>Be Peruvian
>Wake up to eat some chicharron
>Turn on news
>Your ex-president has now a bounty for being a corporate puppet
Third world country thread?
>Be Peruvian
>Wake up to eat some chicharron
>Turn on news
>Your ex-president has now a bounty for being a corporate puppet
Third world country thread?
Your country is so irrelevant, that I'm not even going to waste the 2 seconds it would take to google what continent it's on.
Have a nice life.
>be canadian
>lose leaf
>posts become higher quality but boring and unimportant
>pakistani education
The fact that you would have to google to find out on which continent Peru is says a lot more about your country than his third-world shit tier home.
>missing the joke
OF COURSE I know Peru is in South America. Jeez louise, nu-Sup Forums gets dumber by the day.
Explain how pretending not to know something is funny
>Be peruvian
I cry everytime I wake up
I can't believe I'm actually doing this.
what continent is ur shit country even on aha i bet it's a bad one like africa
I'm wasting my life...
don't be sad satan.
>2 presidents to jail in 20 years (Alan is impossible, that fucking bastard)
Might as well start a Junta.
Veronika is going to win 2021 by default at this rate
>be Venezuelan
>wake up
>cant afford food, dont eat
Be thankful you peruvian fuck.
>be from chicago
>wake up and get robbed by a nigger
>turn on the news
>4 out of 7 past governors are in prison
NOW i'm sad.
If I get one more of you subhuman monkeys in my DotA games I'm going to slowly work my way up the military ladder until I can carpet bomb the shit out of your third world shithole.
post proofs
>thinking hell amount to something
>thinks he is unique n argues with himself after reading this post untik he feels he has won
>continues to play dota
but you have fucking internet?
Explain now.
But in your second post you claimed you DID know where Peru is. You're not making much sense
>be meme girl
>go to hwndu
>mfw they shut it dow.
its missing the DEAD or ALIVE sign
>be Bolivian
>eat choclo and queso as breakfast
>turn TV on
>"This is your President"
If you excuse me, I will go ahead and kill myself.
HAHAHAHA fuck man, that's so sad but at the same time so funny, I'm so sorry
We have our share of shit here, ex-president being prosecuted for money laundering of public works with a lot of close folks of her altogether. LOCK HER UP!
did your country demonize trump prior?
And you ran all the way to Austria?
Don't cry. You got nice digits
>Be Peruvian
>Emigrate to Argentina
>Kill a white kid in a robbery
>Get deported
>Peruvian authorities dont even convict you
Next time I see a Peruvian I'll bash his manlet head in, that being said its easier said than done since I cant tell the difference between Peruvians,Bolivians, globings and monkeys.
Fucking niggers
In my country, taking it to the streets is so tired, we take it to parliament
why don't you organize your cables behind your TV so it doesn't look like a shitty ghetto installation?
>in my country
>my country
nice try
You really are. Go away
Idk about his but mine did. Absolutely EVERY news program/paper/site/whatever the fuck demonized him as the worst shit that could ever happen to this world. I've had many discussions with my family about it because they swallows everything the dumb box says, I'ts kind of sad watching them repeat everything like a parrot without actually knowing anything.ñ about him. Their bases? "Smarter people than you say he's bad so he's bad".
Hey at least your people see something wrong with being a corporate puppet, in our country the poorest rednecks encourage Trump to be a corporate puppet because they somehow think it will benefit them
I just.... I just wanna fit in
Isn't Peru that country who elected a literal Jap into the Presidency? And said Jap was in charge of some right wing death squads.
>Be mexican
>Wake up and see the news
>Witness the army using a minigun from a helicopter to kill a bunch of narcos
>Have some imported coffee anda nice burrito
>/comfy/ af watching narcos getting obliterated by a minigun
>>Be Peruvian
>>Wake up to eat some chicharron
>>Turn on news
>>Your ex-president has now a bounty for being a corporate puppet
>Blame Spain
>paki humour
fucking kek why does everyone down there hate each other so much
Are you unable to read?
Oh right.
This seems to be a trend in Asia, Africa and South America. I wonder if there is a common denominator?
Not eachother, mostly foreigners only. And it has a reason, most of the villas are populated by you subhuman fucks who get drugged, steal and kill and pray to san la muerte to have a successfull night of delinquency.
Of course, there are good inmigrants but they are overshadowed by the violent fuckers.
Toledo dindu nuffin, he is a good boy.
