Redpill me on Mississippi

Redpill me on Mississippi.

nice bait


What state is that? Kansas?


Why did you highlight Montana?

not as good as Tennessee

It's Missouri

Twenty thousand keks under the Mason Dixon Line!!!!

>Color Kentucky
What the hell is wrong with you ?

fuck me, did he fucking survive that? his spine must be FUCKED

the total amount of arrangements of the letters in the word Mississippi is 11!/4!4!2!.

red pill delivered.

Why is West Illinois highlighted?

It's home to Kansas City, no shit.

It's a river.

You're just a boot. Checkmate imperials.

How the fuck is that supposed to be Midwest. Midwest states are Arizona, Utah and Idaho.

retardation aside
Im from Texas and go to Ms State

37% nogs

all you need to know

No ocean borders, checks out.

37% is all?

My wife is from Vicksburg the county she grew up in is 95% nog.

Why did you highlight a Canadian province?

Thats the stats for the state
Texas is 11% nogs so it was an actual culture shock

>Arizona, Utah and Idaho.


OP I'm your guy.

>lived in Mississippi my entire life
>moving to the Missouri Ozarks quite soon to be innawoods

Middle of western civilization IIRC

it was extremely bainful

Are you that motherfucker I found who makes motorcycle videos on YouTube?

KC and St Loueeee are the next targets for cuck gentrification.