Is Donald Trump going to die in the next 4 years ?
I'm 99% sure a terrorist will try to kill him
Probably not a terrorist, though I do worry that old age will get him.
I don't think so, he's a billionaire, I guess he can afford a shit ton of expensive health products
Yes, "terrorists".
A crazy and unstable US president is actually beneficial to Islamic terrorist. Not to mention that if any terrorist group was capable of assassinating the president one of them would have done it already. The biggest threat to Trump will be from within the US government itself
If he does, it won't be an assassination. You don't become a successful real estate business man in New York City without mob connections. You can bet Trump has Dead Man's Switch protocols in place and has let everyone who might consider giving him that convertible ride in Dallas know that ordering his death would be one of the last things they would ever do. Hell, Soros and the others are probably nervous as shit that some rando will try it and get them killed in the process.
I hope not, no need to make a martyr for retards when he can just go down in history as another shitty president
you have no idea what you're talking about
Why would he? (((they))) love him.
Yeah probably
Only a white radical nutjob would attempt it
Let's just hope all those millions Soros gave him protect him. He's on slippery ICR and if he doesn't play his cards right he'll go the way of JFK
I don't know, but I would love to see how the all the Trump hating liberals would react.
One one hand, if they cheer, they're basically happy someone got murdered over differences in political views.
If they try and act sad about it, then it just shows they really are just virtue signalling bastards.
Either way, they can't win.
>I'm 99% sure a terrorist will try to kill him
interesting way to describe a globalist.
It will be a MK Ultra disposable assassin like every other one.
I think there will be an attempt on his life.
An attempt.
>You will live to see Trump be the first President to ascend to the astral plane and rule from on high
Yeah, the liberal youth of America will boycott him to death.
Terrorists won't kill him either because unexpecting civilians are a better target for getting your point across than someone who's well protected day and night.
fucking hope so, he's gonna turn this country to shit.
Hopefully, drumpf is a pig
time travelers don't get assassinated
Hillary will try to assassinate Trump with a samurai sword.
If he dies by islamic terrorist or a left wing terrorist then hell will break lose upon these groups.
no we have him safe in the white house fortress now.
I hope not. I really want him to serve 4 full years and get completely obliterated in the 2020 election, going down in history as the least popular president of all time.
If anything history has shown us that getting in bed with the mob is the worst thing you can do (any normal person knows this, but Kennedy was addicted to painkillers and meth). Trump's too autistic to get along with those guys, besides I don't see any reason they would assassinate him, he's not even attacking cartels directly so they don't have much to be pissed about, that's like a little sidenote compared to the horrible murderous scourge of employers hiring illegals so they don't have to pay taxes.
> pssst kids
> this guy is a shill
> don't listen to him
Donald J Trump is a very, very powerful religious figure in our own times. Consider that he has reached more people (billions more) than Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad etc did within their own lifetimes and gained far more worldly power than all combined. His tweets telepathically reach the entire planet within seconds, bypassing all old forms of information transference.
Basically, he has so much power, and is aligned with the Good, that he is untouchable. It also means he is tempted more than anyone to give in to Evil, but he has 70 years of ass kicking under his belt and seems determined to MAGA.
that he will never leave without tons of armed guards a helicopter and a tank, and probably a carrier standing by.
I can see the CIA assasinating him eventually.
Well, he survived Christmas dinner and football season fried food...when is the next Burger festival of excess that will make another go at his heart?
I mean that's who they'll claim it is. Most likely they'll get killed at the scene before they can testify.