>Mainstream webcomics literally feature characters shitpushing trannies and that's considered a "good thing"
What happened to society?
>Mainstream webcomics literally feature characters shitpushing trannies and that's considered a "good thing"
What happened to society?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mainstream webcomics
thats makes as much sense as a submarine with screen doors.
Move to Japan or Korea if you don't want to deal with this shit
Korea if you want an easymode and a country where almost everyone worth talking to speaks English
Japan if you are a masochist but want a pure wife devoid of any poison
Literally who cares about that shit?
Did he fuck her (him) in the ass?
This thread again?
Or an educated liberal
Don't read them.
I mean I know you're from fucking durka durka jungle land but you can't honestly believe that webcomics are culturally relevant.
>characters shitpushing
They push shit, you clean shit from our toilets.
What's the difference?
I'm pretty sure no newspaper has that as one of it's syndicated comics.
>Mainstream webcomics literally feature characters shitpushing trannies
>check archive: questionablecontent.net
>in the 18th comic of the series, in the very beginning, Ethan is quoted as saying, in no uncertain terms, IN HIS OWN WORDS "One of the core tenets of my sex life, is "No poo-poo on the pee-pee."
The times they are a-chanin'
there are better webcomics out there...
>jeph hacques
First of all webcomics themselves are not mainstream at all, and secondly this dumb fat ear gauged faggot is pure tumblr trash and widely regardless as a completely piece of shit even by his own fans, who once drove him into stabbing his own hand with a pair of scissors because the left always devours its own.
I'd fuck that trap in the ass
Porn is run by the Jews and is purposely designed to corrupt whites and destroy the white family.
Gas all porn peddlers. Hail Victory!
or a useful computer science student
or a useful undergraduate engineer
handstabbery, one of my favorite Sup Forums memes
Dont read this shit and dont watch anime, upside down Poland.
or a train conductor, since your shitty country doesn't even have trains.
Chris chan is infact not gay.
He's a lesbian
That cleaning shit is essential to maintaining a proper society. Or do you want to switch to India's patented "designated shitting street" template?
Look at the flag again retard
this spinning moves. this is what degenerates actually believe. you guys on Sup Forums are alright, may hitler come from his grave and gas everybody else
Tranny's are hate filled people. They hate themselves to depths you cannot fathom. They hate you if you show them affection because they hate themselves so much that they have to hate you to deny themselves a moments joy in being liked or appreciated.
Source, my brain and a bunch of queer friends from my 20-30s.
"SUCK MY DICK OR YOU ARE A BIGOT" = pretty much sums up 2016 imo.
Fucking godless degenerates