Wall to cost $21.6b


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oh cool thats really cheap


take my money lord


Sounds a lot like the word wall is going to mean fence to me.


This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level

So for the cost of about 10 b-2 bombers we get a giant wall, sounds good to me.

that is cheap

that is really cheap

that is 0.002% the spending of the obama administration for 100% more of a result.

And it will save us trillions.

yeah as long as there is razor wire it will be effective. nobody will come to the border if they know theres a bunch of razor wire.

better start saving up.

How much Mexican land costs that much?

Under budget and done early. It'll cost one million maximum and be done yesterday. Check Google earth.

in a world where the USA has abandoned the free market in favor of protectionism, a new world leader of trade will emerge, sealand

That's a lot of pesos.

Is Trump gonna send in the army to steal the cartel's money to pay for it?
Surely they have more than enough.

fake news

reddit comments told me it would cost at least $50bn

Is the wall really that necessary?wouldnt be easier and cheaper to just increase security around the border?

CNN told me it would cost all the usa's money.

Damn that sucks for Mexico.

Congrats you dumbasses, Trump is going to add so much to your debt it will crash and burn

Might as well double the budget and make it twice the height.

fine by me

> The USA

> Crushed by $21bn debt

> Trump has real estate contacts everywhere, he's the guy who did the ice rink in 2m onths that NYC couldn't do in 2 years.

i thought trump always said it would cost 10B but he would get it done for 8B

>military spending almost $600B in ONE year
>entitlement spending over $1000B in ONE year
>wall that will last many years will cost ONLY $21.6B over several years


Comparing that number to what the illegal immigration costs the american people, that's completely fine.
Should have put it around $50b to be honest, make it robust enough to stand tall for 200 years!

Pocket change. The budget is in the trillions.

We spend 800 billion on medicare alone so 21 bil is pocket change

National budget 20 trillion, so basically 0.1% of next year's budget

It could cost 100 billion and I still be cool with it. It needs to be done.

No he said Mexico would pay for it.


So quick question. If we pay for the wall now and Mexico will reimburse us later, how do we get the money back? Do they send each of us a check saying "thanks for paying the tax to build the wall, we finally got Mexico to pay us back, here's your share," or is this one of those things where "Mexico will pay us back" means the taxpayers pay for it and then the government gets the money Mexico will eventually fork over and the taxpayers get paid through "government services"?

All of it.

> $21bn


im talking about the cost not who is going to pay for it. he always said it would be 10B and he said that was the high estimate.

>Resource allocation

Dont spic use tunnels anyway?

>israeli """"""humor""""""

Gas yourself.

Peanuts in the U.S. Ausfag

Government services. They could add it to your rebate but I don't see them doing that. Too much hassle.

You realize $20bn debt is already really big threat? US economy can't handle it. The crash is here soon and it's because Trump doesn't know what he's doing.

>$65 per person

Unimaginably worth it, I'd gladly pick up an extra shift to keep the eternal beaner at bay

It's the 10th of February, 2017, and you still are asking how Trump will pay for the wall.

You're probably too stupid to live, but I'll answer anyway.

Tariffs and taxes on remittances. The latter is probably far more feasible, desu. They can't stop it, it's not unreasonable, and the amount of money that goes over the border to Mexico is so vast it'll pay for itself even with a 10% withholding tax.

>Turkish butthurt

Yes but the wall goes 6 feet below the ground, possibly more.

And border patrol can still catch them digging. Trust me you're not the first person to consider TUNNELS.

Fuck off, I consider Isreal to by our greatest ally, you filthy Nazi.


Dont illegals bring more than 100bn/year of debt already?

The initial cost for the bank bailout was $700 billion.

That's only money sent over legal channels. You do realize that once a remittance tax hit, it's entirely possible for immigrants to just stop using legal channels and find some alternative means of sending money down. And any tariffs won't be able to generate that amount of money immediately. If we can build the wall without any money from the people then that would be great, but lets be honest, the most likely scenario is the taxpayer will pay and then Mexico will reimburse, which I am fine with, so long as we get a rebate for the money we spent.

bring in like $22 billion in california alone

They don't even factor all the money they send out as remittances, which is in the tens of billions taken out of the economy.

... Okay, that's a good one Schlomo. Kudos.

Wait, you think illegals are going to be allowed to stay in the country and won't be deported once the wall goes up?


Sure, but if you want to risk all the money being confiscated because you're caught sending it over illegally, and you going to jail...

I mean, you can try.

