Everywall is beautiful

Everywall is beautiful
In its own way
Under God's heaven
Trump's gonna find a way

Damn frenchies trying to steal the wall spotlight.

And he will let the EU pay for it, like for real.

They should just build a wall around paris

but walls don't work!

Wtf I love the Eiffel Tower now.

>pay for bulletproof wall around Eiffel tower
>terrorists just aim higher

>buiding a cuck wall around the monument
>not building a manly wall at the border

fucking french cant even build a wall right
also ain't the tower accessable to tourists anyway?


This -- all walls do is reinforce white privilege.

Because pic related that's why.

because french. here endeth the lesson.

> 8 feet

not enough


What, are they afraid that religion of peace gonna pay Eiffel Tower a visit? That's mighty racist and islamophobic of them, damn bigots.

Every wall is sacred, every wall is good.
Every wall is needed, in your neighborhood.


Cut off supplies and they will die within a month.

It's fucking sad they have to build a fucking wall around it, just fucking deport all muslims and your problem is solved. Not even fucking destroyed the Tower when he raped the frogs

Well, France just apparently foiled another terrorist plot yesterday and found some bombs and shit

Multiculturalism always leads to a police state.

How progressive!

Is the wall to protect the tourists?

This, people could bring a ladder or a siege tower.

That was bombs of peace, it's the part of their culture you racist shitlords.


They probably have some good intel that shitskins really want to bomb/destroy it.

the mayor is non french and a woman.

really makes you think


spread it boys

Good idea!

>Hahaha, Sup Forums falling for fake news again
>Check tour eiffel on google

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

perfect pic

This pisses me off so much.

Forced to essentially deface a historic monument by building an ugly fucking wall around it so the rapefuggess stop shitting all over it, and to prevent them from killing innocent people visiting the site.




preferred their moat of poo desu

your kung fu is stronger than my kung fu.

Because islam,leaf

Eiffel tower is an emblematic monument with a shitton of tourists,they will probably try to attack it


this is our beautiful future.. walls everywhere, because we don't want them at our borders

If Le Pen don't win this year we're so fucked

Funny how France will build walls and take other measures to keep their monuments / other shit safe, but when it comes to the people they're on their own.

Such a cool pic, regardless of politics