Why are you not investing in Gold Bullion?

Why are you not investing in Gold Bullion?

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Because there are plenty of options with better return/risk ratios currently.

>earning 360 euros per month

tfw too poor

I am.

better invest in food and bullets, gold is useless. Can't shoot it and can't eat it

actually that's exactly what I'm doing.

I do

because silver is raising in price faster and they use it in electronics so its constantly disappearing, soon silver will be even more rare than gold

>mfw gold is going down a value

if i drop a gold bar on you from the 3rd floor of my fortified home it would likely kill you
or at least allow me to come smother you with a silver bar


No where to stash it. Don't trust the bank. I think Chase won't even let you deposit it in a safe deposit box anymore. Don't want to keep it at home... never would be able to go on vacation. Earthquakes, tsunami's could wipe you out. Honestly, I want to put a portion of my money in gold, but I wouldn't trust a vault, and wouldn't trust my neighbors. And, wouldn't ever buy paper gold.

Sure, that's true.
But in a shootout it's useless, what are you expecting your enemy to wait until you can throw it?

Is the US that bad that your neighbours will rob you

Gold goes in the pooper.

my body is ready for the market to fluctuate.

How would I buy gold and how could I protect it? Poorfag btw

Rural areas are more honorable and old fashioned. And of course, don't tell anyone you have it. But seriously, I'm not putting my retirement in a hole in the backyard. That I won't be able to find again later.

just hide it lol

It's a little late to buy it now... The price is high after several years of becoming more and more valuable... Better to wait for it to come down.

Just buy a safe and hide it under the floorboards or something

its not like safes exist or you can hide shit in a home or anything
>didnt buy on trump dip
>dosent pickup bullion in end of year selloffs

approx 30 to 40 $ / gram
don't need to buy a whole ounce.


gib gold back

All I'm seeing's green

gold is just like every other piece of shit humans have used as currency it only has value if you believe in it and I don't.

Without even looking at the chart, I can guess that gold is coming off a recent climb/high. That's always when investments are pushed to the public. So the (((smart money))) have someone on the other side to offload to before it goes down.
Fuck off.

Good ideas m8pais thanks.

When will it come down?

The global economy is going to crash within two years. 100% guaranteed.

Because I shifted a good portion of my savings...shit... 10 years ago for half the cost ;P

Here you go, poorfag.


So apparently it used to be illegal to own gold? What the fuck kind of jewry was that?

honestly would never be able to feel calm when away from the house. I have thought about this, like well, I guess I would feel safe doing it if I lived in a big house with a gate with a wall safe and a bad ass police department that protect the rich people, like beverly hills. but then, if I were to do all that, why not just invest in the house? going to hide gold in a rental? I hate real estate.

Because I already did and I needed to use my bullshit currency to buy other things I needed in my life recently.

Because Silver is rapidly becoming more viable as a form of universal currency.

Good goy. Buy our gold.
t. Mr. Shekelbergstein

Here in the US you can't own bullion.

Well it comes down when economy is flourishing. So at the moment I'm betting on a year or 3 down the line.

>be american
>invest in gold instead of almight dollar
>get assassinated by CIA

No you pay more shooters to be on your side.


Huh wat?

That statement isn't true, silver might be under value but the competition to silver is increasing. So coming back to a high price making it a good investment are low.

u wot m8?

It's not 1970 anymore retard

not just that. look up the term "naked shorts". They are able to flood the market with supply in the form of futures contracts that are not based in reality or backed by real gold.

I'll have to keep an eye on the gold prices

So I should buy a little bit now just to have (in case it doesn't come down right away) and when it comes down buy more so that when it eventually goes back up I'll have way more than what I paid for?

>not investing into 7.62x51 to steal the gold

you cant eat gold

Why does the price of a gram of golf differ? If it's gold why isn't it the same price regardless of what Jewish merchant I'm buying it from? Does some gold have more gold than others or is it Jewish marketing tricks?

Why not invest in something that could help you then like guns or just property

yes, but you can exchange it for certificates of paper that farmers accept. This is the original concept of money. A "certificate of deposit".

I wish I was a dragon and could sleep in a horde of gold for hundreds of years. OPs picture made my heart flutter.

It's gone up for a lot last 15 years. I would not be in favor of buying now, chances are you'll be losing money short term and profiting from it will be hard. Wait for it to come down, then invest. Spread your investments, at the moment I'd go for classics like oil or real estate.

Waiting for 900. It will happen this year.

You can invest in gold, by you never actually get the gold. Only way you can own gold is if it's art or JEWelry. Look up the Gold Reserve Act of 1934.

Thanks FDR.

Why is gold valuable?

Who could I sell it to after a serious crisis that devalued paper tender? (Logistics AND safety)

How can I sell it after a serious crisis that devalued paper tender? (Logistics AND safety)

I dare you to give me good answers.


