Wtf I love the 9th Circuit now

wtf I love the 9th Circuit now

Other urls found in this thread: arabia will remove billions from us economy

I'm sure this white peoples fault somehow

It's Iran's yearly day of autistic rage.

It could be about your crimes against humanity in libya, iraw, syria and sponsoring terrorists as well as creating isis, but let's continue to pretend that they hate your regime for absolutely no reason

Hope you are allowed to be one of the many lucky ones to sacrifice their lives for oil of special interest groups

hence why we voted trump in and not hildawg.

Iran should never have been banned desu. They are actually fighting ISIS

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan etc are the true terrorist nations.


Their protest signs include photos of Trump, not Hillary, Obama, or Bush.

Something tells me either they're being misled on where to focus their anger, or interventionism is not why they're protesting.

>sand niggers
Pick one

Yea the "death to America" country is totally cool

I just love how the world proves Trump right, without him having to do anything

I can't imagine Trump's misplaced anger at Iran is helping their disposition.


Why can't we pick a fight with Saudi instead for once

>It could be about your crimes against humanity in libya, iraw, syria and sponsoring terrorists as well as creating isis
thats why we voted Trump you dumb kraut

They are just angry they lost.

Trump has already killed civvies in Yemen and made threats of war against Iran. If you think he's not gonna continue America's trend of being the world's biggest asshole, you're wrong.

Because we're too pussy that they'll remove their several hundreds of billions invested into our economy.

> arabia will remove billions from us economy

I'm not saying he won't continue that bullshit, but at the same time, those particular missions were follow-throughs of the previous administration. The brunt of damage has been done by previous people in power. He's only getting started.

Daily day of autistic rage*

> He's only getting started

Don't remind me. The threats of war were all him tho, and I swear if I end up having to pay $10+ a gallon of gas Im gonna be pissed.

That's not the issue. The petrodollar is.

muh sandniggers are better then other sandnigger

>tfw iran launches a nuke at america
>tfw this is what the globalists had planned all along
>tfw last years bilderberg meeting was full of pro-trump people


They're never going to nuke us. They're going to level gulf oil and wreck the world's entire economy with conventional missiles. Hard to get support for a war when nobody can work or travel.

>and I swear if I end up having to pay $10+ a gallon of gas Im gonna be pissed
Chill, the US is capable of producing huge amounts of oil now, that's why it's so cheap these days.

Now that's a global crash I could get behind.

US is still well short of being self sufficient, and oil is a global market. Take gulf oil offline and barrels spike to 250+ easy

Every single time

>Take gulf oil offline and barrels spike to 250+ easy
If you took all of it offline maybe (though a lot of rigs have already gone off line) but the shale oil guys can ramp up production extremely quickly. There's tons of DUCs (drilled uncompleted) wells across the country. We aren't 100% self sufficient, but it wouldn't be as cataclysmic as 250/bbl

Any people that unabimously say 'death to America' were never an ally to begin with.

I thought Iran did this every day

Nah. That's the Houthis with their abnormally long war cry. Iran only breaks it out on special occasions

Fuck off Ahmed, why should the population be punished for the crimes of its leaders?

You're right. We should ban all travel from there so they cant hurt us.

Hopefully they make it to San Francisco and blow it up

This is what I like about Iran. They are honest. Anyone who thinks our "allies" in the region (Saudi, Israel, Kurds, Turks etc) don't feel the exact same way is deluding themselves. Plus they don't leech off us for welfare so they can say what they want.

oh really

Hundreds of thousands gathered here in America, chanting death to Trump.

> Iran chanting death to America
> Wonders why there is a travel ban.

Can you give me a quick rundown on Trump?

I need a basic gestalt of Trump?

10 years from now, the media will say this never happened like the post 9/11 celebrations

You fuckers were in on the whole planes into buildings things. You only tolerate us so we can babysit you while you steal land.


>Persophiles making all these excuses

>Something tells me either they're being misled
>hey're being misled


Reminder that as an American you can still walk from one end of Iran to the other and nobody will attempt to behead you.

They dislike your government, not you.

