Honestly, I love pc. Why? Because racist people and sexist people don't deserve to fucking speak. History envolving something offensive should be burned. Trigger warnings make sense since nobody wants to read offensive garbage. When I hear political correctness invading colleges, it's good, because racists and sexists don't deserve an education. Freedom of speech is good and all, but only if you don't abuse it. Political correctness is the right way to go. No more homophobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, or fascists invading the country and scaring the youth. They'll all be rotting in a prison cell because they couldn't get an education and they're stupid. Not like they could get an education if they tried. Social justice is a good thing. We're fighting for a good cause. Facists and retards hate us because they want to continue being piles of shit and hurt other people based on skin color or sex. Just accept the fact that political correctness and social justice will overtake the government and everybody will be happy again. No more stressful bullshit and everybody would be nice to each other and nobody would insult or hurt each other over stupid shit like their skin color or sex. Social justice needs to be served. Political correctness should be allowed throughout America. Justice needs to be served. All you racists and misogynistic idiots should be scared, because once political correctness and social justice take over America, you'll all be rotting in a prison cell being raped by Jemal.
Honestly, I love pc. Why? Because racist people and sexist people don't deserve to fucking speak...
>if i close muh eyes maybe ppl will stop disagreeing with me :D
You are a soft cunt which is why we win and will continue to win. Also, If this post is real, I'm guessing you are a chick or jewish or both.
Why do you like racism, fascism, sexism etc.? It shouldn't be allowed. It's awful and disgusting.
I bothers me that this exists in mainstream politically correct culture
So? It's just a movie. There's nothing wrong with it. Stop being triggered.
It's fucking depressing that there are people who actually think like this.
Try harder with the bait next time
You should grow a spine, it's pretty awesome. I can stand up without others supporting me.
Things you think are awful and disgusting shouldn't be allowed?
Why are you such a homophobe?
it bothers me you'd silence ppls opinions because you find it offensive when its probably centrist right /light desu :?
>Your rights end where my feelings begin!
Neck yourself, you delicate little cuck
I'm not for the hatred of other people for no reason, and I judge people on their merits.
But there are clearly intrinsic biological differences in the races and sexes and this has to be taken into account.
How am I a fucking homophobe? I'm gay, idiot. It's not my fault you're a shit human being that hates in people based on stereotypes and what their appearance is.
Oh my god, I'm not saying that everyone with an opinion should be executed. I'm saying people who don't contribute to society and bash others for stupid reasons like race or sexuality are complete idiots.
>How am I a fucking homophobe?
Because you think that something disgusting you is a valid reason for why it should not be allowed.
Did you fail English?
We stopped being racist and sexist. It resulted in nothing but people being racist and sexist against us.
What you speak of results in an open season on white people - where all non-whites are free to murder whites and no one is allowed to say a word.
Fuck off to Tumblr or Reddit. There's plenty of ignorant human garbage like you there, you'll belong there.
>you'll all be rotting in a prison cell being raped by Jemal.
But at least you let us live, right?
It's like you don't know what it means. Homophobe means you hate gay people. God, did you fail English?
>people think that gays are awful and disgusting, and so should not be allowed
Obvious bait since a truly PC person would not use the word 'retard'. Try again in a week or two.
No, you never stopped. Nobody is being racist or sexist twords you. You just interperitate it that way because you're stupid. If someone's against racists, why would they be racist? Idiot.
Maximum overbait. Good job, (((crew))) Jew.
Yes, they shouldn't. They're stupid idiots who base their judgments on stereotypes.
But it's true. Some of these people are retarded.
Sorry you can't handle reality, hun. :)
> Racism against white people doesn't exist, but fuck white people xD
> Sexism against men doesn't exist, but fuck, are you a virgin loser or something? xD
It's depressing that racists and homophobes have the right to say whatever they want
Go back to your fucking safe space faggot
Yup, I read "retard" and realized OP was an ablest bigot and would go to jail like the rest of Sup Forums
3/8 needs work
Stereotypes like the image of the enemy you have in your head, that you use to justify whatever evil you impose upon them?