I bet his jewish wife forced him to do it.
these bants
>implying this isn't going to be America in a year.
Thanks for pushing us to third world tier, soon-to-be-hunted Trump.
Squabbles over whitey's crumbs for the most part
>With Jew, you lose
>be peruvian
>find a peruvian thread on Sup Forums
>an amerifat is ranting about our Doteros
Every. Fucking. Time.
I don't have any problem if you kill all those subhumans my white friend.
>wake up
>have my obligatory bread with avocado for breakfast
>turn on tv
>the fire is almost over
>be happy
>Be Peruvian
>Fot some reason why are inmune to LeLshit that that conquered the whole continent
Why dont you have a leaf in the middle of your flag?
Imagine being poor. Sad!
Yeah, they were supposed to hunt and kill commies, but they fucked up and killed a bunch of innocent people because they got the wrong direction...
Build wall
So, what are we going to do once "La Comandante Veronika" sunk us to Zimbawezuela level in 4 years from no?
>Be spaniard
>Wake up to eat some carajillo con churros for breakfast
>Turn on the computer and find this thread
>Remember that we will never be an empire again
what an annoying fucker you got there.
Anyway, here, all is well.
Nice and comfy 27°C, everyone is on vacation so the cities are pretty silent.
Hey, me too!
I haven't got a clue, dude. Maybe some milicos sack her (or PPK one of these days).
Is that even possible? I thought we hated commies to death. Maybe the younger generations don't remember the car bombs and blackouts but even the liberal media tries hard to remind them.
Hillary Clinton bounty when?
What kind of degenerados dont have milk and cereals for breakfast? are you lads taking the piss ?
>tfw youll never marry a chilean qt
>milk and cereals
what are you fucking 10 y/o?
> Be european living in Cambodia
> Wake up to eat noodle soup
> Turn on news
> Still not able to understand khmer
>he doesn't know
Convince the rest of the people in your crappy country that they should copy the American government and culture 1:1.
Things might actually get better. Combine your Ameriboo ideals with in-depth study of the American government's workings, from the local level up.
Make a little libertarian paradise the American founding fathers would be proud of.
>be Brazilian
That's the most fit peruvian I've seen in my life
Chile is a nice place.
>be me
>be Peruvian
>wake up in hut
>turn on windows xp laptop
>ask my family if they got any guinea pig kebab
>they only have fried guinea pig
>go to local town
>go to my job in hut
>clean floors and serve food to people sitting at coca cola tables
>take break watching CTR tv
>walk into town and try to get local veggies for guinea pig stew
>only have S/5
>go back to work and earn $2
>go home and back to windows xp shit computer
>post on Sup Forums and hate my life
>tfw no veggies in my stew
>accidentally eat some guinea pig food
>fuck this
>decide to climb Machu Picchu and jump off mountain
such is life in peru
>i was just pretending to be retarded
Many such cases! SAD!
how does he not get murdered on the spot?
I thought Peru was a thirdworld violent shithole, so how does he survive?
>tfw was settled by Britain
dodged a Moorish bullet and perpetual failed government there
>Shoulders twice as wide as hips
Native genetics
Everything was better when we were catholic spanish colonies
(((La Molina)))
>this is what passes as a joke in londonistan
It is, but if you have money and live in some "nice" places, you can sort of survive.
that makes me want a sequel for Apocalypto.
>tips fedora
>implying you wouldnt.
hnnngh i would fugg so hard
>be chilean
>get up to some misty morning
> have pan con chancho for breakfast
>watch news
>56 active forest fires on the south, literal hell.
FF some 3 weekes
>get up
>watch news
>private fire fighting companies are investigated for over prices and arrangements with the government's departament of forests and shit.
Fucking god I swear if it is not a natural disaster it is someone doing a shit job down here.
I'm 1.86 and I have blue eyes, I can fuck girls that plain without effort.
Time for dirt cookies! Finally, Haitians provided something to society!
Not that simple, even Bolivar knew they couldn't do that back in the day.
Cereal is pretty much junk food masquerading as breakfast food.
Red pill me on Peru politics please. Girlfriend is Peruvian. She said previous gov was good.
Dump her.
good for you user. Still a faggit thou.
>be American
>dating a Peruvian
>she has to sacrifice a child to the Inca gods every morning
gets tiresome desu, we're running out of kids to sacrifice
How is Pierre Paolo Kuszcinszcki doing, el Peruanos?