Netflix boycott? YouTube Red boycott!

So I went ahead and purchased a YouTube Red subscription months ago just to get rid of ads and today I decided to watch the first episode of "The Try Guys" from BuzzFeedVideo. Never watched any paid content before but I assumed it would be of a decent standard...

Jesus Christ it's actually horrifying, worse than most free shit on the site. The initial episode is a challenge between two teams performing on-stage pirate stunts in a show.

Team 1 is from American Ninjas, and the butch female from that group is the one chosen to save the damsel in distress during the show because "go feminism" (this is literally what the shows host says about it).

Team 2 are a group of gay guys from a fashion show. These guys are terrible. Overly camp, constantly talking about sex, calling themselves "fierce queens", checking out, flirting with and hitting on the buff stunt guys who are training them. It's not humorous, it's crass and wears so thin so quickly. The straight guys they're hitting on look so uncomfortable it's agony to watch.

But the clincher? The SINGLE straight, white guy from the first group is completely overlooked, gets almost zero screen time. When he does, he's lampooned, mocked for being "butch" and basically degraded at every opportunity. The irony is he's the most proficient of the bunch, does some amazing stunts and puts the most effort into doing it.

I've never really believed in the entertainment industry trying to overtly force an agenda but holy shit, not only is it obvious in this show but they're practically parading it around in your face. I have no fucking idea who this series is marketed towards because from beginning to end it's just mean-spirited and nasty.

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You're the only one stupid enough here to get a Youtube red account.
You got exactly what you paid for you hick.

You didn't try the free trial, and try all the feature out prior to wasting money? Holy shit this has to be a troll I can't think anyone is that stupid, but looking at what board I'm on i shouldn't be surprised.

I cancelled that trial immediately after seeing that trash. Do your damn research before wasting money on something. It's no hard.


you fucking retard OP

why did you get YouTube red to begin with
Regular YouTube with adblock is a net drain for jewgle

>So I went ahead and purchased a YouTube Red subscription months ago just to get rid of ads

Stopped reading, I hope your whole family swings from an oven, you normie imbecile

>just to get rid of ads

Ad blocker is free. You're full of shit. You wanted it, just admit it.

>to get rid of ads

seriously consider suicide. not even being edgy

I use YouTube on iPad so the only way to get rid of ads with with a subscription.

$2.99 in the app store.

Shill. No one is buying your gay meme. Use ublock for getting rid of ads.


Nah man I love YouTube red, no fucking ads and I can shut my screen off to play YouTube videos while I work (which really shouldn't be a premium feature but what are you gonna do?)

My friends were complaining constantly about all of the Hilary ads on YouTube leading up to the election and I didn't watch a single one.

I am not surprised to hear their original programming is degenerate as fuck though, but I don't watch any of that shit. I'm over here listening to Jordan Peterson lectures and the no agenda show while I work with zero ads.

Does anyone actually use Youtube Red?

yaya, great excuse you stupid faggot.

If I could get YouTube ads free for five bucks a months I would get red but no fucking way will I pay 12.99

I considered it because I listen to talk shows on my phone at work, and would like to be able to minimize Youtube to do other things with my phone (like use some of my work-related apps), but the price is ridiculously high.

>he doesn't use adblock

End yourself, goy

The only thing I would use Youtube Red is for Vsauce's show. Otherwise it is utterly useless and I would rather wait 5-30s of ads.


YT Red?

why are looking for ways to pay for things that are already free?

i use a blu-ray player to stream youtube to my TV, no adblock there bud. if you pay 10 bucks a month for those shitty shows you are a chump, but the no-ads thing is legit. WAY cheaper and better than (((television))).

Same here, I watch from my phone and was tired of seeing an ad every sixty seconds for a 30 minute podcast.

>no fucking ads
>to get rid of ads
What is fucking AdBlock, you retards?

Use adblock, you dumbshit


Use ublock origin you retarded cuck.



Hdmi + laptop

I love how everyone is talking about YouTube red and ignoring everything you said about the show lmao

unless you have a rootable android phone you retard

I do, I have adblock but I can't install it in a smart tv

Guys, it's an exec at youtube trying to generate headlines from a faux controversy.

Does YouTube Red have BLACKED available?

literally not our fault you're a good goy

JewTube has ads?


im not gonna keep my laptop running all day to sate autistis

>he rooted his phone
who here is the retard again?

I didn't even know KikeTube even had this option.

well its a blu-ray player, but keep watching cable tv goy, and dont use words like that on your betters. you dont know me.

>buying a youtube account because of ads
>not using an adblocker and broadcasting your PC on your TV
You're one hell of a stupid cunt OP. Hope you get aids, now get the fuck out of this place

>I purchased a program from Youtube that removes Youtube ads instead of just downloading Youtube Adblock
>I decided to watch Try Guys
>from Buzzfeed

Are you fucking retarded or something? Please tell me you're just a shitposter.

>says "you don't know me"
>unironically thinks I watch cable TV
kek. No wonder you bought youtube red.

why is the screen shut off thing a premium feature
i fucking hate youtube...

>I can shut my screen off

This is pop-culture. It's vapid, empty and baseless. It's literally meant to feed into the narrative that white men are all beta cuck bitches.


lol bud the problem is im smarter than you, i can tell by how you post that you have some sort of media brainwashing in your system. if you think youtube red is about those shittly little 'web series' you are unironically autistic and should go back to the reddit website now.

can I get the other episodes of scultor playground on yt red?

hes redpilled about lynks disease

upload or you're making it up

Nigger you aren't paying not to have ads, you're paying for these gay-ass shitty culturally libertarian programs. Kill yourself and leave me all your money. I'll spend it better than you can.

Youtube Red is awesome, poorfag

>just to get rid of ads
so you basically paid for adblock on one website?

>I watched this thing from a very liberal creator
>Got upset when it was liberal

Why are conservatives turning into SJW all of a sudden?

No, you get exclusive material too, but a lot of shitty ones like the one in the OP

>inb4 we're being faggots about this Netflix series and the "white people" on the show come out looking good to everyone

This: I was dropping mainstream and new entertainment equally because of the unrelenting ideological blindness but also just objectively because of the quality. Compare the deftness and wit of an old British TV show to this modern stuff:
>the joke is that I was lazy at the writing session
>the joke is me reminding you not to commit thoughtcrime
>the joke is me spelling out the premise

My friend got it for me. It's me at best. I like turning off the screen when listening to music but that's it. There really isn't anything special about it.

That's actually a pretty good show. Still not worth 12.99 in my opinion. Plus I'm sure you can find tortillas on it.

>YouTube Red
you are a special kind of stupid aren't you?

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