
And other types of degenerate food.


because autistic atheist faggots that 'read' one too many sci-fi books think that we can replace nature. they are too unthinking to realize that nature is the best thing for us because we evolved in it.

basically if you fall for the 'nature is dum lol' meme you are not white. only niggers reject nature when given the opportunity. why do you think only whites go on camping and hiking trips?

It's part of a Marxist plan to overthrow society no joke

this shit turns you into a woman, soy wreaks havoc on your testosterone levels

its the future
this whole idea that we need to eat "natural" shit is degenerate
granted processed foods & other cheap shit is bad
but if we actually work on making an """"unnatural"""" super food for humans, it would be beneficial to those who could afford it
the future is coming faggots

Because with capitalism you need to start eating soylent or anything similar to that sooner rather than later

Honestly if it wasn't so expensive, I would probably eat it for 2/3 meals a day. It's like 6$ for a day supply though, and real food is cheaper than that.

>vegan protien
Lmao 2lb tubs of that shit cost like $50 a piece, it's for housewives.

>why this is a meme
higher price for less product

In a globalized society, the peasantry can't be expected to afford meat. This is all about making gruel marketable.

Soylent green is the future


Its a good alternative for people who do not enjoy food, don't have access to good food or want to eat healthy but have trouble managing their intake.

I would try it out, the whole idea of getting the perfect healthy meal that easily is appealing to me.

Nofrag please go

Actually this is one area where the leftists are actually doing something good.

They are against pesticides, against GMOs, against inhumane livestock conditions. They are for organically grown foods, free range poultry, etc.

I wish we supported those things instead of the food processing mega-corporations.

Soylent drink is pretty great stuff.

No one is making anyone do anything with this. It just gives people an option.

someone post the infographic with that speedrunner from Sup Forums who ate only soylent and became a literally psychotic tranny from it

why? he is jewed beyond belief, ive already won.


>basically if you fall for the 'nature is dum lol' meme you are not white. only niggers reject nature when given the opportunity. why do you think only whites go on camping and hiking trips?
you are retarded

Yeah sure an actual man would seem retarded to you

404 argument not found

Because the government doesn't want you to spend time enjoying food.
Go back to work, profits are up but we'll have to let some of you go soon.



Because if you say something's good for the planet in a soothing pretentious way, the left will buy it.

Ok, final red pill coming through.
Soylent is people.

>Nature is good, no need to improve it! Trust me!
We as humans have the responsibility and right to rise above nature and prove we are better than it. Suggesting otherwise is a fools errand, for those who would prevent scientific improvements because of nature being inherently "good" forget that everything can be improved.

as if you need any help with that

also it's people

What is that flag?

>being so low test that a diet of soy can affect your levels
No wonder manlets always seem so mentally exhausted.
You would be too if you had to audit your entire testosterone

Hover your cursor over it and wait. The name should pop up.

>rise above nature
If God wanted us to eat vegan, he literally would not have said "Eyo nigga here's a cow, eat that shit cuz"

Also a nice beef stew and some potatoes will always beat whatever unholy vegan/insect/jewish gruel shake the kikes try and tempt you with.

>have shrinking birth rates
>talk about global overpopulation (aka niggers and shitskins)
>preach resource conservation: recycling, cutting back on power use, eating less
>how to stop the mental dissonance
>increase population and lower the quality of life
>push goop foods that can sustain a growing population who aren;t allowed to enjoy anything because it's a growing population


>Eat vegan
Yes, veganism sucks. I was trying to explain that rising above nature is not degenerate. My bad for any confusion.

No-one help this filthy phone poster.

Good riddance, I never liked bowel movements much anyway.

At this point it seems like the goal of the left is to actively make things worse for everyone.

Soy makes your body produce excess estrogen which causes a hormonal imbalance which in turn fucks with your head. That's why you see so many cucks drinking cow/soy milk because it has estrogen producing hormones/chemicals. Avoid soy and dairy at all costs


>Avoid soy and dairy at all costs
Bullshit! Cheese is perfectly acceptable!

Well, maybe not perfect, but still acceptable. My bad on that one.

Nice try, jew.

I'm gonna drink milk and eat cheese every day and nothing you say will change that.

Enjoy your hormonal imbalance and emasculation then, faggot.

>So low test that milk makes him feminine
Enjoy weaker bones, faggot.

I'm tall, masculine and hairy
when does the emasculation start? I've been eating dairy for decades.

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

Nature is half of all those that are born dying before the age of five from disease. Nature is being constantly malnourished and at whims of animal migration patterns. Nature is having 80% of your adult male population regularly dying in warfare or other violence. Nature is having your entire tribe sub-75 IQ because no one knows that the primitive beer you make from crushed grains and water causes fetal alcohol syndrome in pregnant women. Nature is constantly worrying about big cats and wolves and bears and other carnivores breaking into your camp to eat you. Nature is getting food poising and parasites from eating raw meat because you have no idea that you should cook it all the way through. Nature is dying at the age of 30 from a minor infection no one knows how to treat.

