Are the Italians and Greeks bro tier?


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why wouldn't we be?
>based catholics and orthodox
>south europe master race
>not consumed by autistic greed, know how to live life
>family people

Una faza una razza

Greek= Neapolitans= this


>im germaaaaanic

Neapolitans are just heavily inbred mafianiggers

Why do Greeks sell their cunts for a sandwich?

>heavily anti-semetic
>responsible for the majority of european achievements
>increasingly fascist


Prove it faggot.
I have something for you
Yesterday I fucked a romanian slut in a brothel here in athens brothel 20 €. She was an immoral eastern european bitch far inferior that the polish slut i fucked a week ago.

Yeah, we also share one common feel

Una faccia una razza

>sleeping with prostitutes

You're better than this Pavlos, don't do it

The greeks civilized the italian peninsula, it was a bunch of degenerate etruscans having massive drunken orgies everyday before them.

>fucking whores
beta detected

So that's the reason why many of our trans go to prostitute themselves in Milaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanoooooooo

>combs his unibrow
What youse tryin' to say is
>scratches his turkish stache
What you white bois is saying
>proceeds to block the Bulgarian border
That we niggas can
>autistic screeching cause no 14th salary
That we can like get sum
>finishes work at 1 pm
Get sum of that you saying that
>smashes a plate in the pavement
Some finna
>out destroying public property with Georgios and Petros
Hol up so u be sayin is
>fails to understand the free market
That this little Romanian slut I fucked
>elects communists

Milan is rich, rich people are refined, which means they're effeminate, which means they want that feminine dick

>that the polish
You mean:"than the"?
Studies show Greek whores are mostly local.
>A new report reveals that more Greek women than Eastern European women are working as prostitutes in Greece following the difficult years of austerity

>>finishes work at 1 pm

>austerity is forcing greek men to fuck greek women
Merkel will pay for this cruelty

Always admired greek history and culture. Never met one tough.

Shatp, brazilian is a short hand for trans nowadays.

it's the best and the worst feel a nation can have

You forgot that Greece is having a high tourist count.

>implying tourists go to greece to fuck prostitutes

Can a Greek give me a rundown on the adherence to the Orthodox religion in modern Greek society?

Tell me about it bro

I know... There was a tranny when I studied Basic Italian 1 some years ago. By the way, the class had this tranny, Italian descendents and me.
I also know that many of the trannies say that they are Brazilians because they can get more clients.

Greeks are worse than jews. They will think nothing of ripping someone off.

Both are cücked shitholes like the rest of the developed world

Jesus was greek, so now greeks are cool

Greeks are bro tier,plus we both have the same parasites in our countries

i can do that senpai

>rothschilds bow to the Orthodox
>in contact with Putin
>rumoured to possess holy abilities
>control Greece with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Orthopolis will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Orthodox Babies
>patriarc said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of a church who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with it
>These are the Orthodox
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Orthobots inside you right now
>The patriarc is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent greek in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the church. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Constantinopolis
>The church is 2000 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, it's a timeless church existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The patriarc will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

First thing first: Greece is composed of two ethnies



Yes they are. Italians are based and Greeks are going to elect Golden Dawn someday.

I thought Greece went Commie.

>Forced into prostitution: Greece's economic crisis has married women, mothers hitting streets
Modern Greeks are turkroach rape babies.

I'm from Liguria, we got nothing to do with the North and (((Savoia))). One face one race.

Seriously stop embarrassing yourself frate.
It is true that most of the prostitutes and sex workers in Greece are Romanian.

Which present day race is closest to the ancient Romans?

here we go again

If Bulgarians have to cross the borders into poor old northern Greece to find something of value to steal, I dare not imagine the situation in their homeland.

None since Roman isn't a race.
But I guess those with brown hair and brown/green/blue eyes are the closest ones.

Republican Romans probably center-north Italians

African Americans

>A new report reveals that more Greek women than Eastern European women are working as prostitutes in Greece following the difficult years of austerity

'roman' is as much a race as 'american' or 'ottoman'

romans were initially italian but grew to become a blend of different nationalities, cultural groups and languages

and, strictly speaking, ancient romans were italians.

everyone who is brown hair with brown or green eyes, prove me wrong

The mithology says they come from Troy, after they got btfo.

