What does /pol think about prescription pills namely psych meds like anxiety and depression meds?
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if you willingly take those you are jewed beyond belief and you dont deserve sympathy.
I'm with the scientologists on this one, crazy pills are bad mojo.
Vices of the weak, stupid, and spineless.
>have anxiety or depression
>only treatments available are barely effective compared to placebo and have side effects like increased risk of suicide
>the medication makes you physically and emotionally dependent on these substances
>have to keep yourself on the medical jew leash to get more of them
yea, fuck that
They are the perfect Jewish weapon.
They allow the goyim to become satisfied with a sub standard life while at the same time making him impotent.
If you can't survive without them you probably can't survive on your own
I have been popping them occasionally for 10 years now. I like the stimms better, but then I can't sleep unless I get really hammered drunk(which takes hours and lots of sheckels).
I has worked out well, I have fun and progress in life.
Thats how I managed to become the son of a guy who works at Nintendo.
>tried several SSRIs
>got dependent on benzos twice
>Cannot remember those few years of my life.
Not worth it to feel good (numb) and appear a drunken zombie to your friends and family. My mom saved my life by forcibly weaning me off the shit. Benzos are harder to withdraw from than opiates. I thought I was going to die.
Don't be a pussy like me. They are pure jew pills. Talk to a psychologist (not psychiatrist aka pill dispenser).
I don't need them I eat redpills everyday
I take them regularly and I'm in full support of Trump and even was first in line to vote for him
precisely that
The prescription Jew. Fuck that.
Xan with that lean
Smoke nothin but Irene
The one and ONLY thin that Scientology has right is their stance on modern psychiatry. The following vid was put out by scientologist but is pretty spot on. You just have to avoid the Scientology meme and realize Scientology is selling a competing product but their info is quite good. Sorry for the beardo intro not my vid.
Skip to 3 minute mark to begin the video.
I'm on escitalopram which is basically like the weakest anti-depressant. About the perfect fit really because I wasn't so fucked up I wanted to kill myself but I was certainly not optimal. They won''t instantly make you ubermensch but it'll at least make you stable enough to actually make progress, which I have been albeit rather slowly.
>popped pills
>that's how I managed to become the son of a guy who works at Nintendo
well fuckin hell man sign me up for a nintendo dad
For a TLDR of sorts. There is some really good parts where they do undercover filming. They take someone determined sane and then have them go to a bunch of different psychiatrist. Its amazing how many different diagnosis they end up getting and how zero testing is done before prescribing drugs.
I dont get why they dont prescribe test shots to males with depression instead of this shit that literally fucks them up
huh, i wonder why (((they))) would push anti-scientology so hard...
You shouldn't take them, desu.
they work
in the way they do what their makers intented them to do
dont take em unless you want to kys
you need testosterone
I think they are used to control the masses.
They are all psycotropic drugs that fuck with the brain based on a theory (chemical imbalances) that has yet to be proven. They literally can't prove that a chemical imbalance could explain what they see as "deviant" or "abnormal" behavior. It's all anecdotal and trial by error "evidence".
I fully support legalization of weed. Weed has changed many of my friends life for the better once they got off these synthetic drugs. Stay away from this shit.
They cant even prove what a "normal" balance is. The literature for almost all of those drugs states that even they have no idea how they work lol.
>have such bad anxiety I'm unable to get out of bed without vomiting and having panic attacks
>take .5 mg of klononpin everyday
>reduced the amount of times I vomited severely
>about to graduate top of my class after years of being disabled by severe anxiety
>caring what pol thinks
Terrible. finally sacked up and trying to get off lexapro. Dealing with the withdrawal. Shot destroyed my sex drive
weed is a crutch, a comprimised person will only become addicted to it just like anti-depressants. psilocybin and LSD are more effective and more permanent. you only need to do them once or twice to get the best benefits.
I'm good in that department, I just need to form better habits now.
100% correct. It's all based on theory. All of it. The fact that some people get better is literally coincidence or luck.
