the street and ask them if they like west or america they will say they hate it. And hate the american capitalism.
Which is pretty funny because nearly all of the turkish governments came and sat at that position with the blessing of the USA. The current government we have was in leauge with gülen until at some point they couldnt share the rule of the country. That is when erdoğan and gülen started to fight and that is when western backed media started saying things like '' erdoğan is opressing the minorities '' etc.
Comic about Islam being created by the Vatican imgur.com
1400years history of islamic terror, murder and violence
Turkey is not a very strong country , not at its current state. But it is imporant due to its geopolitical location.
Check out qatar-turkey pipeline, turkish stream and iran-ıraq-syria pipeline and you will see the answer clearly.
Lots of countries are "important" due to "location". being important by location is just another term for being a pawn. Important to who, for what reason, and why?
Hmm a bit irrelevant but i have to add this, it is known that one of the teachers of mohammad was varaka bin nevfel. And he was a priest before his conversion. What is funny about that guy is since he knew both the old and the new testament it is suspected that msot clauses on quran is made by him. And when he died abruptly mohammad had to pay some money to jews for them to translate the odl testament for him ( which mohammad curses in quran for it)
All of them are fairytales for the grown ups but as i said, still a bit irrelevant.
What's up with the title ?
okay mr.nail clipping and star, watched it in between doing other shit.
this is a ramble; don't bother reading all of it:
desu, it's basically babby's first intro to imperialism and western world hegemony and the power of money, nothing that any reasonably cynical, well read, discerning and critical thinking individual shouldn't have already figured out by now.
but that's obviously not the target audience; the target audience will never watch this, and that is altogether unfortunate, really, as there is a poignant (enough) message for those that aren't in the bigshot countries, those that are basically background characters on the world stage
okay, as for this claim of yours
>This is probably the msot unbiased video you will ever get about it from an outside perspective.
>I watched it and saw plenty of turkish dinduism in it.
kinda this
ehhhh, doubt it (concerning relative lack of bias), but since i don't watch this stuff I can't make a counter claim having nothing to I can make a comparison, but any time a turk talks about armenia (or viceversa) I have to remain skeptical and must assume the existence of bias - whatever
I really don't give a shit about that historical occurrence, or non-occurrence.
disregarding all these turkish particulars, the analysis of the "american condition" is nothing I've not heard before, even some of them seem to come to the same conclusion, not a criticisms, just an observation and an reinforcement; if more of them could see themselves, and realise their own condition, perhaps "things" would be different
thing is, all people are like this
most of humanity, say, 98%, is braindead in some form or other, so simply saying "those dumb violent fatsos!" "they ruin everything!" doesn't negate the personal responsibilities of all other peoples (not that the vid appeared to advocate this thinking, just another observation)
okay, whatever not the main takeaway,
good, general points:
>"what should we in the east be doing?"
>"we should start doing what they do in the west"
>"we should start using our brains otherwise we deserve to be crushed"
yes, the west has ruled uncontested for 500 years, basically since the siege of vienna, and the US since they found themselves to be the only western man left standing after WW2
there are too many reasons for this to get into
background, "NPC" countries risk getting swallowed up, losing and last vestiges of idenity that they may still hold dear
i visited myanmar a week after coca-cola was introduced; already that place is rapidly changing, and not all for the best
there is a variety to this earth, and it's a personal belief of mine that the bland, homogenised and plastic culture promoted by american corpratism isn't a good thing
but, of course, if you cannot withstand this nigh-unstoppable force, though it would be a shame for your culture to die out and be forever lost, one must ask whether or not something so weak deserves existence at all in that case?
>buying and supporting local
I agree. I attempt to do this where it makes sense, and in many cases it is in the best interests of a local populace to do that, however this isn't what corporate america wants, and hence not what the american govt wants
I am reminded in this case of the situation regarding african rice in certain african countries; basically, america dumps cheap, low quality rice there "in the name of charity" - it's subsidised in some fashion.
problem is that because this imported stuff is sooo cheap, local production just cannot compete; local economies just can't get off the ground and thus the nigs remain poor, and shit, even if they try to better their situation in the way that the non-liberal (non-freehandout) americans scream at them to do: "get a job!" "start a business!" - well they fucking tried that, but the game is too rigged against them because the will of american grand strategy requires this to be so,
again, whatever
if it's too weak to fight back, does it deserve existence? I mean, really? honestly?
birth location is the luck of the draw, and so many have lucked out
oh well
do your best, give your all, even, or lie down in the gutter and die
rambled, sorry: basically, if your country is in ironsights of corporate america, no amount of buying local shit will help you, unless you're a main character country (like russia), and even then you're gonna fight one hell of an uphill battle.
