Ask a bolivian anything.
Whatever the fuck you want, its open here.
Ask a bolivian anything
What's your favorite movie of all time?
Are u fat indio?
are you a manlet?
what is your opinion on the American Negro™?
How are the race relations up there?
Are there tensions between the several natives, the mestizos, whites and other immigrants (japs, etc.)
Also, recommendations on what to visit? :)
What's a Bolivian?
How can a flag look like a popsicle ?
You shouldn't be talking, Frog
Reservoir dogs is the best, love it since i was a kid
Im kinda chubby
Im 5'7'', a manlet by your countries standards but way above average here.
Injuns are small as shit.
I used to think niggers were as bad as indians, then I experienced them firsthand, i had to backtrack my statement, niggers are a trillion times worse than indians.
They're quite ok tbqh, mestizos ands whites get along much better than with indians, also they don't cry "muh raycism" every fove seconds like in other countries, pther immigrants like japs and chinks just keep to themselves, race relations got a bit worse after Indian president got into office, but not so much.
As for what to visit it depends what you like, if you like your typical trip with big hotels, historic city centers, museums, night clubs and shopping malls i'd say the three main cities Santa Cruz, La Paz and cochabamab if you like nature I'd recommend the nationa parks like the amazon one called amboro or the salt flats
Im one
Because popsicles are delicious
if I were one inch shorter than that I would kill myself. That's just on the bounds of being an acceptable height
how often do you see a 6'4" person in your country? Would I be a pussy slaying godking at that height?
What are some decent tourist spots near the Peruvian border?
Do you glorify hwiteness or is it trendy to be an indianboo? How far has degeneracy infested bolivia anyway
1. How are you not dead
2. Do you even have food?
3. Why are you so ugly
4. How long until you get robbed and murdered
Do you know anyone who is working/worked at those clandestine cloth factories in São Paulo?
Only gringos are that tall
do you curse your existence everyday for having one chance at life and being born in Bolivia?
You wanna be my friend? I live in La Paz
I'd like to have Honest political discussion with somebody.
I swear I will not kidnap you
They would worship you and bring you fistfuls of cocaine to gain your favour
Imagine all of that cheap as dirt cocaine down there, I don't know how those South Americans do it. I would be dead within a year
Are the gringos pussy slaying godkings?
There's very few people that tall, you can slay pussy by just being a foreigner
The titicaca lake, the salt flats, ancient cities like tiwanaku and the city of La Paz
The indians glorify their race, and everybody glorifies whites, we all kinda get along tbqh
Because i'm kinda rich, i mean i can afford internet
Nah, they're mostly from the western side, im from the east
Being white in bolivia is a blessing
I'd kidnap you before, nah jk, pass your number nigga, lets talk
I have two questions.
1)It's true that you are taught in school that Bolivia won the Chaco War?
2) Can you explain the Iran-Bolivia nuclear relationship?
>It's true that you are taught in school that Bolivia won the Chaco War?
No, we're taught the truth, we lost, bith kf my grandfathers fought in the war and told me they lost, we ain't liars my friend
>Can you explain the Iran-Bolivia nuclear relationship?
It's pretty simple, our president just hates everything US related, so he looks for relations with countries with troubled relations with the US
He is just and anti-US indian commie
Where would you place your country on Somalia ----- Pre-migrant Northern Europe spectrum?
How good are gun rights?
How white are you and how white is general population.
I'll take that as a compliment fampai
Do bolivian girls usually swallow ?
They bite
>Where would you place your country on Somalia ----- Pre-migrant Northern Europe spectrum?
average latin american shithole
>How good are gun rights?
there's many restrictions, but so there is many loopholes so finding guns ain't that difficult, also getting a "professional shooter" license, which allows you to buy guns ain't difficult as well
>How white are you and how white is general population.
Im pretty white, whites are kinda rare, but depend where you are, my city is the whitest in the country, the country is around 10-15% white, but many full whites put themselves as "native" or "mixed" in the census to get some benefits only non-whites get
Lmao you know which kind of indians i refer to, but I don't have anything against your kind of indians neither, you're okay familia
As long as you're a strong aryan male they do
How much is the average salary where you live and how high is the unemployment rate?
Why don't you talk to anyone here?
not as much as in Bosnia that's for sure
He means Indian as in feather, not dot.
do you live in a shack?
Unemployment is around 4%, economically the place is good.
The average salary would be at around 800$/ month, the minimum wage is at around 300$/ month, it seems low but it's actually very decent here, living here is cheap.
Tell us about Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
How's it compare to La Paz?
Are mennonites based?
What the hell happens in Bolivia? Are you guys still a military dictatorship?
show me a bolivian white
How come your flag is so cool?
What do you mean? Im answering questions, my id changed because i left my house and im using my data im at work now huefriend
Nope, won't show you my house lol but its quite good, thankfully i live in one of the good neighborhoods here
I mean why do bolivians in Brazil do not talk to anyone?
They do talk to me though, they like me but they don't usually talk to anyone
because your people act and look like monkeys and the bolivian people hate it when you HUEHEUHUEHUE all the time
Thank you based toothpaste now you have to, literally, kill yourself
and kek confirms
im actually half south american myself it was just a joke half brother
Its hotter, the women are hotter (unless they're indian, and 99% of indians here migrated here from La paz) there's more shit to do In general and There's more international shit like hotels or restaurants here.
Totally, they believe in very traditional values, they're demographically changing the rural areas, they're buying many farms and have like 20 kids each while the older owners of those places move to the cities, you see more whites in the rural areas lol
Maybe back in the 70's we were, we're a "democracy" now, in which election are kinda rigged but no so much
Sure, here's my arm does that counts as white?