>caring what a random person on chinese cartoon image forum thinks
>pol is one person
Medication works for some people. SSRIs didn't work for me but anti-anxiety meds did. I stopped taking them though because keeping up with weekly doctor appointments were adding to my stress. Not to mention, I did not schedule one week and was called by my therapist's secretary saying that I missed an appointment and would have to pay the late fee. Never showed up again.
My psychiatrist tried to push Xanax on me when I told her I couldn't sleep a few nights a week. I'm glad I declined.
Get some Selegiline
I love abusing them
I guarantee you would be better off changing to a ketogenic diet, doing HIIT/Strength training, quitting use of any and all random chemicals, and taking all the steps to achieve adequate amounts of and high quality sleep... And you need to do all those things for a couple of months to really shift everything.. There is no easy button to fix feeling shitty. It's an entire lifestyle shift.
SSRIs / SNRIs - should really only be prescribed for severe depression. Way too many people get put on these for moderate or mild depression (basically your life is just shitty at this moment). Blame the pharmaceutical industry.
Benzos - shitty drugs to take chronically for something like anxiety. Acutely can work very well to get through things like a traumatic event, plane flight, dental procedure, etc.
Antipsychotics - schizophrenics and many bipolar patients need these. Some have shitty side effects. Oh well. For most of these people, antipsychotics are the difference from being able to live their life and being on the street or in jail or being a frequent flyer at the psych ward.
my mother was on antidepressants from before i was born through most of my youth and my first serious girlfriend was on them before, throughout, and assumedly after our relationship. they're a scam, completely, they only make people unable to get over depression, and the psychiatrists that prescribe them only instill the toxic idea that depression is a disease that needs externally cured rather than a mindset that needs to be internally conquered.
Never taken anything like that and never will be.
Be strong, OP, don't use that poison. You won't harm yourself refusing to take these pills. They don't cure you, they just make you temporary forget the cause of pain, while you need to face your fears and give them all a good «knock-the-fuck-out» and overcome your weakness.
Been on 40mg of citalopram for nearly 2 years, tried going cold turkey and it was fucking hell. Trying to come off them slowly now, not sure if they work or not but haven't killed myself yet...
Stay the fuck away from SSRIs and benzos.
>psilocybin and LSD are more effective and more permanent. you only need to do them once or twice to get the best benefits.
Hey you seem to be depressed and anxious, here take some reality altering substances and hope for the best
You are the worst type of cancer. Let me guess, you also believe the world would become a better place if everyone took psychedelics at least once?
i don't think they should exist. if someone wants to be depressed a doctor should prescribe them a lethal drug cocktail. depressed people are fucking losers anyway.
you are the worst type of cancer faggot, a good goy that believes everything he is told if its an authority figure
>here goyim, take these braindamaging chemicals to fix your anxiety and depression
fucking kill yourself you dumb little faggot, nobody needs you and nobody wants you.
I took rilatin and afterwards sertralin. Took it for 6 years, from 15 till 21.
Point is I wasn't really depressed. I just had trouble studying and I could get angry from time to time - so no unusual shit for an adolescent... That poison made me calm and it also made me lose my drive. Less energy. I noticed that I live through intenser emotions now that I have quit
Solid assumptions faggot, where exactly do you see me shilling for pharmateuticals?
Psychedelics aren't the magical cure you want them to be.
maybe if you keep spouting it it will become true
why the fuck are nu-males so stupid? can whites be saved when they act like this?
Spouting what? Speaking of nu-males, you're the one arguing with reddit tier dude psychedelics lmao rhetoric.
Have you even done any psychedelics in your life? Or are just memeing because you saw it on the internet so it must be true? No one in their right mind would recommend an unexperienced person ridden with mental illnesses to start experimenting with psychedelics
>reddit tier dude psychedelics lmao rhetoric
fell for memes
proven nu-male. kill yourself NOW. or return to the reddit, either way, stop shitting up Sup Forums useful idiot.
>It's a Sup Forums has no fucking idea what they're talking about episode with muh pharma boogeyman
I bet you also think vaccines cause autism
Do you feel enlightened?
no, but i feel like a normal person and not a nu-male faggot such as you. keep spouting memes though, shows what an unthinking turd you really are.
have you EVER had an original thought?
