RIP in Piss Sweet Prince ;__;

Other urls found in this thread:


Thank god

Sup Forums achieved this with any effort.

Imagine what we could do.

I´m genuinely disapointed. I was hoping for 4 years of top notch entertainment.

haha paper no


Sup Forums victory

So here's my thing. While I do find this whole thing pretty funny; shia can't handle fame and that's obvious.

But isn't this bullying? Just because he's a tool doesn't mean we needed to ruin his shit so completely, i doubt he's gonna show his face on the internet again ever. I mean, its not Sup Forumss fault he got arrested or seemed to go insane, but we certainly didn't help.

Should we feel bad?

defeated by a bunch of retards


>gets divided


even the museum got tired of hwndu threads

Sup Forums dindu nuffin, it was reddits idea

Thanks champ.

Three season of pure entertainment. I'm just sad I won't be able to hold a mass to Kek on July 7th.

Now you're just passing the buck.
Either way though, is it right to almost ruin someones life in exchange for lols?

I might have too much empathy, so someones gonna have to spell it out for me.

Dude! You wrote "Rest in peace in Piss Sweet Prince", that's wrong, it should be just "RIP Sweet Prince" or "Rest in peace Sweet Prince".

death by meme

Pol didn't do shit. Pol from 7 years ago is a different story.

WE WON Sup Forums

status: DIVIDED

Sup Forums is a board of peace

oh NO!


What will SV and Paper do with their lives now?

What did Sup Forums do 7 years ago?

>This was supposed to go on 8 years
>couldn't even last a month

I'm gonna miss jackie though

Ive been lurking Sup Forums for 8 years
this is my first post

I'm new to this forum and I was directed here by some people who suggested that I visit. Listen... As a long time friend of Ben's (Golden Valor) I feel I need to stand up for somebody who doesn't deserve ANY of the shit ya'all are throwing at him every day. It's disgusting.

Ben is a strong man who fought for his country and you're all throwing shade at him everyday for spreading love to millions of people!!

Yeah, he does have anger problems but don't we all from time to time? What you might not know is that Ben's wife is struggling right now...she was diagnosed with HIV last year and she also suffers from violent episodes which often result in objects being hurled around the house in violent rages that she has no control over.

Ben needs to leave the house from time to time because it's a toxic and dangerous environment. They even have to put a hockey mask on Ben's wife's son to protect him from all manner of missiles and have trained him at just ONE years old to deflect items with a mini baseball bat. That kid is a freakin genius I swear. He takes after his old man shade on Ben, he's still a sweetheart but he's not the brightest guy..

Listen please guys, I don't want to have to tell you his full story, just know he is a fantastic man and a great father and he is doing his best looking after his wife's son.I really appreciate the opportunity to speak out and maybe once this is all over we can have a street party. Ben's wife will do the cooking! Peace to you all :)

Not existing mostly

Maybe, but we milked this lolcow for all it was worth. He just wanted an empty lot for 4 years to express his opinions.

Newfag : The post

Based Black Guy dropped many redpills. Thier little experiment backfired on them.

>ruin someones life in exchange for lols?
I think the multi millionaire will be ok



Shia can't handle bantz
>omg you guies r so mean

cry moar drumpfbitch

there is no need for hwndu any more because drumpfy is done 4

read the article, he ruined it for himself

You got 'em

Yep, net worth 25 million.
Thats... perspective.

That's not really a justification.
Has a good point though


>falling for low tier bait
>current year


At least this show gave us 2 seasons of great entertainment,goodbye space cowboys

What did paperboy mean by this?

nice trips.




>tfw this is real

Wow, so they cancelled the show mid-season. Guess ratings really tanked after the Season 2 finale.

Shia has always been cray.

Concern trolling.

can't have the world seeing how funny, diverse and intelligent trump supporters are.

Fucking americans are always canceling my favorite shows

>this scared the jews enough to shut down their hate propaganda exhibit

Toughen up pussy nigga

haha what the fuck is this, i'm tripping on mushrooms but what is this copypasta?

yes raiding childrens online games was pretty much the peak

Noice. Rake will meet you some other time.

shoah lakike is a jew, and deserves an oven

This wasn't real Sup Forums
Real Sup Forums was never tried before, and even then it's a board of peace


THANK YOU Sup Forums

im gonna get some good SUCC

YES! Now reddit can fuck off back where you belong! Thank God!

Raid online children games.

hahaha, can someone post pics of Alana Bower's or wateva her name is twitter account.

>tripping on mushrooms at 10am

Degenerates get off my board REEEEEEEEE

hu hu paper no!

I'm going to miss jesus

Well that lasted long.

To be honest, it was only entertaining for the first couple of days. Since Day 5 it's been shit.

>is it right to almost ruin someones life in exchange for lols?
how is this even a question, newfag??

Looks like they were finally divided.

You're forced to unify with the rest of us. Your double speaking dividing shenanigans are over.
Trump is our president and that's how it's gonna be, whether you like it or not

Now eat your vegetables!

>i doubt he's gonna show his face on the internet again ever

Dude, what the fuck do I care about some worthless jew. They aren't even humans.

hue hue papel no!

No more aurora

them butt cheeks

Does this mean we can masturbate now?

it didn't even exist

haha look at their stream it just says this.

The millionaire will be okay, user.

Was there a particular incident in the last couple days that finally crossed the line? Or was this just bound to happen?

TMZ's article posted Stolen Valor's scuffle with Oujibro, so I'd imagine he'll be in rehab for his xanax withdraw induced rage



WE DID IT Sup Forums

I'd say it was building it up for some time. But if I were to guess on a specific incident, it may have been the Season 2 finale. 6 cop cars showed up that night. According to those on the ground, that whole night felt like it was on the verge of becoming a giant block party.

Shia is pissed off

>Sup Forums single-handedly shuts down an irrelevant celebrity's attempt to become relevant again by sheer force of autism and memes
A-are we the true jews?

mushrooms before noon is the ultimate redpill
wake up, sheep

Sup Forums :1
Sharia LaBarf : 0

I wonder what their next little divertion project is going to be.
>we need to keep them right winged people who don't want to destroy the west at bay!
>quick, spam a cam thread (HWNDU) and get a down in the gutter celeb in on it
>that will distract the darn kids!

Can anyone make an evangelion montage of these events.

we always have been user.

He didn't think anyone actually liked Trump, he wanted all the real Americans who hate Trump to come and express their opinions. He didn't expect love to trump hate.

>this is a white supremacist on america

this has to be one of the best Sup Forums raids in history kek

Can't believe I missed this, based Chinaman telling it like it is whilst whitey's have all been cucked and mindlessly chant slogans at a webcam because they've lost the ability to think for themsleves.


>He didn't think anyone actually liked Trump

This pretty much. These libtards live such isolated lives, they had no idea what would happen.

This guy was awesome because he was one of the first few people to troll. Same with pepe guy