>The holocaust didn't hap-
That guy is not German tho
are there Sup Forumslacks who unironically deny the holocaust?
he isn't pointing his rifle at her actually
there are no actual people in that picture actually
There is no picture
This thread never happened.
I'll tell you why I think and therefore what is the truth due to my superior intellect. :^)
Nazis wanted to genocide the jews, but that plan would have been carried after they had won, the majority of the jewish "genocide" was carried by eastern troops who rounded up some jews and killed them on spot. There were no deathcamps, the oven/gas chamber is bullshit. just regular concentration camps who suffered food shortage and the spread of disease, no surprise considering the total war aspect of wwII. But if the nazis had won they would have really genocided the jews and most of the slavs so they could repopulate their lebensraum.
real convincing there you idiot faggot british piece of shit
>Not a German uniform
>Not even aiming at the civilians
And this picture is still used in history books too...
>The holocaust
the what now?
hate how they never post the full version of that picture. It was debunked long ago, yet it is still the poster picture for the "holocaust"
The Einsatzgruppe did some good work in eastern europe. A shame that they didn't get through to western europe.
don't forget the holocauster, goyim
[non-jewish citation needed]
>being this much in denial
being a neo-nazi is the most edgiest thing you could be on this planet
Also not a german rifle
There is no bullets in that rifle
It really doesn't matter whether or not it is true in the same way Schindler's list isn't true it still shows what happened in world war II. Goyim are too stupid to fact check. The intelligent ones don't matter.
Thanks comrad bro
There is no rifle
If they unironically deny it, they would have to ignore all the eye witness accounts. I'm sure a few of them over exaggerate, but they can't ALL be lying.
There is no Jew
Those fake pics were obvious bad shops of obscure WWII photos created by deniers as proof of their made up conspiracy.
Communists all. Good riddance.
>hey klaus, take a picture of me shooting das gun at this lady
>act afraid fruelein!
Everyone know jews aren't affectionate, this picture is doctored
>your must be this long to ride
You should watch the documentary one third of the holocaust. What happens when most people's eyewitness accounts of the holocaust don't match up with the gas chamber and oven theory?
>those shops on the left
deniers are so dumb that it hurts
Oyyyyy Veeeeeeeeey
This faguette gets it.
>i can't explain you, but hey look at this propaganda documentary i know! It's so redpilled!!!!!!!!!
Who cares if it happened or not? If I was the leader of Germany I would have interned all the ugly rats at the first sign of conflict. Don't forget during WWI they were (((allowed))) to ignore the Einjährig-Freiwilliger conscription laws (The NSDAP claimed 97% of the inbreds never so much as put on a uniform but since the Prussian military archives were destroyed after WWI we'll never know for sure) and then the sunken eyed tribe almost succeeded in subjugating the entire empire after it was ground down by half a decade of trench warfare. 90% of the German communist revolution leaders were Jewish and Hitler also watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda kill some 7,000,000 european christians only a stonesthrow away as well. He feared for his people and rightfully so in my opinion.
Also just look at the USA, they let the Jews in with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to completely turn on them.
The eyewitness accounts are not consistent with each other at all. Go to the ushmm websit were the document testimonies of holocaust survivors. About 1/2 is them talking about how it's like and internment camp not a death camp while 1/4 give nonspecific details and 1/4 talk about the nazis torturing them in a death camp. Guess what? The only used the 1/4 when making a documentry even though there are more saying otherwise right on their own website
hello retard
>blurry rifle
oh, must be yugoslavian definitely not German
You could see clearly that the rifle tips on the left side doesn't show the extended metal cylinder piece found on the M24
>posting pic of other SS battalions
Yep totally not an Einsatzgruppen uniform
Clean your nails and tell your bf to wipe properly.
>The eyewitness accounts are not consistent with each other at all.
Because most of them had wildly different experiences.
> About 1/2 is them talking about how it's like and internment camp not a death camp
That is because most of the holocaust survivors survived the war because they weren't in a death camp dumb dumb.
So you only hear survivors talking about concentration camps because the vast majority of jews who where on death can't simply died!
The photo doesn't show that, you sperg.
As apposed to the bad Soviet reconstruction attempts at Concentration camps?
>The chimney was post war & not attached to the building
that is the pic of the canadian denier retard, he doesn't even deny it...
They can't?
What if only 2% of them are lying, what if you get 2% off a 10,000 sample? that's just 2%, but 200 testimonies.
Of these cherrypicked testimonies, there are accounts of extraordinary things happening, IE holocauster ride, colored smoke, i'm sure you've seen these.
In addition refer to the videos of holocaust survivors talking about cantinas, football teams, orchestras, movie theaters, etc
And the fact all camps on the soviet side were death camps, and all camps on the allied side were concentration camps.
It's not enough for me to outright deny the holocaust, but it's enough for my bullshit detector to go nuts.