Hitler would turn in his grave

>Hitler would turn in his grave


Add homes for homeless veterans and have them guard the border for money. If anyone wants to destroy the wall he is going to have to go through them.

$21.6 billion (cost of wall)
Divided by
300 million (pop of United States)
$72.00 USD (cost of the wall per person)

Where should I send my payment?

>wall is too expensive
>thousands of miles of interstate highway
>basically walls flipped on their side everywhere

This basically. We are already wasting billions. Long term, the wall should save us money given how inefficient the current system is.

Literally pocket change.

Wake me up when we find it inside of the federal couch.

I could respect conservatives if they really acted like the party of small government and less taxation almost consistently, but none of you give a shit.

A useless wall in a country where most illegal immigrants are people who overstay their visa anyway? Twenty billion (original estimate; it's a government construction project, expect that to triple)? Awesome! Fuck those spics. The poor brown people causing our economy at most 150 billion dollar in damages are the real monsters, not the 10,000s corporate jews in the highest executive positions of business and government who literally work day and night to fuck over the common man as hard as possible.

What's that? Those LIBERAL KEKS want to keep PBS/NPR going? More than 500 million a year? REEEEEEEEEE

Literal fields of tanks, drones and planes that rust away, never to be needed or used in wars that never should have been started, costing us hundreds of billions? Cool. We gotta protect ourselves, after all. Muslims and all.

Melania's choice to live in TT will cost the taxpayer 350 million? Who cares lol.

The National Endowment for the Arts costs 150 million a year and creates jobs? NBRUGVNIGBMRIGV FUCKING LIBKEKS USNINUTGRVUNU

I used to consider myself a moderate because I had generally liberal values but loved the idea of a party that promoted responsible fiscal spending, but 95% of it is just cherry-picking bullshit. You don't give a shit about wasting other peoples money (and a fuckton of it) as long as it isn't helping other people and you get what you want.

Trump is a keynesian

6ft below ground? Who the fuck are you sourcing? And even if it's dug that deep people will still find out. Perhaps if you didn't sleep in history class you'd learn that the Berlin and Great Wall didn't do shit. Fucking dumbass Trumpkins

Then why does Israel's walls work so perfectly?

thats cheap, i mean the US spends $600b/year on military, 20b is nothing. If you divide it by every person in the entire United States it's like $60/person one time fee. Affordable as fuck.

Mexico will pay for it


>This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level.

From that very same report.

Wouldnt just be easier and cheaper to tell the spics that they wil be shot on sight?

Fuck shooting them, C4 them!

On schedule and under budget.

Oh well for the persistent, the landmine was invented. Sure you can get over the wall, but is that gonna do you any good?

>Trump has been in construction his entire life and runs a hugely successful construction company
>bureaucrats second guess him and provide their own report on how much it costs to put a bunch of concrete slabs in the ground
Why would you even take this seriously?

Listen I don't care. I don't even want to see us entertain the idea that a wall will he built. In what god damn world does this sound like a good idea? I will literally stop paying taxes. This is absurd. I'm not consenting to any of this. It will serve no purpose other than shit all over America's image and ruin thousands of miles of natural habitats. If this wall really gets started I'm going to quit my job and do everything I can personally to stop it. I can't believe this is even a possibility.

t. redditor

It's Mexico's second biggest source of revenue, after oil. Remittances is a bigger industry than agriculture, mining, tourism, etc. Let that sink in.

Is this pasta?

I feel weird- Trump fulfilled so many promises in 10 days that I was kinda counting on him to fulfill them by the end of first month. Only 10 days to go...

Do we have a bill in the congress to fund the wall for now?

>annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion;
>Long term, the wall should save us money

Only to the extent it stops border crossings, and less than half the illegals cross illegally anyway.

Plus, I'll just leave this here:
tl;dr: Congress WANTS to build a fence, but already can't (won't) pay for it.

>Then why does Israel's walls work so perfectly?
According to some Israeli politicians, the decline in terrorism is coincidental.
This seems plausible, considering their wall isn't finished yet.

>Is this pasta?
It should be.
If I were a pasta kind of guy, I'd save it.

> Hungary builds fence

> Refugees coincidentally drop

> Israel builds wall

> Terrorism coincidentally drops


one fucking job

How much do illegals cost the US every year?

Can we get illegals to build it for cheaper?


That's it? Northern wall when?

I don't care if it costs 6 gorzillion dollars


How have you lived this long? someone a dumb as you must have missing appendages.

I don't mind paying a bit more in taxes to insure the safety of my fellow citizens along with keeping filthy leeches out

That's not much in the scope of fed spending. It practically pays for itself.