>destabilize Iran's government constantly
>responsible for 2 forceful governemnt chages. One of which was a democratic republic and one a secular monarchy.
>gave support to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq. Iraq proceeds to use WMDs on civilian populations (chem weapons)
>sanctions out the ass because Israel has been pushing the Iran wants nukes meme
>supoort for Israel's clandestine missions to kill scientists coupled with cyber warfare
>wtf how dare you say death to America!

>steal land
i see i see
trump will finish you off

>They dislike your government, not you.
Not sure they make a distinction there. We should nuke them just for talking shit honestly. Nothing of value would be lost.

Daily 32 hour autistic rage*

>America won't let us in to their country

>now i want to destroy them

Last I checked there's going to be some quarter million battle hardened Shia troops free in a few years. Pretty sure they'll get to you before Trump manages anything exciting over here. Lay low and maybe they'll let you stay in one of those nice walled slums you've trapped them in for decades.

I remember seeing an interview with some protesters chanting it a few years back.
They said they have nothing against American people. It's retarded I know, but they do have legitimate grievances with your government.


Yes I'm sure its about the (failed) travel ban and not the threat of sanctions for testing conventional missiles which apparently is the same thing as building a nuke.

لشرج عبارة عن فتحة في نهاية الجهاز الهضمي للكائن الحي المقابلة للفم من الناحية الأخرى وهي فتحة خارجية من المستقيم، آخر اقسام الجهاز الهضمي في الأمعاء الغليظة في معظم الثدييات. وظيفتها إخراج الفضلات وطرد الأجسام الصلبة الناتجة عن عملية الهضم والتي تعتمد على نوع الكائن الحي، ربما تكون واحدة أو أكثر من الأشياء التي لا يستطيع الكائن الحي هضمها كالعظام والمواد التي قد تكون سامة ان بقت في الجهاز الهضمي وبكتيريا المعدة. هناك مجموعة من العضلات تتحكم بتقلص وانبساط فتحة الشرج وهي عضلات دائرية الشكل تقريبا تنتهى بالعضلة العاصرة للمستقيم يتحكم في انقباضها وانبساطها الياف عصبية ارادية أي يمكن للإنسان التحكم في انقباضها وانبساطها لاحقا بعد سن الثالثة على الأغلب وهي تخضع للجهاز العصبي الودي والجهاز العصبي اللاودي وهي وتوجد عند انتهاء المستقيم. في معظم المجتمعات يعتبر ذكر هذا العضو في جسم الناس من الكلمات الخارجة عن حدود اللياقة أو التي تخدش الحياء.


Good to be a leaf

you talk as if we are nothing but flies , mind you keyboard cunt , we can handle them off
plus respect your enemy

fancy suit jacket with removable jean pant sleeves. NICE

Last I checked your hand of God went 3 for 7 the other night. Pretty sure they can take a bunch of weaponized cops that don't normally shoot anything other than kids. You can't run an apartheid state forever Shlomo

Mohammed has 3 candies, he gives one to Ahmed, now calculate the radius of the bomb blast.

Then we can only pray that he takes you down with us.

aww the people chanting death to america are upset they've been banned from america

You referring to the travel ban that got struck down at the 9th circuit? I highly doubt anyone chanting cares about that.

There is not enough information to calculate the radius of the bomb blast. We do not know the materials, amount, design, number of infidels, location, day of the week, or even number of muslims. All we know is that a detonation will occur because of the presence of two muslims.

You're not flies jew. You're rats. The flies are your pet arabs.

>struck down
For now.

These things always make me sick.

>Death to america

Wow the brown countries never change

kek people itt pretending like they're mad because of nothing. Fuck united states of israel, fucking jew ass kissers.

>they've been doing this for 4 decades running
>it's now Trumps fault

They do this all the time. Why is this news?

I'm pretty sure having street chants crying for the death of America is a weekly tradition there that's existed for years.

well, burgers CIA overthrew a government for the first time in Iran

they have not forgotten since then

Everyone is too hopped up on smug-cum and rage to reflect on the reality contained in this

There is over 1million iranians in usa.. Tell me about the terror they do. Thanks