>Moinstreem meteor
he is right about people abusing anti depression medication
i don't know about this guy i subscribed alex not you
Actually if depression is a chemical imbalance how can you still be sad if you know it's just your brain memeing itself? Can't you just ignore it?
That's like saying if you know the cancer is killing you can't you just ignore it
Most people don't have the choice. They go to a specialist that prescribe them whatever and it's either they take the drug or they don't, and if they don't they won't get the help they should get because they're instantly considered as someone that doesn't want to get better.
You need to realize that that's how the system works and i speak from experience since i'm in this exact situation.
>taking this idiot seriously
He actually makes some good points desu, but he always takes it too far and is repetitive
I have some hard time to believe that someone typed this stupid shit but let me answer nonetheless :
You can't. The same way you can't ignore a sharp pain.
>good points
such as continent where you live matters when you measure IQ, not race at all. Stop being racist nazi bigot.
Congrats for listening Jewish shill, takes a special kind of retard to do that
try to see a specialist which will talk to you, give you advice and not just hand you drugs
aka a real specialist
and you do have a choice
i also speak from exp
That's right
I have tried everything. Nothing is working. It's too late for me, boys
it's really not. depression is mental and the mind can be controlled.
maybe YOU can't but it is doable
stop eating lemons
is that mark riptoe?
>an ADOREBLE gurl wolks in
>my PEENUS becomes stiff and I staht tah feel like BILL CLINTOHN
>SOOPAH MALE VITALUHTY kicks in so I get the cohredge tah TOLK tah her
>can't fink of somethin tah say
>"OI! Did yew know NOINTEY FOH PASENT of peeple don't trost the MAYNE-STREEM MEATIER"
>she looks confused so I tolk moh loudly
>IMAJUN MY SHOCK whin she stahts to roon away
>that fill wun no GEE-EFF
>try to see a specialist which will talk to you, give you advice and not just hand you drugs
aka a real specialist
Doesn't work like that. Besides being against drugs is fucking retarded. I'm against the trend of pushing drugs in every single case, but i'm not against the drugs themselves.
Depression IS a chemical imbalance and we still don't know the origins of it. We don't fix a chemical imbalance through small talking with a specialist.
Besides anxiety and fight or fly mechanics can cause massive physical harm if they're experienced for a long time. What would you do in such a case ? You need to realize that past a certain point drugs ARE needed to avoid further damages or falling in a more severe depression.
Being anti-drugs is stupid just like being pro-drugs is stupid.
He really isn't.
>maybe YOU can't but it is doable
It's not. You don't fix a moderate to severe depression by "powering through" like you kids fueled by movies and various power fantasies like to think. Stop romanticizing pain.
I say it again, a fucking pseudoitelectual that has no clue of what he is talking.
I had a friend with depresion and you cant counter it with a "dude be happy and smile" thats not how it works.
They are like stones, dead cold, nothing inside them, they feel shit and empty. You cant make them smile because their brains arent working properly. They are so fucked up that can sleep like for two days and dont give a shit.
If a doctor tells you that you have Clinical Depression treatment is requiered, if your family fel for his meme "du smile a bit" then that you will comit suicide in less that a year
by anglo standards he is
if you think it doesnt work like that then drug yourself
i dont care if some random person online thinks drugs are good or bad
you could have just write that you disagree with me and not waste my time
i tought he is just dumb, but after his retarded video about culture i genuinely think that he is part of left wing false-flag operation
>spend 10-16 hours a day on a Taiwanese snuff film aggregator website
>masturbate 2-5 times per day
>play video games intermittently
>watch Dear White People and other shitty movies/TV shows when not shitposting, playing video games, or masturbating
m8 you have a constant influx of high speed entertainment. New shitposts are merely an F5 away. Your brain is fried because it can't register the concept of long term rewards anymore. You're not depressed because you're a medkit with shit genetics but because you have a constant influx of information and entertainment.
Go read a book and spend a few months away from the computer and most of your mental health problems will disappear.
Then shut the fuck up retard.
With that amount of projecting you should consider opening a theater, Cletus.
stop stopping
You should romanticize the overcoming of pain. Depression can have causes and in some cases can be overcome.
See if you actually stepped back from the computer for a little while, you would recognize that people are giving you good advice and you would stop being such a thankless piece of shit. A lot of people here are in the same boat. Everybody is depressed and looking for a rush, even when it's as simple as a like on kikebook.
I'm guessing you're like 14 years old but if you speak to somebody who grew up before the internet was so ubiquitous, I'll bet that they were much happier back then.
With that amount of projecting you should consider opening a theater, Cletus.
Yes, when the causes are minor.
Except i'm not talking about a teenager being depressed because he feels he's ugly.
See, you're projecting again. You're making baseless statements and nobody will ever thank you for the stupid shit you're posting. Realize that.
Are the drugs helping you, Army Knife Bro?
Wish i could answer you. Got prescribed the equivalent of Lexapro for crippling anxiety running since eight months now but i didn't took it.
I'm on the verge of trying though. The reason i'm not taking it is that i'm convinced my state is caused by something else, notably Lyme disease since i got bitten by a tick.
