Guys i am moroccan ask me anything about morocco
Guys i am moroccan ask me anything about morocco
Why is Golden Triangle gear so much better than that worthless Atlas Mountains grown garbage
When did you tell your grandma you were gay?
What happened with the burka?
You glorious degenerate
What did u eat forb breakfast?
Why don't you come here my friend?
Why do you kafirs support your monarch?
Not as much worthless than your beer
Nothing no one cares about it here
I kek'd
Not as much as you think there are many anti-Monarchy people here mostly amazigh
Thought so! Since you mentioned amazigh
Does the average Morrocan knows that their language, culture and religion isn't native?
And that they are basically Arabic rapebabies, just like hispanics are Spanish rapebabies?
Yeah of course they are very aware of it but to the opposite of what you think many of the arab in morocco are just arabised amazighs
Riffians are the ones who strongly support amazighs and the overthrow of the monarchy in morocco
Sorry you mispelled swede
How popular is homosexuality in your country?
Do you look like this buck?
Do a lot of you have nigger ancestry? I've seen a lot of nappy haired moroccans with arab facial features.
We are basically like any other muslim country : we hate them
Why are you people infatuatued with our country?
Also, what does "ewa, whollah g" mean?
Yeah,but what about those bathhouse man orgies though... is it true?
Do u know Kariat Arkman? That's my hometown
Generally a bit like that but in the north there are a lot of white mediterrenean folks i myself am from there and i am pale as fuck (i am a bit of an odd exception here)
Our blood is very mixed but i can sure tell that white moroccans either came from andalusia or his ancestors were mixed with whites during the european slave trade or they have amazigh ancestory
What is going on in western sahara?
No i have never heard of them and even if it was true they would be shamed or beaten
Yeah i know it is a small town near Nador happy to meet some fellow moroccans here how is it like to be living there ?
It's a conflict created by the french colonial power in order for the northern african countries to never unite thus never posing a threat to europe and to ensure the dependency of the those countries to france
I'm guess there's a lot of hate for the former colonial rules. What do Moroccans think of the Spanish?
When did you tell your swede grandma you were gay?
They don't give two fucks about them but there are a lot of moroccans in spain
I kek'd
If you really don´t give two fucks about Spain. Please, please, don´t come to our country. We do give more thatn two fucks about you. We fucking hate you, we consider you as a worthless waste of space.
Why don´t you go bother the rest of your neighbours? We don´t have jobs, we don´t have money and even if we did, we would rather burn a pile of euros before than giving them to any subhuman, smelly and useless Moor shit such as yourself.
Best regards,
Every Spanish in my fucking country
Why is TV and photography acceptable in Islam when other forms of visual representation of people and animals etc. is forbidden? How is this justified from a religious point of view?
How is Geert Wilders looked at?
Why are 3rd generation maroccans so cancerous?
Everyone knows, Nepali Weed = best weed.
And moroccoan hash is glorious you fag.
Shut up, you brown subhuman. Go sniff some glue you rapist.
Do morracan bitches have, phat asses?
They don't care about all the european countries they just see them as waelfare paradises and breeding grounds for they're future childs..
i think your real problem is with the french because they are the cause for a weak northern africa with their artifical territorial disputes
>TFW Hans will never know the glory that is legalized high quality cannabis products
Why is your diasporah in Belgium so shit ?
I live an hour drive away from the netherlands.
Im just dandy bra.
I hate morrocans. All of them in sweden are criminals + they are here illegaly. They are looking at a deportation plan with Marocko right now.
dejad de venir en pateras REEEEEE
Morocco is pissing all over you Sweden.
No way they take them back.
Meanwhile life in morocco has improved, just like in algeria or tunisia.
We silly euros just took in all their really shitty 4th and 5th sons and they are happy they are gone.
No no no, those fucking French faggots are a whole different problem. That doesn´t make you a less discusting people.
