After thousands of years of defending our lands, they handed Europe over to shitskins, and gave away our culture along with it; they could well be responsible for the death of the white race. All the while they milked the economy for all its worth and pushed house prices into the stratosphere! Get in here and vent on the worst generation in human history.
Boomer hate thread
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Millenials are the first generation to have fewer economic opportunities and a lower qol than there parents. Thank you boomers. Boomers were a spoiled generation, which is why they turned into the "fuck you got mine" generation. Also feminism was in cahoots, and essentially worked hand in hand with this fuckery.
Agree, but don't forget Gen. X fags. They deserve an even more cruel death. desu, everything born before 1980 needs to be purged
Yes, it was the boomers goy. Nothing to do with (((us)))
>Be born 1985
>Start working end of the 90's
>Lose your job bc. boomers and Xers burnt the future of three generations for shiny boxes and the promise this shiny boxes will make them filthy rich
>Get a shittier job, get rationalized bc Boomers and Xers fear for their retirement funds in the jews banks and sell out 8 other generation to have some gibsmedat after 30 years of rarely working
Kys Boomer in disguise
Don't blame the boomers, sure they had it good, but their early life was pretty harsh.
But now, wew lad.
My neighbors have his and hers Porches, both are in late 60's, she drives the 911 and he drives the Cayenne 4x4 thing, ugly peice of shit.
Then their kids, in late 30's turns up in a beat up old Astra Estate with gobby kids.
Whats annoying is they both worked in a factory, but boughh their council house from Thatcher for literally nothing,.
Now its worth 2m mil i would say, they would have paid £60k ish
>their early life was pretty harsh.
No it wasn't. They could literally become filthy rich just by buying dirt cheap land and putting 100 dollar into an account.
Gen X here, born in 74.
Left school just as they took delivery of PC's
mfw i missed out, but I didnt.
We can remember life before the net. Growing up in the 90's was great in the UK
UNtil Blair opened the floodgates to Somalia etc and we passed the Lisbon treaty.
>Be me
>Working 2 jobs and going to school
>living with grandparents because I need to save money
>talk about quitting one job so I can take more hours of school
>get treated like I was about to go on a killing spree simply because I wanted to get done with college faster
"But you need jobs. How will you find other jobs without a job! Get three jobs instead of two, you need to work harder!"
Ffs I don't have a day off and when I'm not working I'm studying.
(((They))), in conjuction with boomers and feminists, worked for decades to put in place a system that would ensure most millenial men would have no options but to become virtual slaves to (((them))) once they came of age.
Truly disgusting. Which is why we must forge our own future and leave them behind. We must never forget the treachery of our parents.
>After the 90's it went to shit
You are directly responsible for it and will pay the price.
87 here and I was lucid enough in the latter half of the 90s to understand the difference between then and now. Night and day. The world as we know it really did end in the year 2000.
Millennials really are an unironically unlucky generation. We have been shit on badly.
True, look at London, its a disgrace
No one can live here now, unless its in ghetto areas where you're very likely to get knifed if you look at a nigger wrong.
Or 1 mile down the street to better conditions, but a 3 bed flat will set you back £5m
All the boombers left London after they made their coin, and now live in Spain, or a French chateau
That's how I learned to never discuss my personal life unless prompted. If you're working without pause, without break for months on end AND trying to squeeze college in there, it's a miserable experience and eventually, your grades start to suffer. That or you have a mental breakdown. In the past I worked my job 65+ hours a week and was taking anywhere between 6-7 classes we semester. I did this for 2 semesters and I just couldn't do it anymore. I stopped working so much overtime and everything got better.
Fuck what others think, do what you want and do what you think is a good idea. Especially old people like your grandparents. They're from a different doctrine and time. Where slave tier hard work COULD pay off in the end. They don't seem to understand that unless you have an in somewhere with a good company, working like a dog will benefit no one but the companies.
>Millennials really are an unironically unlucky generation
They are, the markets and banks have seen to that.
How the fuck are you supposed to afford a home lad?
NIMBYS will not let new bui9lds happen, not when it drags down their 'portfolio' of homes they have collected to get even more rich.
What we need is a revolution, its the only way.
But the markets and the banks have to be the target, not some old dotty granny, its the banks, the markets.
We bailed them cunts out, did they suffer?? Did they fuck, all the govt did was print more money for them.
