Alright catch me up. How is the CIA bamboozling with our minds now?
Post MK-Ultra fuckery
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They used to make dolphins trip on LSD then fuck them.
Not sure what they were trying to accomplish.
sounds like an accomplishment to me
You get an obscure achievement/trophy if you can stay on the dolphin for 8 minutes
CIA did a lot with LSD. I heard they'd spike drinks at whorehouses, and then watch the guys trip balls during sex. Wonder why they chose acid
Through the media you fuck!
How are you even asking this?? Turn on the tv
Transferring information into our brains through clandestine particle/wave generators
That was John C Lilly
Media memes are engram-mapped to test subjects' brains and the electrical activity is recorded.
Cell phone towers then 'trigger' these pathways by radio induction, causing your thoughts to be weighted towards the brainwashing.
Where do you come up with this shit?
Used to be mind-control through radio waves.
4e 6f 77 20 69 74 27 73 20 6d 69 6e 64 20 63 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c 20 74 68 72 6f 75 67 68 20 61 6e 6f 74 68 65 72 20 6d 65 64 69 75 6d
I went off the deep-end for a while, and it's possible that they can tap into extra-dimensional wavelengths and manipulate thought processes and influence opinions without even being in the room.
Makes you wonder if the media is basically obsolete at this point.
And yes, they experiment with drugs to sway opinion.
stfu blue pilled idiot
>As a scientist researching into microwave weapons used on the general public, evidence that the GM900 microwave network as used by Vodaphone and British Telecom, is a major health hazard, has come to my attention. Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents entitled: Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries, show that microwave frequencies similar to those of the cellular phones can cause health problems in the following areas:
it was one of the first drugs that did what it did (lol if you think acid just makes you see pretty colors) and was used by multiple scientists/professors/students multiple times without any ill effects. it was seen as the perfect 'truth drug' until they realized that too much can make people temporarily forget what that truth is.
Okay, how do you know what's a real thought and what's a supplanted thought?
Alright, but what's the endgame?
they arent gonna supplant thoughts about continuing the white race and working towards a better tomorrow. thats a good hint.
Nigger, peyote and shrooms were around for hundreds of years longer and do almost the exact same thing.
They are all serotonin agonists.
OP will be interested in pic related
DoD funding for universities
If it's controlled opposition, they will.
That kike Pewdiepie is shilling white nationalism and he's the biggest youtuber to date.
Thanks pseud.
lol you dont know shit kid, go back to the reddit with your pop-sci nonsense.
that goes double for you. if you are ignorant about the world around you dont post, just read.
They're not.
The CIA has no idea what to do anymore. They're paying borderline mental patients to run the usual foreign rat-fucking operations abroad and increasingly low-talent media people to publish shillings ops at home, but there's no direction or leadership beyond a vague collective sense of unease and insecurity about the present direction of America and the world.
Their data feeds are clogged with petabytes of facebook walls and dragon dildo orders, while their ability to predict or even understand fundamental events like Brexit, Trump, or even Syria is hobbled by their individual need to keep close commercial and ideological relations with the same imploding globalist institutions in which they intend to spend their retirements. Retirements now in existential threat as the very protection they themselves provide against enemies foreign and revolutions domestic collapses around them, even as all their powerpoint presentations and integrated smartphone solutions are spent in vain. Needless to say, whatever grasp or leads they pretended to have on Russia before, have long since dissolved in the ink.
The CIA has neither the time nor the talent to do more than to archive threads from places like this one. At some late hour, a budding young intern will be called upon to write some kind of report on how these internet goings have caused such a stir, but it will be left to gather dust as the Service, along with the rest of Post-War institutions, noisily fades into ignominy, insignificance and ruin.
They could have prevented this.
You said you went off the deep end for a while. How did you come to terms with being helpless, or not having the ability to control your thoughts?
>that goes double for you. if you are ignorant about the world around you dont post, just read.
You think responding with a generic response will be sufficient?
You're gonna have to be more specific.
They were making it take LCD with a Lady. They lived in a house together that was flooded with water i think. They were trying to find a way to teach the dolphin to communicate/speak with the lady. Eventually it got horny and the lady had to jack it off to make it calm down.
tldr: dolphin jus wan sum fuk no time 2 talk
Go to any /polgbt/ thread
Don't focus on the details.
You can control your own thoughts.
Most people don't want to though.