I was on some for awhile but they didn't really help
I found that recreating my lifestyle was a better course of action to dealing with anxiety and depression.
I'd rather do street drugs
>but i feel like a normal person
Kek. Hopefully after the next dozen of trips you will also begin to sound like one
>have you EVER had an original thought?
Define an original thought.
a thought that wasnt implanted in your head by media. i already know the answer, but do you?
ps in america normal people arent fucked up little faggots like you, i talk perfectly fine.
>a thought that wasnt implanted in your head by media
Interesting, could thoughts adopted from friends & family still be viewed as original thoughts then?
>ps in america normal people arent fucked up little faggots like you, i talk perfectly fine
Perhaps the bar for decent discourse is just set reeally low over there. Or perhaps your perception of "perfectly fine" is distorted because the only people you interact with are your druggie friends?
Not ideal but they work
You don't need any of them besides anti-psychotics. The other pills destroy people
I was on Prozac, almost destroyed me. Know several other suicides or attempted ones. Clean off any pills for years now, feel fantastic. Just weed and booze man, weed and booze
I got through the roughest time in my life recently without these drugs despite how hard everybody were trying to shove them down my throat.
Its really scary how quickly i was ""offered"" ssri's
Ha by the way are you the same fag who talked about weed taking away the pain of being a man in the other thread?
Because men are expendable ya dingus. It's the first redpill you should swallow if you have a Y chromosome.
> weed and booze
What will you do when those don't help any more? Not only are you forced to face your old problems again, you will have to do it while simultaneously going through the pain of having to let your brain readapt to the sober life. Speaking from experience, that sucks hard even if you're not mentally ill to begin with.
maybe enough memes will make you feel less empty inside
your sad life is hilarious
Believe it or not not everyone that does weed will turn to higher drugs. I tried xanax fuck that shit. I only smoke weed and even that I've severely limited.
Refuse to take anti-anxiety bullshit but I do enjoy painkillers every blue moon.
>Believe it or not not everyone that does weed will turn to higher drugs
That's not what I'm saying. If you let yourself become a habitual smoker, at some point you will simply realize that blazing takes more than it gives and that it has not been particularly fun for you for a long time. It may take months, it may take decades, but it tends to happen for all sooner or later. It happened to me, it happened to all my friends.
Coming off weed is not always easy either, no matter what people tell you about its lack of addictiviness & withdrawals. Especially if you were a heavy toker, you may be faced with months of low level anxiety & depression, brain fog and dp/dr in the form of post-acute withdrawal syndrome. Not everyone gets these symptoms, but many do.
benzodiazepines are incredibly addictive and dangerous
removes inhibitions, incredible memory loss, motor skill degradation and quick tolerance buildup
they are super easy to get from a psychiatrist or even a general practicioner
and they are being promoted more and more through pop culture, mainly rap
>t. formerly prescribed 90 xanax bars and 90 1mg kpin a month
That's not what I'm saying. If you let yourself become a habitual skier, at some point you will simply realize that skiing takes more than it gives and that is has not been particularly fun for you in a long time. it make take months, it make take decades, but it tends to happen for all sooner or later. It happened to me, it happened to all of my grandparents.
Coming off the skiing endorphins is not always easy either, no matter what people tell you about it's lack of addictiveness and withdrawals. Especially if you were a heavy skier, you may be faced with months of low energy and depression, brain fog and dp/dr in the form of post-acute endorphin withdrawals. not everyone gets these symptoms, but many do.
kek. tbqh cross-country skiing sux
that's not what I'm saying. If you let yourself become particularly promiscuous, at some point you will simply realize that one night stands take more than they give and that it has not been particularly fun for you in a long time. it may take months, it may take decades, but it tends to happen for all sooner or later. it happened to me, it happened to all my friends.
Giving up sexual promiscuity is not always easy either, no matter what people tell you about modern womens' lack of desirability and pheramones. Especially if you were a real man whore, you may be faced with months of low testosterone and depression, brain fog and dp/dr in the form of post-acute serotonin withdrawal syndrome. not everyone gets these symptoms, but many do.
you mean exercise and meditation? meds are for lazy people, unless they have a real condition not induced by lazyness and shitty life style.