>propaganda war
>begin development effective projection of soft power
to educate your own denizens, yes, but attempting to get the majority of westerners to look at an alternate POV is another uphill battle of it's own
perhaps with so many americans beginning to truly doubt the narratives spun by their own MSM, there is a chance to thrust a foot in the door and interject - and offer a different voice and message
I think that discussion is a good thing, and that stewing in too much of your own propaganda is a fucking bad thing, as it allows the power elites in whichever country you are in too much control
this is good for no one but a very, very small group of people
anyway, it's not all bad of a video, all said and done (if you gloss over some shit), but it does have flaws
Topkek you fucking milkdrinker
i dont care about the ME we could nuke it tomorrow i wouldnt bat an eye
those are other human beings whove been influenced and exploited like everyother country. the video was actually quite good and goes on o say that hitler was indeed right. on a serious note you fuckingg leaf we should be able to show compassion to one another, especially if you see something taking place sheerly out of ignorance of eachother situation
This is why I always pretend to be Canadian when I visit Turkey. Not that it's a whole lot better, but the irrational hatred of average Joe Americans by the Turks is frightening to me. Anyway, Turkbro I'll watch your friend's video after work today.
hahaha murrishits are scared of saying where they come from. really makes me think
>hey this video has some valid point
>gets to the gun section
also, the whole fat thing was a cheap shot. Americans are well aware of how fat they are. We are reminded all of the fucking time on the news. It entire video started losing credibility after that.
>those are other human beings whove been influenced and exploited like everyother country
and I totally agree with the Turkish OP on this. Overall it was an interesting video.
Thanks for the input, it was a good read.
Than russia and china nukes you and congrats, welcome to fallout 5. If you jest that is not a very funny one, if you dont that is a brain dead sentence.
>Than russia and china nukes you and congrats
So I started to watch it and the title is putting me off is it breaking down the culture that promotes this or something? I need to know this before I use 30 mins of my life for something.
Honestly it's the same in Europe and I do it there too. There's a real stigma to being American in a lot of places. We're seen less as individuals are more like walking embodiments of our government's "evils."
To add to that i would like to say even though game is between Players and most countries are NPCs, npcs can survive by balancing the players against each other.
Player A has interest in your region ? Most probably Player B has an interest in it also, so play them against each other.
It is dangerous and may erupt violently (as it was in the case of ukraine which got rekt while trying to get close to the west) But the other chocie is no choice at all. You will be a pawn that will be used and thrown away.
Ehh I did transformer substation contracting around the world for 10 years and I never gave a shit. It's mostly the milenial generation that fears for how people view them.
Well, i am not arguing about your constitution and dont want to turn this into anti-gun pro-gun debate. But dont you think it is a coincidence that there is a giant gun lobby in USA and lots of school shootings with a rate that is not happening in any other country?
For example i cant remember a single school shooting that has happened in turkey . At all.
Also , i dont totally agree with the every part of the video , but it got most of the things right.
And again, i would like to state that this video is not anti-american or against american citizens. It is aimed against the lobbies and imperialistic powers behind the thrones. As stated in the video, they attack Trump because of his non-interventionist stance.
Title is misleading, it is very pro Sup Forums in most aspects.
Oh, unless you are a US soldier people are generally pretty cool with tourists. Just dont go to eastern parts of the country.
It's a decent watch. The title doesn't make sense it should be changed to why "imperialism" is the real evil.
>check falg
Time saved.
it's an alternate point of view
it's not unhealthy to hear it
you may agree, you may disagree
it's best to hear it and, if that's your inclination, disagree, if only so that you know WHY you disagree
blind adherence to regurgitated or inherited information is never a good thing
question, reason, reject or accept
you owe your own mind this
>But the other chocie is no choice at all. You will be a pawn that will be used and thrown away.
what else can be done?
i mean, my country's been american-friendly since the americans used it as their lauching pad into indochina during the vietnam war
we hosted multiple CIA torture blacksites under obama (and perhaps still do) and look to the american hegemon to save us from the awakening, historical hegemon that is china.
shit's too messy, yo
i'm gonna go to sleep and dream some more peaceful dreams
>6 million Jews
You Lost me there.
You totally missed the point and flew right ot the moon. I thought getting triggered was only a sjw thing?
>I thought getting triggered was only a sjw thing?
Nobody gets as triggered as easily as reactionaries. You're talking about the type of people who became Nazis because some feminist made a shitty youtube series about vidya games