That's not what I fucking mean. People can be racist agains white people AND sexism exists against men. Not all SJWs are idiots.
You probably like that gay sex music video on YouTube as well huh?
Awww baby can't handle a word. :(((
Sorry you're retarded. Maybe your idiotic father shouldn't have dropped you as a baby.
Calling someone racist,sexist or racist is not a argument.
>you'll all be rotting in a prison cell being raped by Jemal.
Not very PC to assume a person with a name like "Jamal", which I am sure you are aware is associated with negative stereotypes towards POC, is going to be in jail or may show a tendency for rape...
OP is a faggot once again
In English next time
You are a faggot, and a nigger.
It's depressing that anti-white racists and obnoxious cunts who pose themselves as victims whenever someone disagrees with them have that right as well.
Too bad. You're still enabling those people, and you always will.
Get the memo, window-licker, you're supposed to call retards, "cognitively impaired" or "differently abled"
How are you gonna bait if you're using old soc-jus parlance?
You're a mudslim pajeet.
Bad man in head space not like bad man in real space always.
>Posts a thread wanting to change reality because you can't handle reality.
>Implies others can't handle reality.
Wew lad.
It is, since they're stupid and stereotypical idiots.
Did I assume he was black? Stop assuming things idiot.
I'm not, they're enabling themselves.
I'll fukin knock you out m8, swear on me mum.
>why can you say things I don't like
Free speech laws are designed to protect things you don't want to hear. political tides ebb and flow and when others want to censor your views you will be glad the laws are there to protect them.
"Window licker" okay kid. Isn't it a school day or something?
Could you please delete this post? This is violating my safe space. I don't like swear words and you just triggered me.
It's 2017, why are you still swearing? Stop hurting my feelings!
Well, why can't freedom of speech be changed so it doesn't apply to racists or sexists?
I believe that you are racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic facist white cis het scum. By your argument you do deserve to speak, you do not deserve an education, everything you say and do should be burnt to prevent other people taking offence. You should be "rotting in prison".
Or I respect the idea that people can hold different beliefs to me and will happily discuss our differences with people who also believe in tolerating a difference of opinion.
Shut up idiot. You sound like a triggered snow flake. Get out. You're not a true SJW
Could you not? You're being really mean to me. You are a hypocrite! You are not politcally correct right now!
You don't even realize how much harm you do with swearing!
>cis scum
What's wrong with that? Also yes, people who talk like that don't deserve freedom of speech. They abuse it I'm harmful and offensive ways so they can hurt other people and laugh at them.
hey pc fag. i think i speak for all of us freedom loving people
go fuck a cactus with your anus.
Wow man, trigger warning please! Some of us have had really bad experiences with snow.
Swearing is a subjective. It doesn't mean anything if it isn't purposefully intending to innocent people. But it is to idiots. But you seem smart so sorry for offending you.
Uhm, please don't use the words "bad experience" It triggers unhappy events for me!
OP is not PC right now!
Lol what flag even is that? I bet it's some deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Ha.
I'm sorry it's just these people dude
You're racist, you don't deserve to speak or have an education and should be in prison.
my money is worth 20% more than your US dollar, you poor fag.
And it's a tax free country.
So, is all likely hood. I make more money than you. Possibly, ever will.
Fucking awful bait. You should be ashamed of yourself
Lol okay good luck hunting for food and praying foor a 1mb upload speed. I bet you don't even have a walmart
>history being offensive should be burned
hitler did that too
Honestly, I love pc. Why? Because racist people and sexist people don't deserve to fucking speak. History envolving something offensive should be burned. Trigger warnings make sense since nobody wants to read offensive garbage. When I hear political correctness invading colleges, it's good, because racists and sexists don't deserve an education. Freedom of speech is good and all, but only if you don't abuse it. Political correctness is the right way to go. No more homophobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, or fascists invading the country and scaring the youth. They'll all be rotting in a prison cell because they couldn't get an education and they're stupid. Not like they could get an education if they tried. Social justice is a good thing. We're fighting for a good cause. Facists and retards hate us because they want to continue being piles of shit and hurt other people based on skin color or sex. Just accept the fact that political correctness and social justice will overtake the government and everybody will be happy again. No more stressful bullshit and everybody would be nice to each other and nobody would insult or hurt each other over stupid shit like their skin color or sex. Social justice needs to be served. Political correctness should be allowed throughout America. Justice needs to be served. All you racists and misogynistic idiots should be scared, because once political correctness and social justice take over America, you'll all be rotting in a prison cell being raped by Jemal.
