Is there a way to combat the marxist view on how
>society teaches people to draw racial lines, no one is born with ethnic loyalty
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Just ban marxism. After that tribalism (nationalism) comes naturally.
We should, but I've come across this point many times while arguing. There must be way to counter this argument.
The Marxist operative concept is justice and in effect, equity. Not equality. Gigantic difference.
Challenge that and you win
Equality is not sameness. Ask them who do they love more: their family, or complete strangers?
The way to combat it is simply to show people that it's false. Humans display ethnic preference already in the early stages of life. There are plenty of studies regarding this phenomenon.
Varför där är ruotsin lippu?
They want equity not equality
They want to make whole what they don't have. They don't say that but they mean equity.
Call them out on their bullshit
True. But the problem is that many of them probably don't even know what the word ''equity'' means. They are that dense. And if they do, you are labeled a bigot.
No, what I'm not talking about their twisted view on 'equality', but the claim that people only display ethnic preference because society told them to and that multiracial states could work if that weren't the case. this Swede got it right
I thought so.
>society teaches people to draw racial lines, no one is born with ethnic loyalty
This is false. People are born with innate kin selection tendencies which extend to ethnic and racial groups. People naturally prefer any group to which they belong over other groups. It's an evolutionary advantage.
Jag don't tietää.
It does eventually boil down to it though.
That is true. They tend to explain everything as if it is always a problem with society.
It makes sense, how should i go about presenting this argument?
Thank you.
What you have inherited from your ancestors, you must earn before you can own. The most precious possession you can own in this world, is your own people
Hail Victory!
always, I miss my Euro family. I hope I can return soon.
What is your ancestry?
hail our people, I'm looking forward to coming home one day. I'm bound to my soil and people.
Marxist here.
We dont believe that. Society teaches people to draw NATIONAL lines. No one is born with NATIONAL loyalty.
Everyone is born with a preference for both people who look like them and a preference for people they perceive to be in the same group regardless of why.
But a society can be created that overrides these primitive instincts or a society that reinforces them.
Guess which one is the Marxist society!
a mix of Nordic /Medi (not a drop of askin) birth I'd rather not say though (dox)
People are born racist, its well documented
I was born in Europe (forgot to add)
>overrides these primitive instincts
You can't build a house and then remove it's foundations.
>people are born racist
no, people, like all living things are born with genetic hardwiring and survival instincts. Racist is a subversive word that obscures the underlying reality, those instincts exist for a reason.
>No one is born with NATIONAL loyalty.
except the fact that all of human history, except only recently, humans bave been about sticking with your tribe and it's been hardwired into our brains
they have so enamored us with the concept of equality, that we would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.