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Question - is being an illegal immigrant a felony?
Without a doubt.
No but s shitload use someone else's Identification usually social security number by another rat fuck beaner citizen who sold it to them. That's a felony
Entering the country illegally is a misdemeanor under federal law, although repeat offenders could have it bumped up to a felony.
Interesting, merely having "unlawful presence" (ie, overstaying a valid visa) is not a crime. Rather, unlawful presence is punishable by civil, not criminal, penalties.
good point
nightmare for who?
Is defending illegals considered treason legally?
Browse this feed to feel great:
It's huge news here right now. That's what just happened in Phoenix.
And I know for a fact they're selling them because this whore newspaper girl made the mistake of confiding in me just because I'm a prole.
you mean "for whom"?
Get schooled.
>army of 10k enforcers
Will their permanent boners impede their ability to catch illegals?
1st day on the chans huh?
*teleports behind you*
Interestingly enough, it is under Mexican law.
That twatter! Faurking GOLD?
First offence is a misdemeanor
Repeatedly cross the border illegally is a felony
>this tweet
>implying illegal aliens can assert fifth amendment
>implying illegal aliens have rights covered under the US Constitution
Can you even be tried in the country you're staying in illegally? Wouldn't you just get extradited to wherever your from?
These people really are fucking retarded, aren't they?
Did Trump purposely make a EO Mulism ban so that would take news headlines so he could deport all the Mexicans under the radar?
Only get extradited if you committed a crime in one country and fled to a different country to hide.
Committing a crime in the country your in will have you tried by that countries laws.
wtf. black trans lives matter lol
deport them all, donald
Sort of. It's more he is doing things so fast that the media can't target everything at once. They have to pick and choose their battles. Him making a big fuss at the ban is meant to be distracting. The consequences of that fetting overturn is still small as no new visas will be issued. Notice how keystone pipeline has fallen off the radar?
Where the fuck do we sign up? I'll do this shit for free, I just want these fuckers gone
How can the left be against this? Will they protest it and further destroy their cause?
Other anons were talking about making a fake flyer , directing illegals to a designated "safe space" and then calling ICE on all of them.
>How can the left be against this?
Their plan since 1965 has been to inundate America with Dem-voting brown primitives so they can enjoy a one-party government. They would have succeeded had Hillary been elected because it would have been too late for whitey after 8 years of her.
Can someone explain to me why do you guy have illegal immigrants?
I hear people get deported multiple times and yet come back? Like Clinton deported, Obongo deported, I beth Dubya deported too..
I would assume so, since you are an invasive species
Kek. All they get is a couple bangs at the door and someone yelling IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT OR POLICE DEPARTMENT right before they bash the door down and a SWAT team swoops in
They already are this is from my Facebook feed and there's like 20 other posts like this. I'm going to savor the feeling of calling ICE on the illegal spics I know from back in high school.
Yea if they aren't kicking in doors then they shouldn't even be out there.
>when everyone is talking about the ban, Trump is creating deportation squads
top kek
I'm a rational person so maybe it's a 'me' thing but I can't understand the insanity of WANTING to keep people in the country here, illegally, to suck welfare, take jobs, scoop up college scholarships and commit crimes. The left has lost all rationality and I honestly don't understand this world anymore. I used to be a Dem before all this.
>I honestly don't understand this world anymore
I know that feel... It seems as if things have completely gone haywire over the past couple of years. Shit keeps getting stranger and stranger as time moves on.
It's all about the cheap labor.
They want pretty much just want slaves. I say this unironically
>Illegal is legal
Well you said you are a rational person which is why you don't understand liberals. None of them can argue why we should do it, no matter how hard they lie about them being a positive on the country they have zero arguments other than "muh feels"
.... They actually do. Unless you are combatant and subject to military court.
Stop spreading misinformation, MSM...
>Can someone explain to me why do you guy have illegal immigrants?
Because they're scum of the earth people and instead of trying to make their own country better, they come here and leech off of the rest of us
>I hear people get deported multiple times and yet come back?
I imagine that it would be hard to keep track of people if they have no documents. So if they deport someone named Juan Garcia, what's to stop him from coming back as Carlos Hernandez? I'm not 100% how it works. Just my 2 cents
I wonder how much it pays to be in ICE. Sounds like all you do is be professional bounty hunters.
True, liberals are illogical.