£2trillion. But we are part owners in Brit banks, YAY Mum, I told you id make somthing of myself, Im a bank owners now!
BANKS have to suffer, but they are in control so...
>now live in Spain, or a French chateau
And drive cost of living up somewhere else by living of everybody. Millenials need to get into their head that they have to kill their parents and grand parents for that this world won't die in three or four decades
I was richer in 1999 than I am now.
I used to earn £800 a week, do coke, drink champers, fuck hot rave girls off their tits on E go to parties every weekend, wear only designer gear, drive a fast car, own 2 flats.
Then 9/11 happened. It all went wrong from then on.
>TFW looking at 2 bedroom/1 bath condos (because fuck renting) in OK neighborhoods and it's $120k here in NJ.
>TFW older people I work with always go on about how their 5 bed/ 3 bath on 3 acres the bought for $100k and is currently worth 4 million.
>TFW they tell me to just get a house when houses start at $210k around me
Boomers are locust
They are the evil of humans personified.
Selfish, greedy and entitled
They will fuck over their own children to keep having it all.
They grew up with everything
Humans are creatures of habit AMD hate change
Do you think they'll just give up that mentality having kids?
My "dad" is a jealous spoiled faggot who acts like he's 12 despite being mid60s.
He had to have the nice clothes, nice car and money. If anyone else has that he hates them. Even his
Yeah FUCK Boomers, they voted Drumpfff
jesus christ, you are literally the cancer responsible for where we are now. In all honesty, kill yourself, really end your life, you deserved to die, you deserved to be tortured to death you deserve to be put into pieces, made into concrete and shot into the sun
Yea they're shit but at least I get to inherit the stupid amount of wealth they stumbled upon in real estate by doing literally nothing.
And I think opinions greatly differ on whether or not you're successful yourself, and not at the mercy of boomer parents.
Trump is a boomer. It is their destiny to fix the problems they caused, and it is the millennial neet destiny to march for Trump and bring in the next golden age.
>4th Turning
,>you think they're going to die before spending every last dime
Laugh cry emoticon.jpg
I really feel sorry for millennials.
You are now competing with China and India for your jobs
Its the markets, and the markets are never wrong.
you are now a commodity.
When I was 26 my only dilemma was should I buy a 355 Spider or a 911 Turbo
The internet is mashing your brains, life is not supposed to be like this.
Every night was pub night, every fucking night,down the pub to meet up with mates and girls.
Now, we have sterile Wetherspoons, its vile how shit the UK is now, YOU CANT EVEN SMOKE!
I blame immigration and the commoditization of the worker. And the SJW
Calm yourself Adolf.
We had no idea how lucky we were, this was just.... normal behaviour.
Fucking boomers.
Hey guys, what if we just retire at age 50 and pass on the debt to future generations? I'm sure this huge national debt we are creating won't be a big deal. And plus, I want to retire now with a huge pension so I can buy a 2nd home! Fast forward 40 years and I have to work a decade to be able to afford a downpayment. Fuck you boomers. Fuck you.
Na, in this case one has to speak out for the boomer. They had it incredibly easy and were to stupid to not get subverted by the jew, sold out 12 generations for later gibsmedat and are greedy af. But the fuck every generation before or after me generation are those folks
my family's financial advisor told my parents they should try not to be the 'richest people in the graveyard'
Sure this excuse would come. It is non, you are a subverted hedonistic piece of garbage and no appeal to youth or any thing less then your death will pay for your sins
Maturists were better.
>(((financial advisor)))
Fucking disgusting.
Millennials are the most entitled generation.
You see plenty of millennials go out protesting instead of working, asking for hand outs on Patreon, and make YouTube videos to shill for companies.
Fact: Get a real fucking job if you want to get anywhere in life.
What are some good careers that will be available after the boomer die-off?
>The internet is mashing your brains, life is not supposed to be like this.
>You are now competing with China and India for your jobs
if only someone had an ideology that prevented this...
the 'rebuild society' career
Those "careers" will die with them. Because the majority of the careers they have don't really produce anything.
Pic related really gets the Aussies bros pissed at boomers.
We could be so lucky if Boomers had retired at 50. Instead, the ones with solid jobs are working into their 70s(!!!) and keeping us younger folks from being able to move into upper level jobs. At my university, we even have faculty in their 80s, not emeritus, teaching faculty. It's fucked.