But since the disease is virtually undiagnosable i'm stuck in a state where i feel like shit 24 / 7 and nobody can tell why i suffer. If you don't understand why i'm anxious maybe now you do. Imagine feeling like you have the flu every single day of your life, imagine being tired from the moment you wake up from the moment you go to sleep, imagine feel dizzy all the time.
That's why i laugh at retards with their "powering through" bullshit. When you're stuck in a situation like this one, without considerable physical manifestations, there isn't much you can do.
* with
I'm sorry you're going through all that shit, man. I sincerely hope you're able to find the silver lining somewhere. I wish you the best of luck.
>haha, i managed to overcome my teenager years where Becky refused to go on a date with me, i was sooooo depressed, it means you can power through depression, gotta be the man, i'm such a fucking badass !
That's not how it works Billy.
Mental Illnesses are often a scam by the mental health care industry for you to undergo unnecessary procedures and take unnecessary drugs because people care more to make money, rather that effectively resolve the "health" issue
>laughing at people which talk about powering through
Well at least their not depressed faggots though.
You don't fix depression.
You either keep going or you commit suicide
Another bitter red pill to swallow.
Exactly. Hence why they should shut the fuck up about something they don't and didn't had to experience.
>ITT retards that can't into self knowledge
A depressed fag can't make me shut up. I bet you're just a little weakling who can't really power through you're little post-puberty depression.
You must be Swiss-French.
Can I have your rifle?
>Self knowledge
>Let's see, i'm ugly, lonely, loveless and stuck with a chronic disease that basically kills my endurance and tolerance to stress or any kind of moderate physical work which means i'm not "tailored" anymore for our "modern" societies which includes everything from meeting new people or entering the job market
If anything, being depressed is because you have too much self knowledge. Ignorance is bliss.
keep telling yourself that're the one who will suffer.
I'm really sorry for making fun of you. You must really know what true darkness and despair is.
Wrong kiddo, mental disease is diagnosed a ton on public health systems where the last thing they want is to give out drugs to everyone.
My brother has OCD and Depression but only takes meds for his OCD.
I don't. And i don't want to. But i had, and still have, my fair share of stupid bullshit. And i know for a fact that you can't power through everything, sometimes things are out of your control. This is maturity. And this is what you guys should try to achieve.
Haven't got mine yet. Have to wait till i get into the military(and even then i have to go through a bothersome process just to keep it afterwards).
Not everyone can get their rifle at Wallmart.
I'll start rowing in my rubber boat. Maybe I'll get there about the time you're ready.
Pathetic desu.
>implying I don't know I'm flawed
>implying I haven't gotten over it
M8, self knowledge is not knowing you're shit, it's knowing why.
>le ignant is blizz
You are so stupid. You deserve to be depressed, specially in today's age where knowledge is just a click away.
Dude stop arguing with these fucking retards, first of all you have to learn to ignore americans, they always come in guns blazing firing their opinions as if they were facts and if you disagree with them they bombard you with ad hominem and country insults.
They always act like they're experts on any subject that's being talked about to boot while having next to no education on the matter, mental disease is very real and medical treatment is crucial for you to get better sometime.
By the way what makes you think you have lyme's disease? Have you told any medic this?
Be careful mate. To get here you must go through France which is full of sandniggers. Take enough ammo with you.
>Have to wait till i get into the military
You didn't do the obligatory service ? Are you fucking underrage ? I did mine at 18 like every one else. Man it explains the whole edgy post you spouted before, then.
Can I have your drugs?
I'll pray for you to fall into crippling depresion just so you know that you can't power through it, this isn't some teen girl tantrum stupid fuck, its an actual medical condition that forces a lot of people into suicide.
Ne ich habs verschoben. Bin momentan zu beschäftigt,daher mach ichs erst mich 22,mach dann aber gleich Durchdiener damit ichs hinter mir habe.
Bin 21 btw
Check this out if you got time to waste. No promises.
>it's knowing why.
And you think that knowing the cause automatically means there's a solution ? You stupid fucking monumental retard. Do you think that someone psychically broken (not my case, it's an example) because he was molested during his youth, or had to experience the war and lost his parents can just magically get better because he knows that he's a mess because of that ? Do you think that someone that took a drug for years, and know is stuck with permanent side-effects (like some old ass drugs that weren't properly tested) will magically get better by knowing that he's in such a state because he took the said drug ?
Knowing doesn't mean shit. Self knowledge doesn't mean shit. If you are "deficient" in our societies you rather be dead.
This guy has the opinions I had when I was a 14 year old
I fucking despise this guy
Self knowledge is just the first step user and its the easiest the 2nd step is action and its the hardest one.
Thanks for that post, was starting to feel stuck alone in a kids playground.
Yeah i told my doc about this and his answers were vague, if not evasive. Can't blame him since it's very hard to treat a chronic Lyme and even harder to diagnose it properly in the first place.
I mean it could be Lyme or everything else but the symptoms i have are similar to Lyme and i got bitten by a tick before all this shit started so, yeah, who knows. But they're pushing the whole "you're JUST depressed and anxious, nothing else" at me right now and i refuse to believe it. Too much people died from shit diagnosis like this one.