>If Bulgarians have to cross the borders into poor old northern Greece to find something of value to steal
Steal what, your debt?
You fuckers are broke, anything of value is probably owned by a German.

>I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this bird

ayo ayo
*gets shot*
ayo hol up
*rapes an aryan girl*
hol up so you be sayin
*kills a white police officer*
so you be sayin
*licks welfare ticket*
*illegally inmigrates to Europe and kills 2 innocent white kids*

yeah but it's just a book, nothing more

Octavian Augustus

Top Kek!


>know how to live life
Man women and teens are whoring in the streets.
just pay debt

actual reconstructed pigmentation from Prima Porta statue

*Cypriot too

>not Uruguayans

>thread about italy
>romanians always appear
cringey as fuck

>tfw Octavian Augustus is actually a redhaired Irish

Tfw dad is Greek mom is Italian

>Octavian Augustus


>TFW your senpai is from Bari andNaples

I don't know what to feel

>just a book

Everything is just a book so. We choose what to belive and what not.

Dude the prostitution level in Greece is cringey?
Can't you guys invent something other than exploiting your holes to tourists?

Svetonio said about Augustus that he had blonde hair and light coulored eyes

We Ligurians are pretty much Southern Italians: dark skin, olive oil, flowers, palm threes...


Damn, Octavian was Irish.

no no i mean it's literally just a book, augustus told virgilius to write a made up story about roman origins and so he did, the romans knew that it was just a book

I love greek food and their general positive vibe but there is a lot of nepotism from what I have experienced. Italians are passionate (rude) but they're more sincere and accepting of other cultures.

>8 posts, all shitposts about greece

Did your girlfriend go on a holiday to Greece and get fucked by Kosta or something?

>not consumed by autistic greed, know how to live life
I don't know about in Greece itself, but in my country the Greek immigrants are like jews, they never do honest business, they only sell addictive products, and they have created an organised crime syndicate.

2/10 would not invite into my house, at least they are not niggers.


And half Saudi

He said 'subflavum', which could be interpreted in various ways just like "blonde" nowadays can be interpreted differently depending on the country i.e a "biondo" in Italy usually isn't the same as a "blonde" in Sweden or Finland.
Tacitus when referring to Germans said they were ALL red headed, which seems pretty weird to me considering what we consider red today.


It was a hagiography, which is why Aeneas is descended from Venus, and happens to be the ancestor of the Julian clan.

Italian bros who do you like more, greece or us?

pls don't break my heart

This, Mediterranean culture is pretty chill.
>tfw pounding Greek pussy

Stop shitpost blocking, you emu victim.

we like you both equally

Abe now talking about ballistic missles a lot now

Like greek culture's better and spain's food better.

t. wog living in Adelaide

But before this there are other stories that talk about, Trojans immigrating in centra Italy.
And also some Emperors were not even born is Roma

Hol up,
So you be sayin

t. ahmed from brick lane

>some Emperors were not even born is Roma
>mfw some were dacian

For YEARS, Greeks thought they were the baddest of the Balkans!
Whole family selling cunts and assholes to German tourists.


If you're so proud of Greece, than why are you living in a nation built by Anglos?

I remember you, you're that cunt from the other night. I'm not even Greek you retard

>based catholics and orthodox

Pope worshipers that love niggers and mudslime.


Worship shiny thing, basically niggers.

Oy wait a minute
*twirls shillelagh*
Oy oy stop right there
*gets into fisticuffs with a relative*
Am I getting what you're meaning boyo?
*sheds a tear for his northern brothers*
Are ya peddling what I think yer peddling?
*looks nervously towards the end of a rainbow*
Let me see if I got it right boyo
*shudders in remembrance of the oppression of his ancestors being forced to wear shoes*
*river dances*

It's funny cause it's true. In the public sector. In the private sector a working day is minimum 10hrs

We're all brothers, no need to fight over these petty things.