By the time they even get close to halfway there Trump will be out of office. What a fucking waste of time and resources.
By the time they even get close to halfway there Trump will be out of office. What a fucking waste of time and resources.
Exactly guys. Why even build the Panama Canal. Roosevelt will be out of office before its done.
>wall takes 3.5 years to build
>implying that's not doable in 8 years
Literally don't care the wall is unecessary
You know he has more than 3.5 years left in office, right?
reminder that the EU build a wall.
in Turkey.
comes with a death strip.
EU will now invade north african waters to pick up every nigger and ship them straight back to the shithole he came from.
And nobody cares about it.
Trump better steps up his game.
Source on that?
would be nice if it was true but that sounds like the usual election promises that never turn true.
this is why you need an emperor. you should keep the other branches, but give the executive the ability to overrule or dismantle the others at any time
You know that you have to add at least 50% to government estimates to get something accurate right?
Oh wait, you think the Democrats can actually field a legitimate challenger?
They don't have a single one.
the refugees are a perfect excuse to increase EU wide authority and casus belli for middleastern colonies
Because Trump was so strongly predicted back in 2013, right?
google it
EU paid turkey billions in a deal to prevent refugees traveling trough turkey.
what does turkey do?
close border to syria and schoot refugees on sight to get the message across.
the ship thing was decided just a few weeks ago.
EU is currently in talks with Libya, Tunesia, Algeria and Morocco so they are allowed to enter their territorial waters to ship them back into special refugee camps located in africa.
Also Merkel just decided that she wants to create refugee camps where people who got their asylum request denied but cant be send back because civil war and muh humanity will be gathered to force them to leave by themselves.
Basicly prison camps for refugees.
Writing has been on the wall longer than that.
>By the time they even get close to halfway there
Now + 21 months = December 2018 (halfway point in specified time frame)
Wall completion according to report: June 2020
End of Trump's first term: January 2021
You are the dumbest shill
surely the construction can't take more time than 8 years
Well, lets hope this actually happens.
But for now I will regard it as empty promises, same as everything else they said about deportations, upper limits and so on so far.
he should put drones in the air over the wall immediately to secure the border and expand that border by building the wall through his second term
>give the executive the ability to overrule or dismantle the others at any time
no, it doesn't work that way, we need a more responsible judiciary and if Clinton can drop Scalia anyone is fair game
I want that image poster size on my wall.
The Wall will be built because it's imperative to cut off the average American's escape route when the NWO cracks down
Trump was /ourgoy/ from the start