I could go on. Civilization is completely artificial, and that is good thing. Nature is some fucked up shit.

Isn't Soylent loaded with a metric fuck ton of estrogen?

the only increase in the quality of life will be niggers who are currently eating mud cookies in haiti.

For everyone else it's going down..except for the politicians, sociologists, economists and hollywood stars who champion this shit.

1. mandatory vegetarianism/veganism for all
2. no private transportation except bicycles
3. No hunting or fishing unless catch and release
4. higher taxes on gas, hydro, etc

>Sorry goy it's the only way to protect the planet and allow shitskins to have 7 kids a family :^)

>not taking calcium

Soy is, I avoid soy specifically more so than any other additive now.
I've been hearing weird stories of numale vegans and yuppies sprouting tits and shrinking testes from eating soy.
Mite just be misinformation though.

I haven't considered it, but I'll still take cheese over that any day, if only because cheese is delicious.
On a slightly related note, what supplements does pol recommend, if any?

Yeah, I'd rather avoid it than sprout tits. Definitely wouldn't go around replacing meals with the shit.

Here pigglies the milkman cometh. Drink up. We know you can't resist.

There's not much need for supplements when you're eating a nutritious diet. If you're after longevity, fish oil & K2 will help in the long run. HGH once you hit 30

lol you are fucking stupid, go back to the reddit now. its where dumb little faggots like you belong

They're trying to make it more efficient.

Tbh if there was something like soylent that I was 100% sure would provide me with all the nutrients I need, I'd live off of it.

Best way to get HGH is to drink never heated, never chliled, unpastuerized milk.

Not an argument.

i dont argue with little boys


>Nature is being constantly malnourished and at whims of animal migration patterns.
lmao this is what retards actually believe


>i dont argue with little boys
Nothing we said classifies us as little boys. Unless disagreeing with your world view while providing our own evidence and logic counts in your eyes, in which case I believe you are more akin to the little boy then we are.

hell yea bud

disagreeing with reality is what children and women do. so which are you?

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

I am a man who has used reason and logic to prove his point. You are the one who is currently disagreeing with reality. At least your aggressive about it, so you do have some redeeming traits. Still, if you refuse to offer counterarguments and continue to use base insults, you won't convince me, as well as a good portion of the board, that your position is the better one.

caring about nature=leftie anti-civilization kike

lol holy shit, are you diagnosed? please go to a doctor, you have severe autism.

>best way

The best way to get HGH is to inject it.

Still no argument. Still lacking self awareness. Is it because you cannot form an argument, or are just to lazy to do so?

Honestly nothing's wrong with this stuff. It's just too expensive and lefties just happen to identify with it because it gives them some undeserved sense of superiority

>muh chems

why dont you just gulp down that soylent faggot

ewww, please go back to the reddit if youre gonna post like this. you are not owed an argument simply because you aired your nonsense opinions faggot. im making fun of you, not debating you.

>you are not owed an argument simply because you aired your nonsense opinions faggot.
Oh? Care to explain how my opinions were nonsense, then? Perhaps if your explanation is good enough, I shall change them.

maybe i dont owe you that? maybe if you wanna keep being an unthinking nu-male faggot thats YOUR business and not MINE?

christ you little faggots sure are entitled.

Friendly reminder that the idiot that made that soylent shit literally had no idea what he was doing and had zero knowledge of nutrition and used the wrong fucking Vitamin D. It is liberal anti-science for bleeding hearts to the max.

>maybe if you wanna keep being an unthinking nu-male faggot
So trying to spark a conversation about our opposing viewpoints is unthinking? Trying to learn from each other and improve our views is unthinking? And yet blatantly refusing said conversation while tossing out petty insults is intellectual? Perhaps it is you who feels entitled; entitled to shelter your views from opposing viewpoints.

Fuck off. What is wrong with a complete nutririon food product? If you don't like the taste you can add honey or fruit to impriove the taste. But Soylent has a very neutral taste.

Soylent isn't soy. It's made of peas, brown rice, coconut, flaxseed and other stuff.

Actually I'm talking about huel not Soylent. Only tried huel. Tasted like metal.

Best hack for food is leaving a slow cooker on while going to work. Or a pressure cooker tastes better but means you can't eat as soon as you get home.

>against GMOs
That's a retarded position and one of the good things about Soylent, they don't subscribe to it.

Soylent does have all the nutrients you need. You can live off it.

Leftists don't give a fat fuck about it. The tea partiers were more concerned with pesticides than your typical black block or hilldog, the left only cares about Monsanto if it has a big R next to it for them to chimp out over.

>he fell for the 'gmos are good 'redditmeme

go the fuck back. dangerous experimental gene manipulation doesnt need to be tested on whites just to save a bunch of starving niggers for another decade or two.

Then test it on niggers to save whites for a century or two. Keep testing and altering it until it's safe if needed.

What is wrong with GMOs?
It isn't.

Soylent is a shit meme product made by an artist that had probably never taken even nutrition 101 before.