Interdimensional thought manipulation
BUT the thought manipulation is in YOUR favor... and you were the "CIA" all along.... lrn2 occult
Its why we're all in the TrUMP timeline. We all wanted this and the multiverse gave us this reality.
Mescaline can't duplicate many of the effects of LSD, same with scopalamine for the mind numbing.
I think they seem like that in general, forced to do retard operations and explaining memes to their superiors, but there has to be some kind of master plan at work.
Typical project.
It sucks some days, but you can get used to anything.
That's a pretty ethereal meme you got there.
>How is the CIA bamboozling with our minds now?
eh you know what, i read your post and it kinda makes sense. maybe like that a wyatt mann comic where the neo-nazi FBI dude incited the young white man to commit violent crime and get a prison sentence.
so yeah, i think violent thoughts are the ones to avoid for now. at least until the niggers lose it completely and all bets are off.
Not breaking the law is a good thing.
you wish, ironic roleplaying leaf faggot.
Here you go
>Mescaline can't duplicate many of the effects of LSD, same with scopalamine for the mind numbing.
exactly. nu-males are stupid so they see 'LSD' and they think 'drugs' or 'hallucinogens' and turn their brains off so the government brainwashing can do its work. LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline may be similar in some regards but their effects are wildly different.
this. its why the millennial generation is so fucked up. mercury exposure can cause major brain damage at that age.
Fuck. this was a good post.
>Have this 3d, necro-loli pic.
there are covert signals that influence behavior being observed by you right now by just looking at the internet, its a series of on and off flicks of the screen that occur too fast to observe but chronic exposure to them make people docile and easily manipulated by perceived authority
CIA, I'm Dr. Pavel.
Corporations started doing it, got exceedingly good at it, then got approached by a worried CIA asking them how to prevent a future civil war. The genius idea by the PR lads was that the government should intervene into the media and force them to create and promote black culture within growing white kids, and vice versa, so after growing up, they do not experience hate between each other.
It worked flawlessly in the early 2000s and rap, a specifically american cultural product, was a huge success - it elevated black culture to relevant enough levels within the growing up majority of white kids, to the extent that they became their new models. For a short period of time, racism disappeared. However, as any other complex system, attempting to exert control over it always ends up with a Streisand Effect being triggered and the opposite happening instead. So now, rap is dying, racial tensions are at a critical, unfixable point and the communists are trying to usurp anything along the way so the manpower of blacks is on their side. What they attempted to do to mend dissent inside the nation - elevate blacks and enforce equality - turned out to achieve completely the opposite long-term. It's now a choice between "be a SJW neocommie or be LITERALLY Hitler", and people who choose to not be a SJW are automatically assigned to a far-right ideology and extreme conservatism that discards modern culture, the same culture that was supposed to unite the minorities so a civil war is averted.
Yet, the government can't let go because that may as well mean the end of the USA. They will keep pushing it through the media and that will keep triggering more people into becoming the exact opposite, until the race war they wanted to prevent so much actually happens.
As a side note, many rappers are actually aware of the above, Tupac being one of them. Here's another
>How is the CIA bamboozling with our minds now?
just watch the headlines, DOJ has to approve all the news stories, also all of Hollywood is CIA propaganda
>Not sure what they were trying to accomplish.
Germans doing weird sex shit is normal for them, did they shit on the dolphins before fucking them?
I guess
Ever since Ive started reading books from /omg/ on /x/, my reality has been crazy as fuck to the point where I have to question if shit is REAL...
Shortly after Meme Magic and Kek came along just reinforcing my beliefs.
Humans understand reality with numbers and algorithms... hivemind memes can influence the outcome of our percieved realities aka effecting the underlying 1's and 0's driving our path in the multiverse... thoughts are powerful
Question is.... are our thoughts really a variable in the processed algorithms that control the outcome of reality or do we really have no free will?
What is divinity? What is the light and spark of god in each of us humans?
Occultism folks
Alex jones had the right idea nigga
>it was one of the first drugs that did what it did
there is a recipe for a similar intoxicant in the old testament
the bible teaches you how to make DMT from acacia confusa
I don't really believe the WWIII thing unless it's "officially declared" for normies, but that document has some really satanic crap in it, you have to be some type of psycho to think up the things in there AND put them into action
A-are you from CIA ?
On Talmudvision.
