Alternative facts

>alternative facts
>Bowling Green massacre
>Buy Ivanka's stuff

How does this dumb cunt still have a job?

She's actually there specifically to make you upset.

Because neither of those things actually matter. The left is just doing a really good job at pretending that they do.

I like Trump, I actually think she has donw a good job up to this point, now she just needs to STFU.

loose lips sink ships.

>Conway is only able to justify Trump's actions by making shit up
>This somehow "doesn't matter"
You dumb piece of shit.

Bill clintons a rapist

She needs to be extra careful yes. The media will "weaponize" anything she says against her, correct or not.

this is why women are inferior because of dumb bitches like her. Its like she says the first thing in her mind. Her, Betsy Devos and Ben Carson have to GTFOH with thier poorly placed positions in the trump administration.

you lost mate, and you'll keep losing. she can do whatever the fuck she wants now. trumps the president you idiot

She's a stupid skank who shilled for Cruz for an entire year during the primaries and completely shit on Trump. If she's so integral to the Trump administration, keep her away from the cameras so she can't say anymore stupid shit. I'm so sick of seeing her Jersey Shore-looking ass everywhere I turn.

You sure speak confidently for someone who's so scared of Trump he's hiding in the UK.

She has already been counseled aka spanked by Daddy Trump. Now fuck off with your shitty thread.

Seriously, I feel that they need to get rid of her and Sean Spicer. If we are gonna have someone who is gonna be a troll, I'd want Milo.

Trump is probably sleeping with her.

Katrina > Kellyanne




>that ID



>worrying about some random woman on another continent while muslims invade you
how do you still have an ethnic group, potato nigger?