The gold act is still in effect. 1970 and beyond.

Never invest in gold which isn't in your hands when you buy it. Flooding markets with paper when it comes to gold doesn't seem like a good idea, when they do and prices drop as a result, buy gold in bars.


Because silver is better in every way except weight to value ratio.

Are you an retard.

I own a bullion sales business.

The price of everything is constantly fluxuating every second. The value of the dollar, interest rates, (((oil))), Wheat, Coffee, Apple's Stock price.. it's all intertwined. I could go on - the value of the home you are in, whether jobs are being created. It Is kind of weird and makes you feel like humans are a product. Need population expansion and harvesting of nature to keep it going. So don't abort babies. Cause we need their tax money and future labor into the ponzi scheme.

How many actual bars do you own fag?

That's highly incorrect.

That's the correct use of the word "investing".

Because its not all a precious commodity as it once was. Right now It's energy like oil.

How so?

At the price of the moment it's called gambling.

But I do nothing but

Interesting factoid: Gambling is haram, but Islamic people are allowed to invest because if you are making an "educated decision", then it is not a gamble.

Correct. Invest in both. In fact, it's important to just invest in/buy things that will help in the case of societal collapse. Over the past few years, I've noticed myself naturally thinking about what would happen in the event of a major happening before I waste money on anything.

Because you can buy it freely from the US Mint nowadays. Long gone are the days when the best you could do would be to buy it from South Africa (although krugerands are neat because they're doped with copper and that makes them look and sound cool)

Because gold is almost useless, BUY SILVER PLEB!

Let's see it go up 10% in 5 years time, at the moment it's so expensive that investing in it, is at the risk of losing money, that would be called a bad investment.


I buy a 1/10 oz a month. It's all in my hand.

Im more into beef bullion

Gold has no industrial value unlike silver. All the Alex Jones retards are going to be sorry when the nuclear holocaust happens and all they're stuck with is that worthless rock.


Lol, gold is one of the best metals for electric components

It's literally pointless unless you have some foreign entity that's still doing fine that you could trade with

Those are coins. They fall under the art/jewelry clause.

because the price isn't very stable? it's almost at a 5 year low and can vary in price by +/-10% or more throughout each year.

I've made 165% on $AMD since last year, why would I buy gold? investing in metal is retarded as fuck.

Shorting pharmaceuticals this year is probably a good bet if you follow the market and do your DD.

Long on various tech is also a good bet, with the right research there are going to be quite a few tech companies linked to Tesla (as in supplying various components, batteries, electronics, etc) and probably lithium companies, that are going to shoot to the moon over the next 5-10 years, like seriously 1000%-10,000% gains on some of these companies.

As much as I want to work is in short supply and the mortgage matters more atm



>investing in the shiny jew

Well, 10% is about $120. I do think it will hit 1340 within 5 years. But I'm no goldbug.
Gold is a hedge against inflation. I think that's the best definition for it. If people are the US one day need to use a wheelbarrow of paper money to buy a loaf of bread, you could exchange your gold with the British Pound or Yen or whatever, and get your investment back.

i do buy counterfeit gold all the time though

I'll rather go innawoods. Buy some seemingly worthless land that has a hidden water source and productive soil.

Your farm should be off-the-radar. No one will come to seize it.

True, but I'm just trying to tell you it's at high cost, check

See the comparison pre-2000

uh yea, really?
i said it was almost a 5 year low, it was at like 1100 a month ago. It peaked in like 2012 and has been on a gradual decline since then. Sure if you bought int gold in like 2005 you're probably pretty happy right now but I would never buy gold today, never.

thanks for the great answers guys, wow, sure convinced me.


Cool, an invisible farm

Well this isn't gold, it's diamonds, but in WW2, the Jews sewed the diamonds into the seams of their jackets when they needed to move to other countries. So, if there's a catastrophe big enough that nowhere in the Entire World will buy real gold from you... then you've got a lot bigger problems than not having any money.


I bought mine 15 years ago it almost doubled in value (at today's price) and you are right I'm arguing that at the moment it isn't good, calling it a bad investment isn't true, just wait for the economy to come up and buy it then.

Economy goes up, gold comes down
Economy comes down, gold goes up

Now real estate and oil, tech isn't my pick as I have no understanding of it, knowing what you are buying is important.

ah yea, if you bought into gold 15 years ago you're doing awesome. I would have back then if I had the funds for it.

And yea you're right gold is a good hedge on the economy.

ITT Sup Forums agrees to something :-)

I hesitate to put this out there, because it's dangerous and 70% of people who invest in forex lose all their money with it. But you guys like me are autistic and good at video games. Modern trading programs like Think or Swim, Metatrader 4, or Ninjatrader are kind of like video games that you can make money at. Be Careful, I'm not kidding when I say it's deceptively easy looking and actually really, really risky. Just wanted to offer the tip in case anyone is interested in learning more about investing.