Minerva initiative, huh? Isn't owl of boheminan grove called owl of minerva or something
The CIA has management level control of all major US news organizations, and an exCIA director said as much something like 20 years ago
What a load of absolute garbage, quoting a patent for some stupid subliminal message transmitter which transmits at 15khz and then explains it away saying it's some system that allows them to plant unwanted thoughts emotions or even actions in the subjects mind, followed by a made up news story about the gulf war
this is some top notch analysis right here, Trump should have made you head of the CIA, so we could at least reduce the dragon dildo gap
Chapter and verse?
this is how redditors speak you faggot.
he's probably got a relative in the CIA otherwise he would be under oath and in a shitload of poopy pants not that anyone would ever bother to check into it because they're too busy watching furry porn
This is absolutely true.
It is also possible to know every thought and memory inside of the brain using waves beamed, but I think that has to be by an agent carrying the equipment (likely in a van)
The scariest sentence in any language is: "Alex Jones was right."
I'Ve been on this website most likely longer than you've been on the internet you little faggot
Exodus 25:10-22
you have to read it in Hebrew and apply gematria, the science by which each hebrew character is assigned a number, when you add the numbers together you get new numbers which are then decoded to other associated hebrew characters which generate new phrases
but the fact that the ark is made from acacia confusa is enough for those who can't read hebrew or don't know simple mathematics
Any interesting books to share? Names are enough
He might be referring to a recipe from Leviticus concerning the temple ordinances. Could be the incense or the anointing oil. Either way he is probably full of crap because I've heard stoners try to justify pot smoking saying the anointing oil was also pure THC oil or something.
Are there rules for the way you add those numbers up? Or did someone just play around with addition until they got the result they wanted?
This is bullshit to make you feel comfortable.
CIA was never interested in America, just in power and control.
They still have it and are still abusing it for money and yes there are pedophiles in the CIA as well as the rest of government.
Have you ever tried to make holy oil out of pinecones, organic honey & red wine? If you drink a couple of gallons a day you start experiencing some pretty enlightening shit.
tfw no free LSD and no free sex. Why even shitpost?
Can you break it down for me user?
here you go
>that dialogue
The CIA it's just another agency, but the people in it can have more than one allegiance.
Some RP user said that CIA just to have a huge NatSoc influence, and operation paperclip seems like a solid enough proof of it.
Maybe they have more goals, other than the US security.
Things happen when I'm under immense stress. I've been in and out of the hospital since I was a kid. Father always brought me to the neuros he said.
Last time it happened when a fast moving truck suddenly counterflowed into our lane and before it hit, I went reeeeee and my sight went blank white with the feeling that my mind exploded. Woke up in cold sweat half an hour later with a mild pain on my head. I thought I died because the truck almost hit us but my father said the truck tipped into the side like someone poked it to the side and it's underside almost grazed the side of our car.
I hope their goals are noble whatever they may be.
However, the current state of our country tells me that they likely aren't.
They have anti-psychic measures now.
If you have the gift, don't tell anyone. You'll be targeted by sat, and blinded.
>Are there rules for the way you add those numbers up?
yes, but good luck getting the jews to tell you the rules
>Or did someone just play around with addition until they got the result they wanted?
really this is the best way, to configure every combination possible, you use different combinations depending on the heavenly influences of the day
no but I have made the Moses oil with both calamus and cannabis oil
>Can you break it down for me user?
only if you can read ancient hebrew
can you define anti- pshychic measures?
I don't know exactly, it's some satellite targeting thing.
It makes it so you can't see from within your mind's eye anymore.
Turns you into a normie.
>The CIA it's just another agency,
their job is to protect rich people's investments
We are way behind them in our understanding of the manipulation of meme magic. I use the term meme magic in this context completely seriously. If you hold a monopoly on the consensus of free willed beings, fine manipulation of this world is possible.
If we all have free will than we are actually steering this universes path in 5th dimensional space. The 5th dimension contains every possible path this universe can go down from its fixed initial starting position. If nothing had free will than the universe would only have one possibility, even in the 5th dimension.
Beings of higher dimensions (where literally anything is possible. anything from any universe from any starting position. anything that is impossible can be found in higher dimensions as well) are drawn to meddle in our affairs because somewhere out there in the truly unlimited possibilities of reality exists such beings whose sole purpose is to do so. This is where Kek comes from. From their vantage point in higher dimensional existence, they can influence this universe like a toy and steer it towards any number of conclusions.
