Articulately explain to me what the alt right is?
Can someone please
Conservatives that do not align themselves with the conservatism of mainstream media or current party politics.
They are outside of what is considered normal in America and challenge the establishment at every aspect.
Strawman for "everyone that isn't us"
Look in a mirror
>Conservatives that do not align themselves with the conservatism of mainstream media
That can range from Libertarian to White Nationalist. alt-right doesn't have any meaning.
A myth
You just described the crtl left
It's a vaguely threatening term concocted by people that want to silence opposition by indirectly linking thought processes to 'das rayciss'
Leftist meme used to lump us all together as a boogeyman ideology.
The left are just the good goy army of the establishment. They do anything the bankers and media want.
Everyone else is an uniformed moron.
The reason you see alt-right being thrown around right now is because of Milo's attempt at trying to label reactionary anti-feminist anti-political correctness sentiment online as a movement when it's more of an anonymous collection of autism. It was just a brand he wanted to throw around to sell the idea to others as something more serious stable than what it really is. Liberal media jumped on this thinking they'd just decry the label and that led to a reaction that created a "real" alt-right which is like a weird stormfag type of offshoot that Richard Spencer came out and claimed.
So there's a lot of confusion around the term with the left calling Sup Forums it like a slur, with spencer and trolls saying they are fo sure alt-right and with Sup Forums saying they aren't it at all.
its something the fake news (cnn) made up
Here's the thing
What if there was no name or label for us and other edgy contrarians?
If this movement was nameless and faceless, how could it be stopped?
Alt-Right is just a way to make it mainstream by shills, but before that there wasn't a name for it and it was really hard to stop.
it's basically the regular right, but instead of chasing smaller goverment and money to line their pockets, they're almost entirely driven by an irrational fear of immigrants and feminists.
>irrational fear of immigrants and feminists.
Nothing irrational about those fears :^)
Its a generalization by simpletons that describes people who don't think the current situation in western civilization is sustainable or logical.
Basically people straying from the normie narrative.
seems like most of them have an inferiority complex or literally just can't compete with women/nignogs, so they're bitter
a forced meme from reddit
It's what the burger media call everyone who doesn't like hillary.
Its another way for the establishment to divide the right. If you're not one of (((them)))) then you're alt-right.