I ask you again on behalf of all the Spanish people. Please stay away from us, we don´t like you, you won´t make a good living here and we don´t respect your third world culture.
I didn't understand what you meant to say
Thanks for letting me know what he meant to say and yes we have the best hash
shut up you know that our dishes are very delicious we do know how to cook food
Don't get triggerd dear swede if your men were that manly you wouldn't in that state
Because we are like a virus that's why
It isn't only in sweden wherever moroccans go they bring only chaos with them
So Allah says that he has no use for a people who are without sin, which means that is Jesus was truly the Son of God, Allah states that he has no use for him. Allah also destroyed the first "people" who were without sin, because they didn't need him. Now that people are with sin and need Allah, Allah approves of them. However, the Qu'ran also says that the one who tempted them to sin was Satan. Otherwise, people would be sinless.
So basically in Islam, your savior is Satan, who tempted people to sin, so that they would be with sin, and would need Allah, and also so Allah would not destroy them (because Allah destroyed the first "people" who were sinless because they didn't need Allah). But Allah rejects Jesus' sinless life.
Do you see the problem I have with Islam...?
It's your fault that you imported us not our fault
Why do you like our country so much? You guys have been coming here since long before being an immigrant was in.
he compared the californian "emerald triangle" which is a grow spot for the best weed in the US to some moroccan mountain region who supposedly grows the best weed in africa.
Daily reminder Morocco is most fearless and ruthless of them all
"we" like no mate, eu globalist fucks did.
But its not like that I didnt know moroccans since earliest childhood.
Im still from cologne. cologne is basically half arab./ turk
What this man said is absolutely correct.
We want Kebab to leave.
Can I come? Im sick of Germany.
I have been trying to solve this for so long can you help me? You definitely know Islamatics. Mohammed has 3 candies, he gives one to Ahmed, now calculate the radius of the bomb blast.
In Islam there is only one worth of worship and that is god. Satan bows to god in Islam.
No Ahmed, you stay there and leech Merkels free money until you get cleansed by the fourth reich
But Satan saved humanity. Satan is literally humanities savior because Satan lead people to sin and thus need Allah. If Satan had not lead people to sin, then Allah would have destroyed them, just as Allah destroyed the first people he created without sin. He destroyed them because they didn't need Him.
Jesus' having no sin, is by default not needed by Allah, yet is the savior of humanity in Christianity.
Quite literally Satan and Jesus are in opposite places in Islam and Christianity.
I cannot get over this glaring contradiction. Islam is a false religion even if you reject Jesus.
How did you learn english and do you speak it with an accent
Where did you hear that bs as far as i know Allah don't forgive only those who where muslims but changed their religion (riddah) but if you sinned (drinked alchohol , fucked broads ...) you could be forgiven if you return to practicing what islam tells you to do
Are you a qt Aryan grill?
If not, stay in your shithole, Abdulah.
For some reason, at least here in Spain, moors and roaches and other such vermin speak english much better than spanish, which is fucking odd.
>Do you see the problem I have with Islam...?
From Islams most trusted primary sources. Do you even know your own religion? If you don't then learn. If you are lying to me to cover for Islam, then stop practicing taquia.
I have to admit good bait
It's not bait - it is a legitimate question about Islam.
Here is the source. Don't tell me you reject ISlams primary source material...
Hadith on Repentance: If you did not sin, Allah would replace you with people who would sin and He would forgive them.
Abu Amina Elias • January 16, 2012
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By Him in whose hand is my soul, if you did not sin Allah would replace you with people who would sin and they would seek the forgiveness of Allah and He would forgive them.”
Source: Sahih Muslim 2749
Grade: Sahih (authentic )according to Muslim
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ لَوْ لَمْ تُذْنِبُوا لَذَهَبَ اللَّهُ بِكُمْ وَلَجَاءَ بِقَوْمٍ يُذْنِبُونَ فَيَسْتَغْفِرُونَ اللَّهَ فَيَغْفِرُ لَهُمْ
2749 صحيح مسلم كتاب التوبة باب سقوط الذنوب بالاستغفار توبة
Can I have my wallet back?