What we call timeline hopping is achieved this way. Timeline hopping is essentially teleporting this universe from one position to another in 5th dimensional space, which is why we require higher beings to do it for us. We simply do not have access to dimensions required for this. From our four dimensional perspective we can only steer the universe into states that are adjacent to it, like choosing what path to take in your car. Timeline hopping is like picking up the car and dropping it on another road entirely without driving there.
As long as this shift happens entirely in 5th dimensional space, nothing drastic (like the fundamental rules of physics changing) will happen as the initial starting conditions of the universe do not change in the 5th dimension. This is why it isn't more obvious that we switched.
I disagree. The cia supported hillary 100% and even with the mighty google at their command they still lost.
The italian poster is probably correct. They just don't have enough talented people to use their massive resources effectively.
this is an excellent interpretation but have to add that it now seems the general public is more advanced in magical working simply because of numbers and diversity, so when you say we are behind them, we are behind any extra dimensional consciousness although many of us are in direct communication with it, but the so called elite have walled themselves into a position where they no longer freely accept communications from every sector and as such no longer have greater understanding of the laws governing the physical realm, if they knew about these laws they would live forever instead of needing to change vessels, get organ transplants and all the other miserable shit they endure when they could easily just reverse their aging temporarily if they understood how and had conditioned themselves to do so
fear prevents them from doing this
>they "lost"
i dont think you understand. the two party system is set up so that they CANT lose. trump is not the hero you think he is.
>I disagree. The cia supported hillary 100% and even with the mighty google at their command they still lost.
yes but all the people pissed off Saturn by trying to hide secrets and had committed so many unjust acts that Mars was quick to retaliate against them when asked
>They just don't have enough talented people to use their massive resources effectively.
this, they don't have to work as hard, comparing the CIA of the 1950s to today's CIA is so different, the guys from the 50s were obviously much more intelligent
Just go to the /omg/ thread on /x/
Theres a MEGA share drive or 2 with like 100GB+ of books...
Just go into the beginners folder and start with The Kybalion i guess
Start wherever you want, youll never truly understand it all anyways
>trump is not the hero you think he is.
Yes he is. Go fuck yourself kike. Bored, leaving.
we know, but he was the fall guy who won which is humorous, but thinking about it while comparing to other programming techniques you have to wonder,
if they really wanted Trump to go down they would have called in his Loans before the primary, they didn't, which makes me suspect the media narrative was designed to produce fear from a public that had been desensitized, telling people not to vote for someone is a surefire way to make sure they will vote for that person and again, they had a million ways to derail Trump and did not do any of them,
so we have to assume Trump is a pawn of Soros who had the ability to hoodwink the media, corporate powers and government agencies alike.
>Any interesting books to share?
Seth, god of confusion by T Velde
>Yes he is.
we won't know until it's over if he is or isn't, he has great rhetoric but his manner is concerning as he could create precedent that we will regret later on, especially with him fighting with judges, you have to be careful when you do that so you end up with a result you like, I get we think the man plays chess but we have to keep in mind that he may in fact only know how to play checkers, or Russian roulette
I support him 100% and helped him get elected because Hillary Clinton was abhorrent to me
but we have to keep an eye on him and help him through this first 100 days so it comes out to our benefit, don't forget that the solutions he tries to sell you may be more NWO shit in disguise, especially if he ignores crimes committed by people like George Soros, Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton etc
Hey op. If you into downloading movie torrents . just watched one all about MkUltra. Think I got it off Extra tor . It was called MIND CONTROL 1979 - PROJECT MKULTRA. .
good watch.
>judges are deities
When did this start?
Check out that guys youtube, it explains the concepts very well
You are right. What I should have said is we were way behind in the before this election. Trump should not have won and that's why the world is shitting its pants. We are off script so to speak. Or perhaps its a meta psy-op idk. I want to believe he is /ourguy/
>When you troll the CIA as a psy op mirror with a flow of data which solely consists of porn, adolph hitler and content sorted out from a virtual tibetan yeti taxidermy and furr weaving guild.
There are two realities to life.
World A is the real one, and World B is the one World A created.
99+% of the population live in World B.
99+% of the population are not aware of World A.
It's like one of those "Can't Unsee" things.
But I'll give you a hint:
>Donald Trump is an actor and lives in World A
Need more?
>it's VERY similar to The Matrix
It's why I didn't vote.
the judiciary is an equal power to the president just like the congress, which is why you should not set precedent outlining the limits of power, Trump is correct in asserting his orders, but it's risky if he isn't sure what the outcome will be,
this is true