What will Putin and Trump be talking about, guis?

What will Putin and Trump be talking about, guis?

>trump just do what i do to the people that wont let you pass bills
>what do you do putin?
>posin them, gas them, beat them up, or kill them
>wow you are not a bad person at all putin
>but when hillary does it its not ok ;)

Why Slovenia?

that's actually the location of the Bogdanoffs secret bogcave

Would you stop it with this Bogdanoff shit?

That's stupid they have tunnels all over Europe and could meet anywhere. Why Slovenia?

Isn't melenia from there?


>Why Slovenia?

It's a decent midway point between the countries, which is nice for symbolic reasons, and historically this sort of meeting between two Great Powers is usually done in either a secondary nation or a third power.

He will probably directly ask Putin if he did the hacks. Putin will have nothing to lose and will answer honestly that he didn't and it was a frame up.

Trump is even more convinced that the lying establishment wants war with Russia and are total scumbags.

Then Putin says' but we did hack this....' and gives up some way worse stuff to Trump.

Trump and Putin save the world etc etc

>first lady is slovene
>slovenia a communist country but didn't go quite as full retard as the rest of them, so a natural bridge between the two spheres in some small way
>slovenia borders western europe and eastern europe, so has a marked interest in what the US and Russia are up to
In reality they could have their meeting literally anywhere, because they are Russia and the US. Why not Slovenia?

The sooner you swallow the bogpill, the sooner you can transcend to god-like intelligence.

Iran and Ukraine


*nukes you*

Damn.. Trumps up in here you just got serving niggas?

Oh fuck, it worked

She doesn't have Putin's charm. She has a repulsive quality

Putin senpai finally noticed Trump

Putin will be like "Hey orange man, I need to finally topple Obama's regime in Kiev. You cool with that?"

"It's your clay boss" Trump will reply.

Within a fortnight Russian tanks parade down Krashatik.

Euro caliphate army confirmed to be spitroasted

i genuinely hope trump slaughters you leftist retards, you deserve it

How to not nuke each other while maintaining political expedience in the process.

Yes, yes, very good...

Where is this "Putin is a killer" meme from? Litvinenko is the closest thing there is, Putin is just as delicate with his enemies as western leaders are.

Who is best girl

Overthrow nato and the NWO, the handover of Soros to Russia for prosecution while USA seizes everything Soros owns.

He just poisoned a political rival this month.

Probably just another coincidental poisoning of someone being critical of Putin
>the Clinton kill list is real though

Just bogging your mind down and you claim superiority.

The bog anal repository is where it's at.

this tbqh familio (btw maki a shit)


You misunderstand the Russian mindset. When Russians want to kill people they make sure to send a message by making it obvious it was them while still maintaining plausible deniability. The West functions far more discreetly; see Michael Hastings.


Imagine a world run by Soros and Dugin

ohh ja chop that wood real good make that hard wood sneaky tool

It's remarkable to me that people find her to me more repulsive than Trump. The man is hideous and paunchy in form and putrid in personality.

>Putin is a killer

Hopefully how to unfuck the west.

This actually pisses me off. His first wife is from Czech Republic, our president was the only one who supported him from West/Central Europe. And we actually like Putin here pretty much. So it would be ideal for us to meet here.
And to delete the history of Obama over here. Let's do this.

The retaking of Constantinople

stay mad and pro-obama pleb