We've been lied to too much about the war already. It's not a big leap to take a skeptic stance on what really happened.
>he thinks they didn't do shops before the digital age
There's hundreds of remastered photos out there. Most famous ones were from Stalin's purge and from the "great fire" in San Francisco.
He's aiming to the left of them in the picture.
Well, fuck.
Calm down, Schlomo. I was just posting a pic to give a counterpoint to your one-sided argument. Don't get all emotional about it.
A "holocaust" didn't happen
many groups were slaughtered in WWII
even some of your britbong subjects
doesn't mean I owe the Yuke Hay any special status or compensation
don't owe it to any jew either
After the war they wanted to send the kikes to Madagascar in fact. That's the final soultion.
It's a known fact that the Jewish NKVD would dress up in German uniforms and commit atrocities for propaganda purposes. Look it up.
the germans used a shittton of auxiliary troops as well as captured equipment. might not be german doing it but it might be someone serving the germans.
That's not a German uniform.
He didn't say it was, but there are other photographs showing NVKD officers ordering around "German" soldiers
And the knives.
Not surprising. Maybe they are even from after the war.
>carried out this way in the early days
As to imply in the early days there was a lack of weapons?
Did you even go look at it? People from the same exact camp tell widely different accounts. You have 11 people talking about how all they did was hold them and have basic rules like curfew, roll call, no weapons etc. If they followed the rules they got music instruments, could go swim, got toys. If they didn't follow them they got shitty bread for dinner but nothing horrible. Then you have only 2 people talking about how they starved and beat them, gassing them in masses amd torturing them in various ways. These 13 people all went to the same barracks in the same camp
Or it may be a Yugoslav, or a Russian or a Polish,... Really ambiguous isn't it?
No truth should be unquestionable
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Holocaust didn't happen, some kind of ethnic cleansing happened.
prisoners had different statuses and different amenities. The amenities also got different during the course of the regime.
A communist jew was not treated the same way a WW1 veteran jew. A jewish prisoner was not treated the same way in Theresienstadt before the war as compared to a sonderkommando in Treblinka.
>These 13 people all went to the same barracks in the same camp
Uniform is not the same, bonger. Even you should be able to see that.
The burden of proof is not on the accused, but the accuser.
If the Lollercaust is so obvious, then instead of making it illegal, come out and prove how eighty-year-old ovens could cremate bodies in 15 minutes, or if it is even logistically possible to gas as many people with the resources they had, or why they wasted all that time and energy up until the end of the war.
No false equivalence to make cases for special pleading, no witness testimony for the things you like but not for those you dislike, no hearsay, no smoking guns, just absolute proof. Pictures of dead bodies mean nothing, the Lollercaust is looking at a pile of blood and screaming murder because your rabbi told you it was true.
this, desu
Facts can and should be questioned. If they are not, they are no longer facts, but religious dogma.
>history shouldn't be constantly questioned.
Mohammed plz leave
ukrainian uniform + not a german rifle. some user posted the facts a while ago. don't have link to sources
fuckin die jew
Criminally underrated
It was real, Dresden.
Let's see the complete image jackass.. the guy with the gun is shooting past her at a distant target.
Show the full image and prepare to get BTFO'd!!!!!!
Do you have the one with the masterbation machine?
He isn't even shooting her
Also proper rifle shooting stance places feet perpendicular to the angle of fire.
The alleged "execution target" is in the foreground, and the soldiers toes are pointing at the camera.
There's a 0 percent chance that he's actually shooting at any of the people in the picture.
The holocaust is the dumbest fucking lie in history.
>Jew: naazees were mean to us, bibs shekels pls
>am habings of prroof!
He is protecting her while she runs to cover.
She is obviously closer to the camera.
That man was a hero.
>pic unrelated
>there was only 1 type of K98k
What's the top one then eh?
if only
True but the bulge on the top, in front of the breech, is very telling of the M24.
He already killed one, he is trying to shoot a moving target and adjusting his sight.
Other kar98 variants, which is purposefully not used in the fake "debunked" image, had it
my pic shows it
Why does the person you circled appear to be wearing a beret similar to that of the soldiers?
similar =/= the same
And no it doesn't look like it
CTR retards need to get their keyboards fix-
Neither the soldier nor the woman throw shadows. The rifle is directed to the right side, away from the woman's head.
We fought the wrong guys m8
As if leftist ideology is any diff-
jewish mafia...was the worst ...
No way, it was not as extreme as the M24. It's a non-issue though, it wouldn't have been unlikely for a German soldier to be using an M24.
All this aside, they are not SS uniforms.
Of fucking course. Denying the holocaust is the most basic redpill for fuck's sake
there's a big difference between asking "did the holocaust happen" and stating "the holocaust did not happen"
There is nothing wrong with executing criminals.
We would all be better off if we executed more of them.
Don't pretend that female criminals don't deserve it too.
>there was only one type of SS uniform
Yes they are