Pooland hate thread

Fake country patched from bits stolen from Russia and Gemany. The shitter of europe. EU's bitch, land of chochols and chochols in denial. Bastard language forced into latin alfabet by retarded population. German, tatar and turk rapebabies. Pseudo-catholics and jews. Subhuman neo-nazis too dumb to know they even are subhumans. Faggots in denial, pretendning that faggotry isn't the way 60% of them live.



are you ok?



No i'm not fucking ok. I live in a shithole filled with retards.

i'd let this guy ride me just hide his face


>patched from bits stolen from Russia and Gemany
and now those territories are saved from decay

Saved from decay by being given to vatican? Those lands would be better off staing Ortodox.

He is german, how can he be ok?

I'm not german you fucking chochol.

>images with cyrylic names and talking about orthodox church
Indeed not german, sorry for mistake Ivan.
All in all nice try 4/10

If you hate Poland so much why not live in Russia?

water polo best sport

I still love you polak. Drink a few vodkas you will feel better!

What are you talking about? Eastern "poland" used to be largery ortodox.

You were supposed to be the builders of our monuments. This is your fate, embrace it.

Too drunk to drive there.

co tam cieciu dupka boli?

if you hate Poland so much you should run for president and fix things


There is nothing to be "fixed". This shithole shouldn't fucking exist.

Ooo,i though real Russians can drive under any condition.

okay, I don't share OP's sentiment, but really. why the fuck does Polish language look so retarded

I don't notice it when I speak it everyday but whenever I see it in the written form like this, it just makes me cringe

someone explain

Because he failed to use comma and it reads weird?

no, it's just. Polish language looks retarded in general for some reason regardless.


>retards make language
>use wrong alphabet
>suprised when it looks retarded
Poles, everyone.

>>probuje pisac po angielsku ale srednio mi to wychodzi
kolejny ciec?

Kill yourself, go to a country that you would identify with or fucking get your ass kicked by some 'sub-humans' from time to time for being a miserable bitch

come again?

Can someone redpill me on the "-ski" surname?

Are they always polish or always jews or what?

I've only met jewish people with this surname but somebody told me the non-jewish people can have that surname too.


"-ski" => polish

-ski was Polish nobles surename.

polish, belorussian, rarely russian. it means "of something, someone"
t. belski

yeah it's polish

that's how i know this fag is "-berg"

fuck poopland

"-ski" is polish and "-sky" is jewish

why do you Sup Forumscucks keep talking about stuff you don't know shit about

t. Schlomo Rabinovsky

So no implication of being Jewish directly? A christian can have it?

-sky is just anglicized version you retard
no, majority of polish surnames end with -ski, it's not jewish thing
by the way, macedonian surnames end with -ski too


>too underage to leave


I like Poland

Got it, thank you.

Is op the last kraut in keked ''''german''' lands or something?

He is angry (for some reason) russian (or other cyrylic using nationality).

>And OP, like always, was a faggot.

he is just some ukrainian nigger who can't get a job, nothing to see here

This picture doesn't trigger us. All of huge Russia beat half of German army and got only a part of the land, big deal. And after 5 years our standard of living was better than theirs (and yours).