
Red pill me on Monogamy.

Fuck off and kill yourself with this 'redpill me' shit.

Comes from to jewish traditions.

Read the rules faggot

lesson one: stop making shitty threads.

shouldn't you be getting purged right now?

Its the best system for a stable nuclear family and thus a thriving country. Hitler did nothing wrong.

Who cares? It makes no difference whether he said "red pill me on 'x"' or wrote a fucking paragraph. We know what he means. Fucking stupid rule ruins this board.

Monogamy is a prison.

If you're a high value male, you should be able to find a wife material woman to settle down with, but also fool around constantly on the side.

This is actually very healthy behavior, and if it wasn't for the cancer of feminism claiming otherwise, it's actually good for the wife's happiness too.

If a woman cheats on her husband, it's a sign the husband is a failure and probably deserved it.


Its a safety mechanism, the trend of poligamy onli happens in developed words where when you get to the end game the goverment will help you.

In banana republics you need to build your own safety program and the easiest method is to build a family.
You get sick no probler your wife will be there.
No retirment money? Your redpilled son will be there
No job? The family infrastucture will find somthing for you.

Thats US black population is full of gangsters.

you got redpilled

>le redpill meee
>tell me what to think!!!

You are cancer

I played around in my early 20s. I got married at 32. I'm 49 now.
Getting married was the best thing I did. Having a loving wife, regular sex, a woman who supports me and gave birth to our kids.
Traditional gender roles are important to us. I pay the bills and fix stuff; she cooks and cleans and manages household finances, because I'm useless with money. I spend it on useless things that we don't need. I gave her my bank card.
Men and women are designed for different activities. It all comes together like that Chinese yin/yang symbol. It's also about give and take, negotiation and love. Above all, love. I don't fuck around as I got that out of my system when I was younger.

" to find a wife material woman to settle down with..."

The woman that wants to settle down with me are 'too vanilla' for my taste, they are charming but too delicate...
They are attractive and somehow interesting but as I built a relationship they don't 'spice up'.
It's the dullest relationships.
They demand a ton of social bullshit and a bunch of patience.
The most immature wan is the one who wants to have children and she's just too religious and naive.
I don't want to cheat but I don't think I'll be able to settle...
The most breath taking ones don't want to settle and never will, also, they bring a bunch of unnecessary drama.
I think monogamy is just to demanding but I also think I'm somehow Monogamic...
I can imagine a 'one woman fits all' but I don't think she exist.
I think this somehow is a source of suffering.
I don't want to have kids or raise kids.
A bunch of young woman already have kids and this is just a turn off for me...
I can see the advantages of 'family' infrastructure in corporate world but no other advantage.

I prefer doing something else than going out to dinner or watching a dumb movie, damn, have you ever went to a park and hold hands and blah?
That stuff is stupid as fuck and cringe as hell.

Until this moment the best relationship that I had was made of sex and some 'two person parties'.

I think I need more than one of those relationships because I got bored, if I had more things going on at the same time I could keep with that for a bunch of years...

Also, every time I start something the world just opens it's legs...

Hmmm... I see and respect that.

I have no idea but I can't see myself having kids...

I like cooking for myself, I like a bunch of things raw or just grill... I would trade those skills for a woman with intelectual interest any day.

If I had the opportunity to finance more than a woman I would but... if that was the case I would make sure that was worth it.

Since I think I'm monogamic but I don't want the package that comes with it... it's just terrible...

If I wanted a woman to clean, cook and have children I would be better off...

and the diversity?
I like diversity...

It's impossible to have my mental orgy...
I wish I could have a bunch of relationships...

But also impossible to be monogamic.

I'm going to die alone...

It's tough to flirt when you only want to enjoy with a level of intimacy...
Even the whoriest woman around want me to think that they want something serious...

A way to take nearly all of the hot women away from the strong minded alpha male, and then give it to beta losers.

Basically Marriage Communism.

>it's actually good for the wife's happiness too.

hahahaha you've clearly never had a gf/wife before.
women tend to be extremely possessive of "high value males".

what extension are ppl using when the filename says maxresdefault

I have no idea, just took it out from google...

marxism killed monogamy

It all depends
Monogamy is better if you value stability in your country
Polygamy is better if you have 3rd world country or you have huge loss of men because of war
Men without a pussy do much more risky stuff, they only compete with other men within nation or would go to war to rape foreign woman
In stable societies monogamy is much better

Here's a tip OP, grow up a bit. Once you realise partying and drinking is always the same shit, you don't want it anymore and so won't you want party and sex kind of relationships. Once you start taking your career seriously, you won't have time for it neither and that's when you get interested in more stable girls.

i believe feliks koneczny pointed out that monogamy is a basic requirement for gender equality to develop within a civilization. an interesting implication is that if monogamy ends as a social goal, gender equality will inevitably collapse.