Stop looking down on uneducated and stupid people, you classist, ableist bigot.
hunting for food? jesus h hilly billy christ.
Have you ever been out side of the US of A?
wtf,you troglodyte.
we have malls and grocery stores. ffs.
wtf, you are more dense than lead.
>Freedom of speech isnt free :DDDDDDDDDDD
Oh, another bait thread.
in that case, faggot, you're a weak beta cuck that needs the side of their head caved in. Never have I read such autistic, hypocritical bullshit. Nigga Jews like you need to be hanged and gassed, before being thrown in the oven to make delicious pizza.
sage sage sage
>Makes a thread crying about words
>Says others can't handle words
5/7 troll
It is dude. But not to racists and sexists. They don't deserve it
Lol okay. Wtf is your island even called? I bet it's smaller than my neigbourhood
Whatever butthurt idiot
hover over my fucking flag, you new fag
>thinly veiled commie thread
>newfags bump it
just like any other day on Sup Forums
is that the best you've got, cunt? Not only do i support hate speech, I support violence against fucking dickheads such as yourself.
Hover over their flag, it's the Cayman Islands, you rural and suburban idiot. I'm literally triggered by your ignorance of geography.
IDIOT from the french, meaning effete, feminine and weak minded.
Its an apt term for you, and i can guarantee you use the term a LOT yourself, now that you know its entirely offensive to women, will it prevent you from using it?
Not fucking likely.
Silence ends in violence.
The majority win.
See? These are the people I'm talking about. Fuck off bigot.
Big error there. PC people hate the word retarded.
Why can't it be changed so it doesn't apply to egalitarians and gays?
Whatever. Fuck off. I bet you got that shit from Wikipedia. Fucking racist.
I'm using a phone idiot
I'm allowed to be a bigot, cunt. I can say whatever the fuck I want, and you can continue to cry about it. I'm proud to be a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic bigot. Come at me fuckhead I'll smash ya head in
Wow, you're an ignorant scumbag? Who would've knew? God, I bet you base your assumptions off of stereotypes your boyfriend gave you. Fuck off.
Polical correctness is ok as long as it's not Changes reality.
special benefits to certain grupo because something other group did a long time a go is not PC
if you want true political correctness groups like women, transgender do not need to get any special benefit, especially not on the back of other groups.
just treat everyone equally. affirmative action can be good, except today it's being abused as well
lol...EXACTLY hahahah *mysides
Fight me
you failed any sane bay area cali citizen would know that calling ppl retarded is in violation of the sjw codes of standards wowwwwwww good jub :)
There IS NO SJW codes idiot fuck. Give me a link idiot
Oh wow, look at you using a phone. What about the people that don't have enough money to own phones, you capitalist-enabling classcuck? While you're virtue signalling about the the virtues of PC culture and social justice on an Indonesian basket-weaving forum, people are literally dying from hunger.
Thank you. These idiots just don't get it.
I say, it truly is a terrible shame the fact that you are trolling to get a harsh response rather than actually believing what you wrote.
>inb4 sociopathic attacks.
political correctness has no place in this world. It's whats wrong with the world as we speak
we have a president, placing a ban, that is entirely legal. Yet PC army is trying to prevent it.
PC this PC that. They are ones screaming racist for not wanting to allow millions of immigrants into your country.
PC morons are exactly that. MORONS. I can't stand PC, Wont' ever be PC. And despise all those as weak minded that follow PC.
Being PC is literally saying to the world. I do not have an original thought in my head. I follow the crowd because im afraid to not be accepted.
how fucking weak.
>God, I bet you base your assumptions off of stereotypes your boyfriend gave you.