1984 is the Best Form of Government

I am edgy as fuck, let me tell you that, however i think that's a good thing because I understand shit that the normies would never think of. I have come to the conclusion that 1984 was not a warning but an instruction manual for the perfect government.

>cameras in every house
Prevents terrorist activity, no islamic terrorism

>Ministry of Truth altering history
What every nationalist society should do, glorify your history. Better than the United Cucks of America telling everyone how evil they were one hundred years ago

No degenerate slut behaviour

>Dull landscape
Resources aren't spent making the city look like a fun-time flower land with grassy suburbia. Only gays care about looks

The only people who would be against this are autists who can't stand the thought of a camera watching them poop or shower.

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Totalitarian government is the best Government.

Contrarian drivel of someone who has never read the book

What do you mean prevents terrorist activity? Didn't you even read the book, all the terrorist activity was made up government lies.

Basically what im saying

You never read the book so you have no opinion

EXACTLY dumbass. If it weren't for the inner party there would be no terrorism. The cameras stopped EVERYTHING

It could work

> leafposting
> prevents individual terrorism, state terrorism doesn't like competition
> glorifying history
glorifying lies, you mean
> no degernerate, slut behaviour
no happyness, no intimacy
>only gays care about look
Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao were gays? Didn't know.

Vaporize your idiot self, leaf. :^)

>Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Those who will not fight are doomed to live under the heel of their oppressor. They're also much less likely to be tested.

>gorifying lies you mean
It's not truth that matters but victory

>no happyness no intimicay
You can't be happy if you have sex. MGTOW is the only real way to happiness

>Hitler, Stalin, Mao were gays
They didn't give a rats behind about looks.

>>Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Sounds like it was said by some retard from the 1800s.

>MGTOW is the only real way to happiness
Dropped, confirmed underage

> Against truth, there is no victory.
> MGTOW is permanently disfunctional people trying to get out permanently disfunctional societies. Damaged, they have become, damaged, they will remain until death.
> yeah, that is why they hired state artist to create new art-designes for their empires

slut behaviour = happyness for u?

> no individual freedoms
> 99% of people in poverty
> poor quality food / goods for all but the elite class

OP are you we todd ed?

Excesses in either way are god for no one.

get out of my country you squint eye son of a whore

I'm 18 dipshit

People who have sex are sick pleasure driven dysfunctional FREAKS. MGTOW are civilized men who don't fall prey to biological urges.

>hired state artists
sure they did,.

almost everyone is part of the elite class so everyone gets that shit.

Of course the fucking leaf has no problem with an authoritarian left regime. Can't wait for Toronto to become shanghai 2

Moderate sex is still degenerate as fuck

A 'V' style alien invasion and dictatorship would be more fun.


(possibly quebecuck)

Totalitarianism halts progress, promotes irrational hegemony, etc.

Philosopher Kings don't exist because Kings have no need for Philosophy.

The idea of Plato's Republic was shredded by Zeno.


To put it simply: If lying and fallacy usage is not illegal for authorities, then totalitarianism isn't a civilization, it's just a system rape created by armed weaklings going after unarmed workers.

a true virgin reveals himself

Glad to be from Canada, one of the most resource rich and civilized countries

Good, im pure unlike you ""human"" apes who just fuck like monkeys. Barbaric freaks

Autists are higher intellectually and are less social aka less pleb-like

Fucking freak

Non-virgin detected

Go outside pls

The Soviet Union failed.

Without natural selection, you get stagnation. What made us great is allowing people to do whatever and FAIL at it. That way only the successful get to continue and we only end up with successful people competing for more success.


Watch this series for a genetic explanation of this problem.


hurrdurr i dont have fun so everybody alse who has some is unpure.
literaly is-tier arguments

kekhammer 40k

> virgin purity
you post on /pol. your mom should've swallowed you, you'd be better off
> autist are highly intellectual
rainman masterrace ftw


>wanting to be a slave

Suck my dick faggot

>I'm """"edgy"""" as fuck
First mistake faggot, the true edge never reveals himself.
Go back to le 8gag and pretend somewhere else.


The government shot missles at their own citizens and said it was eurasia