They know how they work fairly well. They make people complacent hopefully. Better than a lobotomy at least.
that's not what i'm saying. if you let yourself play video games regularly, at some point you will simply realize that gaming takes more than it gives and that it has not been particularly fun for you in a long time. it may take months, it may take decades, but it tends to happen for all sooner or later. It happened to me, it happened to all my friends.
giving up gaming is not always easy either, no matter what people tell you about the decline of their favorite series or their convenient outlet as an escape from an inconvenient reality. especially if you were a hardcore gamer, you may be faced with months of low attentiveness and depression, brain fog and dp/dr in the form of vulnerability to impulsiveness. not everyone gets these symptoms, but many do.
If you're trying to make a point, try a little harder and perhaps it becomes a legitimate argument.
legal drug dealing
shrinks are niggers in suits
I'm black.
I remember back in 2010-2013 when I was so hyped for every game coming out
now the sequel to most of these games is coming out and I'd rather shitpost on Sup Forums rather than bother with the hassle of playing vidya
Same. Would pay a big sum of money to get to experience 2005 runescape and vanilla/tbc wow again.
You guys should stop playing shitty games.
I go out and play fighting games in tournaments a couple times a month. Great social activity as well as a mental workout
And lo, a new pasta is born
>vanilla/tbc wow
>gear earned via ingame achievements
>good players got good shit
>bad/lazy players get nothing
>"welfare epics"
>Everything given out to everyone
>game is all downhill after that
Damn, just like real life. I'm sure there's an immigration metaphor in there too.
Those two things literally mean the same thing..
>I'm sure there's an immigration metaphor in there too.
Yep, wow started going shit around the same time the internet became popular among normies, which is somewhere in 2007-2008. Fucking casuals.
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Ritalin? I've always been an emptyheaded, unfocused wimp. The first few pills certainly did something about my focus issues, but now I can't put my finger on its effects.
What do you guys think of Lunesta? I cannot sleep without out it- but I hate taking it. I hate taking any pill.
Depression and anxiety are emotions and should not be treated like a medical illness. Treating these symptoms with drugs only masks the problem and doesn't address the cause.
Useful in some cases, massively overprescribed.
Depression is not an emotion. When people say they're depressed they usually mean sad. When you're truly depressed you often don't feel any emotions at all... or anything else either.
ffo: for faggots only
Adderall user here. I've found no better drug at controlling my ADHD/head in the clouds symptoms than adderall.
That said I didn't start taking it until I reached my mid-20s. Not sure how I feel about giving amphetamines to younger folks.
I probably need some.
They make you weak and reliant on drugs.
They know exactly how they work, it's right there in the name. It's the mechanism by which it accomplishes that which is unknown.
>Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
>literally inhibits the reuptake of serotonin
Fuck off stoner
And how in the fuck would you know, you druggie faggot?
Benzos are a miracle drug for specific uses, like panic attacks or when you need to get "emergency" sleep because if you miss work the next day your ass is gonna get fired. Bad because they are addictive and withdrawal from benzo addiction is harmful.
SSRIs are shit, never worked for me. Additionally they utterly kill your sex drive, it's almost impossible to get horny or cum on ssris.
Now I just drink. When winter's over I'll start exercising again, mountain biking, hiking, etc the stuff I usually do when it's not winter.
It's a stimulant.
Shit as a recreational drug.
all I can say on the matter.
Can you give a couple of examples how your ADD manifests as an adult when you're not taking drugs?
>cant stop thinking
>get mentally paralyzed due to overthinking
>head racing leads to panic attacks (though not overly debilitating ones usually)
>prone to fits of rage where I throw shit and break things in my room
>no organization skills worth a shit
It's bad. Adderall in some strange way calms me down despite being a stimulant.
Antidepressants are a scam. Trust me, I have taken a dozen different molecules. The most significant effect that they gave me was falling asleep faster, but this usually came with severe side effects. There is no evidence these are more effective than a placebo.
Xanax is a meme, I got addicted and ended up in hospital.