>plz spread
>ICE going to where illegals live
>People targeted have existing orders of deportating
>those involved in the sweep have no prior criminal convitions
Soooo. ICE does its job? What is the takeaway here? What is the emergency?
Big business wants them here for the cheap labor, the DNC wants them here because they shit out little Democrat voters, and the idealistic hippies want them here because they really believe the open world kumbaya give me your tired and poor horseshit.
All three of these groups have the same thing in common: They have a history of breaking the law because they don't think the law is important.
yes but liberals think its like a parkingfelony
I get you, I just don't see why they'd want to come back only to be kicked back?
I mean even dogs don't come back more than twice after being kicked
ICE is nice
When you're at that point in life, they have nothing else but to do. And yeah some come back but that's a felony and if caught again they will be arrested. Once the wall project begins, security at the border will be 100x stronger to prevent tampering I'd imagine
Can we get that person who replied, deported?
>Hija de México, adoptada por ATL. Stealing tu job since 1988 #HereToStay
You don't understand Mexicans. The only okay Mexicans are families that have lived here since they got absorbed into the US since they got whitewashed into being Americans. Modern Mexican immigrants mainly hate the US and are La Raza faggots. Mexicans want the US to be overun by shitty brown rape murder manlets. They look forward to being the majority because they have some weird perception of reality where Mexico is the greatest country in existence and Mexicans are the most powerful race. ICE deporting illegals breaks the rules since California is Mexico to them, they say with no irony that California belongs to Mexicans. Illegals have been a protected class in California for decades so the fact that ICE is deporting is literally something the spics here have never had to worry about. They are scared of the law being upheld and losing their majority and whites unfucking everything. They know they are the problem and without the illegals bolstering the amount of spics in the state they have a much smaller voice.
>Mexicans based on immigration policy
>hurts my head
Don't care. Get them out of the country. I'm not subsidizing any more of these illegals shit.
>The left has lost all rationality
not sure they ever really had any
it's all based on emotion
you mean whomst've
Wouldn't it be cheaper for Trump to
1) Ask the congress to not agree for the wall (and save face).
2) High penalty on businesses that employ illegals?
3) Find out businesses which mexicans are best for- like cotton picking, say. Trump govt finds out some of these businesses and subsidizes labor cost so that there is no reason to hire illegals. I genuinely want to hear counter points to this..
maybe they could be given identifying marks such as, I dunno, a tattoo?
and we could maybe put them somewhere they couldn't escape from
I'm running low on soap also, wonder if anything can be done about that
What a punchable face
Flood their hotlines with fake reports, it will spike their paranoia to hilarious levels
What a punchable face.
You can tell she's a queen cunt just from looking at her.
2/3 may have a shit ton of loopholes that businesses may exploit but it could be done. The wall is a simpler solution; deterrent, protection, and almost impossible to cross
The only problem with marking is that some illegals do return as legal immigrants and that may hurt them in the long run.
>Illegal alien
Right to be deported.
>link to report all the local Pacos, Pajeets and others in your area.
It's that lefty, slackjaw, fishmouth look
>some illegals do return as legal immigrants
being illegal should bar them from entry forever
I think I read it in 8 us code 114 that all previous illegals are banned from ever entering again, no doubt some faggy "judge" in california will override congress again though
perhaps there could be some solution
Does ICE even have enough officers to conduct all these alleged raids in so many states? They're primarily an investigative agency if im not mistaken
Do remember Trump has been meeting law enforcement agents on a daily basis for a week or two. Whatever happened involved a lot of planning and they probably had help from someone else
Was gonna say she had potential to be a qt until I found
>pic related
It looks like they are in mexico already
Once we throw out these fuckers, the demorats will never win another election!!
They're afraid.
Fucking diamonds
Born just in time to witness Trump Immigration Death Squad with Inquisition style
It's been just ONE month since Trump has taken office, and ALREADY the deportations have begun
This is too much winning too soon, I can't handle it all
Big gulps huh?! Welp, see you later!
oh god the butthurt is fucking great
It's a good trial balloon for the mass deportations we really need.
I love how people are reccomending that the immigrants, legal or illegal, carry their IDs on them.
You know, something they should have been doing in the first place.
ICE is just doing what it was supposed to being doing this whole time. Finally a government program that is being effectively used again.
Thanks Trump
>tfw this is just the warm up trial run