Modern liberals hate the ideas the United States was founded on. They are more similar in political views to Canada, the UK, and Australia. Are liberals real Americans? She we deport them to Canada? Why would a liberal want to stay in the United States when they could move to a country they agree with?
Are modern liberals real Americans?
Liberal here, most of us do, in fact, love the US of A.
Criticizing the current state of a government =/ hating the country that government represents.
Surly conservatives should understand this?
Why do guys on your team burn the flag and say things like, "America was never great"? Do you think the US will still be on top when the country resembled Central American demographics more than a European one? Honest questions
>Are modern liberals real Americans?
Yep. America has definitely been influenced by liberalism, especially John Locke
John Locke was a classical liberal. Modern liberals have nothing in common with the classical liberalism of the founding fathers.
you guys really just gotta split up. You're two nations trying to make it work as one. Your judges don't make decisions based on the law, but on ideology, and it's a never ending turf war, but it's reaching it's climax.
That is what I was sort of getting at my Leaf friend. Good post.
>cricket chirping intensifies
>Modern liberals have nothing in common with the classical liberalism
Or maybe classical liberalism with its cult of individualism just goes hand in hand with marxist rhethoric? In my country former communists have managed to transition very smoothly into the liberal agenda and they immediately picked up the language
I wouldn't classify liberals as real humans, let alone real Americans.
50% of your nation didn't even give a damn about Hillary or Donald, for them, you may as well flip a coin for all it mattered. Split the remaining fifty percent into two halves. The Trump twenty five percent isn't saying stuff like that, so you got a maximum pool of a quarter of the nation for "that team". But honestly, it'd be nowhere close to that much even. 2% at best. A vocal 2%.
They are anti-American and only want to destroy us.
Lefties should go to Canada.
There are no JFK Democrats left in America.
If you don't believe in national sovereignty and a national identity then you aren't American
They're arguably not even human.
This is what happens when you elect a charismatic progressive who decides to shut down the mental asylums.
> They are more similar in political views to Canada, the UK, and Australia.
pic very fucking related.
We used to have 0 gun laws and Australia was basically a white paradise.
Forgot pic in my fit of rage and disgust
Classical liberals yes, they're quite American.
Leftist/democratic liberals no. They all have to go back to the Soviet Union or Mexico, whichever they came from.
In the US, liberal typically refers to people who are left of center. I'd consider myself a liberal, but in the more classical sense. I abhor modern liberalism, which is kind of synonymous and interchangeable with the left.
Modern "liberals" aren't liberals at all. They're proto-communist social justice zealots that believe fascist means justify the eventual utopian future awaiting them if we can all just learn to love each other.
A classical liberal today would be called something like a libertarian capitalist or conservative libertarian in America.
I know a few modern liberals. No they are not true Americans, which I would classify as someone who has a patriotic demeanor and is interested in what is best for his/her nation and its sovereignty. Shilling so hard for unlawful illegal aliens/defending sanctuary cities/pushing for the migration of a people who are anti-Western civilization/pro big govt. etc. has been tearing this nation down and will continue to do so until it comes to a screeching halt. Modern liberals are propagandized, useful idiot foot soldiers for the higher ups to strong arm the fall of our nation for personal gain.
Seems like the liberal political leadership was very eager to criticize the nation's image and the average joe person in the country; the backbone of the tax income of this country is used by liberals against the interest of the average joe
From my cold dead hands
I'm a liberal in the sense of Karl Popper, JS Mill, and Robert Nozick.
on the left, Marxism is a secular religion, but is thankfully mostly dead outside of academia.
on the right, I see a much more disturbing pattern. One half of the right has embraced Evangelical Christianity, which was adapted from Pentacostalism, which in turn was adapted from slave religion, which has its origins in African 'culture'. This niggerfied Evangelical religion has resulted in a huge swath of white and black people loving consumerism and wealth more than they love Christ, more than they love their neighbors. This is how we got Trump, a nigger president.
The other half of the right, Randians and neo-conservatives, are essentially the post-modernists of the conservative movement, who would destroy the human values they pretend to cherish.
My America is capitalist, but provides welfare for people in extraordinary circumstances. I want the US to compete internationally but only where our workers have parity: it's fair for a us worker with benefits and worker protections to compete against a british worker with similar benefits and protections, it's not fair for 'free trade' between a us worker and a teenage worker in a dangerous factory in Bangladesh. I think I am a real American and that the Enlightenment values I share with our Founding Fathers are under threat from a strange nexus of Marxism, Prosperity Theology, Cirtical Theory, and rightwing postmodernism.
>one half of the right is evangelicals
Oh bullshit. 15-20% tops.
Honestly I wish it had come to that. I was 10 years old when they took our guns. Old enough to be raised a warrior, young enough to not get caught up in the initial purges. Instead I grew up with nothing but lies and bullshit because most of the older men in my family who had served were dead or didn't talk about it and the women; my mother/aunts/grandmother constantly demonized the military whenever I brought up enlisting. Now I pretend to enjoy working my arse off as a pastry chef while I hide my self hatred with a video games addiction and gym obsession under the guise I need to stay strong and fit for work.
My aunt handed in my great grandfather's WW1 .303 and about 30 guns he and his son had collected over the years - (both military vets who had been hunting and gun enthusiasts since they were children) to the government because in her words "It was the right thing to do." Decrepit old hag died childless. The day I turned 18 I started the process for a gun license and that old bitch constantly talked shit to my mother I was "overtly prone to violence", and I needed "Someone to talk to".
As horrible as this sounds since I made a promise to my mother not to enlist - I want her to hurry up and die of the heart problem she has had for years, before I get too old to join the infantry. I feel it in my blood, every male in my family over 40 served in the Australian Army or Air force and on my father's family side we can trace back to professional tercio's.
Just let the fags get violent enough that when we win it's permanent. What are they gonna do? Fight guns with words? kek