I feel pitty for you because you have to live with basically one the worst humans in earth without you having a say in it
Both of us know the quality of our hash
Opress my ass those who live under the rule of morocco in the sahara have the best living of all morocco citizens the others are just polisario
(puppies of algeria who want to overthrow the monarchy and basically control morocco)
oh yes and all those moroccans who have been tortured by polisario..
fin katskon ?
But. Im actually german.
middle name Hans like father and grandfather.
Im just a lot more lazy than the usual germans so i fit in more in spain or italy i noticed.
I can bring my 2 sisters. Both completly german, blonde and not yet 18.
ftremtek hhh 3ndak frbat ounta
chno kadir f Sup Forums
I like moroccans well enough when they stay in their country, morocco is an interesting place to visit
but yes, the moroccans that are here are cancer
Why are Morroccans such nice while your diaspora is terrible (not as terrible as algerians but still)
Not yet 18?
You would give your sister away to some Spaniard?
Stay out of my country, Hans.
kanskon f 5rubga achkandur f Sup Forums 9lat maydar
that's what i have been trying to say to people
There are respectable moroccans but those are overshadowed by illegal migrants who are underachivers here and generally search wellfare benefits
dahaktini a kho wlah wach nta byad (7timalia kbira ila konti f Sup Forums)
what the fuck why are they speaking with numbers in their words
Why can't the arab nations get their shit together for 5 minutes? Islamic nations outside of the middle east seem to be relatively stable.
I heard partly it's because of hadith conflicts?
I've seen Greeks and other muslims do it, it's a primitive form of encryption.
How gay is your King? Is Isis a real issue there? Do arabs hate the rif people? And how real is the butthurt around Ceuta and Melilla?
Don't worry we will not bomb you
Conflicts are artificially created in the middle east for (((them))) to control the land that's why
Are you Amazigh or """""Arab"""""?
If you are Amazigh, what is your opinion on those faggy Amazigh people who somehow have convinced themselves they are Arabs?
loni sfar
replace arabic letters with numbers
How's life in Morocco? Where do you live?
They need executioning. My parents are prime example
I don't know from rumors come but our king is not gay
I am an arab but i don't give a fuck if someone is arab or amzagh or whatever the only thing i belive in is a united north africa
pretty comfortable if have a good job our food is good and our women are meh
Whats meh about the women?
Are you redpilled or not
They are not that attractive neither are they cute but i bet you can find some qt girls in the north
Is tsint tachelhit?
We need to do a rematch of Alcaçar Qibir
No hate for you, fought very well.
>I am an arab but i don't give a fuck if someone is arab or amzagh or whatever the only thing i belive in is a united north africa
>(((united north africa)))
>t. arab opressor
go back to the middle east, lad, morocco is not an arab country, the berbers will rise against you and kick your asses out
moroccan bros, why haven't you kicked this arab invader out yet?
Stop being buttmad about perejil. Stop.
Hey I was thinking of starting my EU tour there with my dog. Am I safe starting out there, or will they cut my head off for being American scum. :-(
What the fuck is a Morocco?
You'll be fine brother. Just don't get scammed
No i am not chelh i am arab
Who said an arab country i said a muslim country btw half of my friends are amazigh plus here in morocco they have all their just like normal citizens
by unted north africa i meant a federal state
>It's fucking closer to us than it's to you
>why would spain care about this little rock
So much of this. Berbers are the real moroccans before muslim invasion. See: guanches.
The first country to reconise your country
hahahahahahahhaha you fucking berber scum dont you ever even think about considering yourself arab you faggot
you are a disgrace and no one knows what you are rapebaby
you were a playing ground for european countries always you worthless piece of fucking shit kys
I have heard your king is one of the best monarchs in MENA region.
Are people mostly satisfied with constitutional reforms made after the protests?