>Canadian newspapers
Canadian newspapers
Why do they feel the need to shove it in people's faces?
leaves BTFO
>Canadian milk
No sex for this leaf, I can tell you that
This used to be considered a far left paper. Now it's no different than the mainstream papers in this city.
if it feels like tits im ok
Which city is this?
>Tfw Montreal's metro newspaper is full of kike handling it
>"Oy vey goyims, remember the three mudslimes that died for your sins, you fucks are anti-semites, racists, and dumb as shit"
Why do millenials like pizza so much?
No wonder why they're all fat or skinnyfat with shit arms
Fuck the metro.
Some feminist chick at my work brings a fuck ton of copies of it and spreads them out in my lunch room every day.
It's the most stereotypical libtard newspaper I've ever read.
>Hyper pro muslims and only shows pictures of muslim children to pull at heart strings
>Being a Canadian paper that talks about Trump negitively for half its pages
>Multiple feminist Articles bashing men constantly
>The whole writing staff are young feminist women
I used to skim it on my break every day just to piss myself off, but I just throw them out now
The metro in Toronto is disgusting too. I cry inside when I think of all the normies reading this propaganda every morning on the way to work.
What's with the Hellboy?
Bagged milk is actually a pretty good deal if you consume a lot of it, I don't know why americans are against it.
Also we still have milk in carton and it's what most people use.
Mignola at the Comic Con
Oh okay.
Thanks, friend.
I don't even think I need to make a joke for this one
I never noticed much of a bias. It seems like it's mostly just uninteresting local news. I mostly read it to transfer my mind into French mode in the morning.
If you let your enemies write your newspapers for you, you win.
Saw that paper the other day, even in the opening crawl you can tell the author is a fucking loser, not even purely sexually their whole life sounds like a failure.
Blames boomers because she got a bloody liberal arts degree and can't get a job.
it all adds up
>look at the top of the mag
>the ultimate lube taste test
God fucking dammit, Canada.
>Why aren't people having sex
I don't know maybe it's the fact that people don't have enough resources to have kids and are struggling themselves
I swear the author of that article is a fucking retard who cannot understand economics and how much it costs to raise a child.
If you accept this, you'll accept anything..
talk shit about our shit free news papers all you want, but leave our milk out of this it did nothing wrong