Idk man, it reminds me of a popsicle, I really like your as well :)
I really didn't know that my friend, that's weird
Indios tend to be reserved.
What do you think of Takeshi Ishiga (Or whatever his name is), one of your previous presidents?
If your popsicles look like this, you need to see a doctor.
Do you have gun rights?
My friend said all the houses have walls with broken glass atop. He says you have to carry a decoy wallet with you when your in the shit parts of town.
Takeshi ishiga? That sounds quite nipponic, we never had a nip president.
what is a bolivia?
How easy is it to colonize an indiecita?
o ok you get to live
I see, love u
In what parts of the country do bolivians of european descent live?
have you lost any teeth?
We have quite strict gun control, but getting a license to own guns ain't hard, you can bribe the officers to get one even easier
I am :)
Super easy, even easier of you're white, even more easier if you're a foreigner
El BoliviANO
What are the odds of you overthrowing your president Manlet and installing a business and mining friendly president? You have some of the best lands for silver-zinc-lead mines in the world, but since your Manlet president had a temper tantrum most companies wont invest in your country anymore.
Whats the opinion of you and the average Bolivian on foreign mining companies and mining in general?
>inb4 he is not nip, he is 100% peruvian
Argentina and Brazil ahusihaduiashiuahhauisdhsiuahdiuashduiahdiuashdiusahdiuds
damm that actually looks white
I remember when a turkroach here claimed to be white when he had a light tan
you can compare your whiteness with mine
im actually mixed myself half dutch and half colombian
How many mennonites are there?
Have you met a mennonite?
Do they accept converts or preach their religion?
Is there not much hate against the mennonites?
well, its better than being jew tho. Think about it, since the existence of humanity, your tribe has been fucked, abused, and murdered basically by everyone.
The east, the lowlands, the areas like Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando.
I brush three times a day my friend, i have them pearly white shining.
see You're alright FinnGol
Could you sent me some cocaina?
Is cocaine use common in Bolivia? Do people also use other drugs like weed or mdma?
What the is wrong with you people that you only care about the "whiteness" of bolivia, it's one of the only places left where American Indians have any signicant presence left, and you celebrate their extinction trying to make the whole continent white. How is this a good thing to you, fuck you people.
Why do you shit on the street like indian subhumans? please stay off my country
As a coup? I doubt it, but as losing the next election even with riggin Hillary style? 100% people are kinda tired of him, the average bolivian is open to foreign companies mining here but of course we want a fair share as well, we don't like chink companies working here tho, every person i've met who worked with the chinese says he hates them
Oh you meant the peruvian dude lol
Around 100.000 i think, but that's data from a very old census
I met many, my city is getting filled with them.
They're not that open to people joining them, but you could, you will have to work hard in the field tho
There isn't hate at all to mennonites, they're hard working and keep to themselves, they're nice people
I always wanted to go to Bolivia and Peru, so how safe your country is? and if you have estimate the cost of 2 or 3 weeks in your country, what would be? How about them Bolivian big-headed hoes? Are they down for foreigner niggers like me?
Is the resentment against Chile widespread or it's just your goverment?
I could send some coca leaves my friend
I only seen some friend smoking weed, but aside from that not much, i see sometimes in the news how the police raids drug dens.
Fun fact, the first time i was offered cocaine by some dude randomly in the street was in Mexico
I don't want indians to go extinct, i respect them and they're okay people, i know a lot of people who aren't white and get along just fine.
you're just getting our worst my friend, sorry for that.
How did he not see this coming? Are frogs really that stupid?
Your flag looks more like a popsicle
>Sure, here's my arm does that counts as white?
Need to see hair and eye color... if they are too dark then no. Also if you have a flat nose then the answer is no.
Them getting demographically replaced is the same thing as them going extinct its the same shit that happened all over the americas, and I see how you take pride in being "whiter" than the common bolivian, you see it as a good thing.
>mfw indio calls the US embassy shit
El cuck
Is there any Bolivian whiter than Chumacero?
What about the russians in Bolivia are they based?
As long as you stay in touristy places you'll be fine, try to take radio taxis or uber tho.
The cost would be around 800-1000$ of you stay in a okayish hotel, and go to cheaper restaurants and places, if you go to more expensive ones it could be quite more expensive but not so much, things are cheap here, and yes you can get pussy by just being a foreigner
Mostly the government and people from the western side, in the east we live so far from the coast that we don't really care, qe get along with chileans just fine in this side
What about the russians in Bolivia are they based?
Where is Bolivia and are your women white?
How is that socialism working out for you?
Chumacero or Schweinsteiger
Pick one.
Thanks Vargas, I appreciate your response....but by foreigner nigger, I mean, the literal nigger like Obama and Kanye kinda nigger. I bet since your country is ran by commie, it's not a problem being black...
Yeah but they aren't getting killed or anything, it just that they moved out from the rural areas to the cities while white mennonites are now populating those rural areas more, i take pride in being white so do they take pride in being indians, nothing wrong with that
There's many lol
Don't know any russians personally, don't think there's many here.
see for yourself
I want to habeeb
You people are the same who cry about white genocide but don't care about doing it to other people, you pieces of shit are unconscionable, at this rate soon there won't be any left .
many russians have been migrating vack to russia tho
Please tell us about the Pachamama.
Is she waifu material?
Meh, I didn't voted for socialist party in any of the elections so it ain't my fault he got elected
How can you live with yourself? all your people ever managed to do is being a bother to your more civilized neighbors, you are just trash bottom tier subhumans that make the world a worse place just by existing.
If you had a tiny bit of dignity you would kill yourself.