How come Russia is the only country that isn't butthurt towards Germany over WW2?
Most Russians I've met even seem to have a favorable view of Germany.
How come Russia is the only country that isn't butthurt towards Germany over WW2?
Most Russians I've met even seem to have a favorable view of Germany.
No bitter winners
They had a good time raping through Berlin
Because when USSR was a thing, they tried to integrate half of Germany into the Eastern Bloc. You can't do that if you pump everyone full of anti-German propaganda.
They blamed WWII happenings solely on Hitler and NSDAP instead, ORDINARY GERMANS DINDU NUFFIN AN SHIEEET.
That's why.
but we know better, eh Vanya? cмepть фaшиcтaм, эй?
This. Fucking Germany, we thought they would win the war.
There are butthurt Russian here, one Belarussian and one with a Filipino flag.
If you blame all Germans than goes who others would blame for crime committed by the USSR.
>if the Germans are guilty of crimes committed by the German Reich, then Russians are guilty of crimes committed by a Jewish conspiracy
how does this follow, Hans?
Who knows.
If not count two World Wars, Germans do a lot of good for Russia.
A lot of nobles in Russian Empire was russified German nobles.
Hell, even Catherine the Great was German converted into orthodoxy.
Because they know they can beat you over and over and over.
Nay, Germans are fine.
I don't blame all Germans, it's just my English is so bad that you may think I do.
>isn't butthurt towards Germany
you what? They dislike Germans for all the atrocities
Russia is like a Black Bear
They go apeshit and kill everyone then go back to hibernation
But Hitler was Austrian and Goebbels was Dutch.
Germans dindu nuffin, we good boys.
>How come Russia is the only country that isn't butthurt towards Germany over WW2?
Tell me what they have achieved you could be proud of beside beating the Nazis? Its basically the only thing they had going.
But russians hate you, lol
Aren't black bears huge pussies?
What about Belorussians?
Didn't the Germans kill something like 3 million of you guys?
Russians celebrate WW2 more than any other nation, even more than Israel.
What do you think "Victory Day" and such Holidays are actually about, Hanz?
u.s.and.a :: mixíco :::: germannie :: rashya
>The victory of the Soviet Union in the Second World War has become a cornerstone of Russia’s national identity formation, especially during Vladimir Putin’s time in office and has been actively exploited to mobilise support for the current political regime in Russia. The heritage of the victory has been used to present Russia as a great power and justify its claims for a special status in Europe. Any objection to the myth of the Second World War victory is seen as a threat to Russia’s domination in the post-Soviet space or a direct challenge to the very existence of the Russian state.
they have huge business deals,and Russian treat human lives like rat lives