Mexican man dragged off his house by ICE agents
>man breaking law brought in by law enforcement
A job well done
What are your thoughts?
Don't send him back
Why can't you guys just imprison them for life?
I think it's odd that we have to lock up most of the worst kinds of people that are foreign and mostly come from Mexico. Plus when we release them back to Mexico they just come straight back up to U.S.
>criminal mexicants sent back to mexico
>rapefugees and others fleeing to Canada to avoid being sent back
I almost feel bad for our fellow Sup Forums brothers in Mexico and Canada but their countries brought this upon themselves.
No more Vida Loca for him.
They literally kill each other so no problemo.
He looks like a fine gentleman.
looks like a piece of shit to me. hopefully they give him a helicopter express ride to Mexshitco
>White socks
Filthy degenerate.
It puts in perspective what kind of place Mexico is when even the lowest of the low lowlives don't want to stay there.
Just shoot him out before throwing him out of a plane
Is Mexico that bad that everyone wants to leave essei?
I just can't believe it's that bad; Mexico, the supposed king of Central America.
I still blame Jews for everything though.
It's actually a very comfy country with a lot of employment, small wages, but employment everywhere.
It's no more than a "I wish be american" culture
The Gringo knows.
Mexico is not central America though.
too bad they didn't execute him. pussies.
So now it's the people wearing a gold star kicking people out of their houses
Wtf I hate Jews now
They're deporting Danny Trejo? I like that guy tho!
Fucking awesome. Where's my popcorn?
>his house
>doesn't pay property tax
Nice fake news you beaner piece of shit
If you really have to get full body tattoos, don't get fat. If you can't manage that, please for the love of decency, wear a shirt in public.
12 million to go get to work ICE
>mfw the Mexican government and Pequeña Pito or whatever his name was is panicking at what to do with all the spics we're sending back
Is that angry joe?
machine gun them at the border now
I say build the wall first then deport illegal Mexicans.
It'll stop them from coming back.
Send that fat nigger along with him.
We are so incompetent they escape, you burgers have death penalty don't you, please kill them off for us, we will pay the electric bill.
why was he on his house
Oh no! We lost a scientist that was going to cure cancer! How could they???
give me source
>we will pay the electric bill.
Worry about paying for the wall first bud
>that fat ass cop
Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
You say that, then you don't extradite for that very reason
I really wish your country had the death penalty so we won't have to keep gassing Mexicans lol
>Has 4 cards tattooed on stomach
>not a single one a green card
Trump kinda of owes Pena Nieto though. That meeting in Mexico city when Trump was just a candidate reay helped legitimize him. Still not sure why Nieto did it.
Then again, he has like a 12% approval rating, so maybe he does a lot of crazy shit. Can Mexicobro clarify?
His next arrest will be a cardiac
1 down, 39,999,999 to go.
Fucking manlets can't even find proper shorts.
Fat, squat, man-tits, fucked up tattoos, over 40 wearing over-sized basketball shorts and a winter hat with no shirt. Of course.
looks like that mexican got some JUST-ice
He just came here to work! He has a family!
He's enriching our culture look at his body art!
quickest response superior response
>Sup Forums I.C.E Force General #1
Sup Forums I.C.E Force General #1
> Sup Forums I.C.E Force General #1
Sup Forums I.C.E Force General #1
> Sup Forums I.C.E Force General #1
Sup Forums I.C.E Force General #1
> Sup Forums I.C.E Force General #1
So this nerdy looking black guy gets to finally live out his dream job after more than a decade of having to sit on his ass. I would bet that a decade ago he was /fit/ as hell, and as the reality set in that he wouldn't be able to protect his country he started gaining weight... Until now. Let's watch as he gets his /fit/ from chasing down illegals. Godspeed nerdy soon to be cool looking black guy.
sad, he looks like he was ready for the job interview at Google
Btw ICE agents just came into my work and took a dude away. They left out of the back door.
Well he looks like an upstanding citizen, I'm literally shaking right now
The beginning of a new era of American Greatness.
boy its great to see Sup Forums judge a book by its cover. Totally not biased at all. Who cares about his family and friends, or the memories hes made. gosh I love this place
>t. has never lived in Southern California with illegals who look like that guy and would jump you purely for being white
kill yourself my man
Dudes illegal retard. Might as well support murder or rape.
another good mexican lawyer wrongfully arrested, thanks DRUMP!
not an argument
>hurr I trust every law because our legal system is infallible hurr
Another obviously hard working man brought down by our fascist system meant to keep brown people enslaved
>el no hizo nada
>Don't send him back
Send him to Washington state.
get the fuck back to plebbit
based Mexican
He is a drug dealer, rapist, and murderer.
Adios Motherfucker!
Don't gangsters in Mexico hate these guys?
Remember to report all Tweets/post/discords/facebook pages of people who are interfering with the sweeps to the FBI/ICE
The will be VERY glad to hear from you.
That ICE agent is pretty obese. Even more than the puto. :^D
Not as disgusting as that picture, you fucking degenerate.