killing those bad hombres
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Ay Cabron
based chopper
i wonder if they got it with a killstreak :)
second part
They need to clear space. They will be receiving many spics back
Reminder that this is a literal war that we are fighting FOR Americans.
Reminder that cartels are losing badly and that narcos are all dead or in jail and all those "murders" are war casualties aka narcos. Reminder that we are the original Duterte and it didn't work.
Reminder that this shit will never end because Americans are a bunch of degenerates funding cartels billions of dollars.
Reminder that Americans not only are funding cartels, but they are also arming them.
Reminder that Americans also trained them.
reminds of this
Shitty technology, murder is easy to get away with
Good technology, murder is hard to get away with
Reminder that the Drug War needs to stop and Americans need to take responsibility for their health issues.
te gusta la turreta, hombres?
Stay mad, Pedro. Nobody believes your underreported 3rd world statistics.
Every spic and their grandma smokes dope, and you love coke and meth as much as the next degenerate, probably more.
Mexico is a disgrace, you have zero excuse for not being 1st world other than your shit culture.
You do make the best food though.
Degenerate pig.
you see those lazers buddy, that was like the first terminator movie.
> Reminder that we are the original Duterte and it didn't work.
killing the drug dealers is not enough paco, you also have to go strict on your corrupt government.
Reminder you're our bitch because you aren't smart enough to do anything for yourself
Pretty sure that's because we have more full blooded niggers than you
>choppers raining death on narco scum
It's far too early in the afternoon for this boner, Spain
I wouldn't count on it.
>give 1% of the total global trade to narcos giving them billions of dollars, arm them to the teeth and expect that corruption disappear magically
No need to get mad.
>first world
Remind me of something else.
those motorcycles near the car are police or random people??
When the helicopter is firing
The only drug you guys ever produced for us was shitty weed, which we've replaced with superior US-made herb. Now all you do is funnel afghani heroin for us, which yeah you guys can stop doing that shit any time now.
Hopefully we'll stop guarding the goddamned fields in Afghanistan so there's no supply to smuggle through your desert-nation soon, then all you'll have to worry about is south-american cocaine.
lol at the cops lighting up residential houses as they go after the scum
chimp hues on bathtub watch
We dont produce the drug amerinigger, south americsns do
>be american
>die of cancer
Yeah, that's what I implied by calling it "south american cocaine"
I lived in mexico for 16 years because of my job. I lived in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey and Ciudad Juarez. One thing I noticed was that upper middle class families tended to stay away from drugs. It was a taboo theme to talk about and teenagers among well-to-do families tended not to use marijuana.
Which is the complete opposite here in the states. Upper middle class kids are the ones that consume drugs like their life depended on it.
Because actual smart human beings recognize they can use the tamest drug known to man without ruining their lives
>Western world lives longer
>Older people more likely to get cancer
Woah, really made me tink
What would you look like after getting shot with a .50 cal?
Smart human beings don't need drugs at all.
At least not recreational drugs.
Our life expectancy is higher than Brazil, Argentina, China, Russia, Slovakia, etc.
Holy Shit! Not cool on any level.
This happened close to where I live, everyone was freaking out, they closed the entire city, you coulnd't leave or enter during the operative.
Moreover, the drug culture over there isn't even remotely as prevalent as it is in America. While they are sometimes exposed in tv and movies, they're not always in the face of teenagers like in America. In the US you have rappers, comedy shows, movies etc where they make light of drugs, normalizing them.
Something Sup Forums is unaware of (not that Sup Forums is ever informed anyway) is that Mexico is a very conservative society. Homosexuality, drugs and all of the liberal aspects of culture, while present, are still taboo and looked at negatively. However, things are starting to change there too. In 10 years they might be experiencing the same counter culture social jusitce movement America is experiencing now.
And that is sad.
lol "la torreta" and "calibre 50" , guess this northern fellow bean eater has not seen our blackhawks with side mounted miniguns.
lookin good bois
No, Mexico is shit because Mexican politicians are corrupt and blame all of their problems on the United States, instead of themselves for making their own country a shithole.
>Americans dindu nuffin we wuz good bois
Mexico sucks because it is an oligarchy run by billionaires and cartels and is race mixed to shit.
You are the one that made a dictator your ruler instead of becoming a republic.
>>Americans dindu nuffin we wuz good bois
>minigun starts raining down hellfire
>ay cabron!
Why do you post such LQ picks you faggot Dego
You had the choice between Farias and a republic or Santa Anna and a Catholic hacienda based oligarchy and you chose Santa Anna
The US supported you becoming a republic but you refused because "muh freemasons"
Everything that has happened since is your fault
>Homosexuality, drugs and all of the liberal aspects of culture, while present, are still taboo and looked at negatively.
What do you think Republicans complain about?
>Americans invading Mexico after some illegal immigrants declared war is our fault
>>>Americans dindu nuffin we wuz good bois
Wtf the numbers are even higher than in Donbass. I knew about cartels, but never thought it's on such scale.
Also fuck USA! They stir shit everywhere.
Something like this
That's funny I don't remember the special forces having a training session on the best way to peel someone's face off if he owes you money
It says so right in your fucking wikishit article that your spic women are buying the guns and shipping them to Mexico
>Implying your junkie ass white bitches don't do that shit for some coke
>random white girls get involved in a cartel operation that can end in their beheading just to get some cocaine, instead of, you know, buying it off a dealer