Lol faggot, it is a teenager-tier "phase", I've been sad, you could stretch it to depressed, but never any longer than one or two weeks. I've always been able to power through and find meaning and purpose on things whenever I get too sad, basically distract myself from the bad shit around me, but ever since I started researching self knowledge 3 years ago I haven't really been as sad as I used to
>have no friends
>talk to people outside of work probably once a month for no more than 20 minutes
>very low money, live almost paycheck to paycheck
>car could break down any minute
>tfw no gf
>I'm overweight/could lose about 20 lbs
>I'm 22 and bald as fuck
>live in a really tiny room
>computer broke and watch everything on my phone
And I really don't care much about it, what's the point in being depressed?
And you know what? If it's really a medical condition (which its not, it's just children being raised by bad parents into being pussies and never knowing how to handle life) that really makes you want to kill yourself, maybe it's just meant to be. Just kys, it's Darwinism, if you can't make it in the world, if you're not fit enough for it then you'll die, and you should since you're holding back the gene pool
>Inb4 I'm le angry >:^(
>tacos de home
You have to go back
>ignore Americas
Ignore this wall, bitch
I'm sorry to hear all that army knife user.
I overcame some awful depression in my day and had to fight off Lyme Disease after I caught it from my ex-gf who caught it from a bite she got in Prague and was a long term sufferer of it. Apparently you can get it as an STD according to my specialist I saw as it's almost the exact same bacterium type as I think Syphillis? Maybe Gonorrhea? Whichever one is a spirochete bacteria.
Once you know how to treat it, you'll get better extremely quick. Try and find a doctor who specialises in Lyme and they'll get you on anti-parasitics. Your bite transmission of it probably came with parasitic co-infections that cause all of the worst symptoms of "Lyme." Just get on those and have an Epsom salt bath ready to go after taking them. The parasites dying release a whole lot of toxins in you and it's extremely painful, so jumping in an Epsom salt bath soon after it will nip the pain in the bud and draw out toxins in the skin.
Once those symptoms clear up and you get on some good anti-biotics, that brain fog and depression clears up quick. I felt better in days and was cured in 6 weeks.
You got this famiglia.
I've done that.
Didn't do shit, and I'm pissed that retards like you advice utter nonsense like this.
was a great video.
much better than Pewdiepie's dogshit video about forced happiness (let's be real, he can't even finish a whole sentence in English.). it's rather the opposite that's true for clickbait videos and shock values.
You really sound like the type of guy that should be giving out life improvement advice then.
ok attractive british guy
Kek. So you're telling me a 35 billion dollar per year industry (therapy) is all bullshit because muh drugs and muh wars. You're telling me that my NCO who went through war and was diagnosed with PTSD after 3 tours in Iraq is faking being OK? He's having mental breakdowns and attempting suicide all the time? Dude, shut the fuck up, go jack off your depression boner at /r9k/, you pathetic fuck, if you can't even bother to try something that has helped others, but instead call it bullshit and fake then you deserve to have your edgy depression.
>M-muh daddy touched my lower intestine
Kek, OK, cool story, I bet you liked it too faggot. Implying you're the only one. What's the point on being sad over shit? What is there to gain on duelling on shit that happened in the past?
You need to go to a different doctor and feed him all the symptoms of lyme when he starts asking, do not directly tell him that you think you have lyme because doctors do not like being told what to diagnose by their patients.
>this whole post
I can't stop laughing. I'm also amazed that people like you exist. You're one of the reason why Sup Forums is often considered as a bunch of clueless retards without too much insight on anything whatsoever but that speaks loudly nonetheless.
>I've been sad
>you could stretch it to depressed
>but never any longer than one or two weeks. I've always been able to power through and find meaning and purpose on things whenever I get too sad
Yeah so basically the definition of something that isn't a depression ? What do you think a depression is, retard, being sad ?
What's the definition of depression then, medicpack?
>Inb4 void, no hope, lost meaning to live
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
anti depressiva dont work.
I've been in mental institution for over a year and tried every medicament that is prescribable in switzerland. It's literally a scam and all you get is side effects. I don't know if it's the same everywhere else, but here it is.
i am never sad. i am informed
Hey, i'm not saying therapy and drugs don't work. I'm saying "powering through" is a meme in most mental illnesses scenarios.
You don't "power through". You go through therapy and treatment and serious lifestyle changes. But the problem is that the latter isn't always doable.
From which kanton are you?
If you take the meds check your liever regularely. I advise you not to to take them
>The reason i'm not taking it is that i'm convinced my state is caused by something else, notably Lyme disease since i got bitten by a tick.
>That's why i laugh at retards with their "powering through" bullshit.
i think you are the retard you sad pathetic piece of shit
>stop being depressed
stop trying to make me sudoku. I'm constantly on the edge anyway.
After years of depression the only thing I found that worked was pretending to not be depressed and forcing myself into situations that demanded personal growth.
Pushing your limitations and finding real people you can trust is paramount