Combine this with many corporations expecting salaried workers to put in 50+ hours and it's pretty obvious where all the economic gains are going. Doesn't require foreign competition or anything like that.
>tl;dr Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z are mega-fucked.
Translation: spend it all before you die.
Hating boomers won't solve any of problems, it's a waste of time in fact. Stop blaming your problems on others and fix yourself bong.
intergenerational warfare coming soon
This is why you go full NEET and let them die in their own filth. Nothing makes me happier than oldfags and wagecucks screeching when they see people that aren't stupid enough to slave away for this system.
Boomer detected
>it is our fault but don't blame us. Wah asshole! F U for making me feel bad you little fuck. Wahh adult temper tantrum
Fuck I hate you people.
The thing that pisses me off the most is when boomers think that the younger generation has inherently changed in some huge negative way.
Seriously, which of these scenarios do you think is more likely?
>Humans have undergone an unprecedented change that alters their behavior in a way never before seen.
>Your perception is altering your view of reality while the world is actually just continuing as it always has. The fact that you're "you" doesn't mean some big change needs to happen in your lifetime.
im not gonna blame a whole generation because they got kiked
It's projected that we're going to be living up to 100+ , so we really should be looking to work/study something that will be useful for years to come
around here if you live to die of liver disease you made it
No I'm a millennial. I went to trade school to become an electrician and I'm already living well off, 55k starting with this job. There are plenty of opportunities to grab in this life, you can't just sit idly by and expect some stranger to buy everything for you.
55k is jack shit.
Trade shill coming in hot. Always the same MO
>instigate by calling people useless/lazy
>make up story about trade worl
>more insults about laziness
>mention your salary that isn't impressive
> say the jobs are out there ad just need to look for them
>take out a loan and go to trades school
Who made them the boomers ?could it be ((())) . İ think blaming generations who were brainwashed , is lazy and plain wrong.
How could you have hatred for them when they were up against the power of the (((banking cabal))) our generation may be even more brainwashed, perhaps to the point we rebel, scratch that things are blatantly obvious now, headlines such as white men must die etc
>you can't just sit idly by and expect some stranger to buy everything for you.
Actually, thanks to the welfare system in place in pretty much every western country, you can indeed do that. Like it or not, but that stranger - that is you thanks to the taxes you pay.
I was born in 1977 and I'd like to say KYS faggot. I've applied to 75 jobs over the past 6 months and nobody wants to hire a middle aged white male over somebody with medicare, or a young millennial wage slaver
>their early life was pretty harsh.
Boomer's early lives were easy beyond belief. They are the most privileged generation to ever exist. They grew up under a nuclear umbrella, sure. For Americans, they fought in Vietnam, big fucking whoop. They mostly smoked pot, dropped acid and listened to amazing music while bitching about The Man. The Man who provided them with EVERYTHING.
Instead of making sure the gravy train would continue for future generations, they have hoarded and squandered everything.
In my experience, 1 in 10 Boomers is worth the air they breath.
>t. bitter Gen Xer
Hahahahahahahaha...Sorry we are not going away. Neither are you.
>BANKS have to suffer, but they are in control so...
I closed my account in 2010.
What is everybody else waiting for?
A goddamned engraved invitation to stop letting (((them))) hold your money for you?
Just close your goddamned accounts, all you hundreds of millions of weak, stupid, chickenshit fucking turds!
You're the ones KEEPING (((them))) in power!
>you can't just sit around and wait fr someone to buy you everything
Tats exactly what boomers did.
How do people get stuff? Someone gives it to them.
Any rich kid out there got given money
They did work as an electrician , save 1 mill and retire st 23
remember when all the worry was how are we going to finance healthcare for the boomers?
how come that's not an issue anymore?
wat happen?
>remember when all the worry was how are we going to finance healthcare for the boomers?
This was just scaremongering to make people more open to mass immigration.
Constant education but it leads to constant debt, too. I'm back in school after working a career that included both the dot-com bust and the Great Recession, poorer than I've been since I was 18 with no end in sight. Looking at $150,000 in school loans to be employable again. FML and fuck Boomers.
you sound jealous as fuck, and if you don't consider 55k a good salary then you're a total idiot at money spending. Lame fucking Canadians
Nova Scotia?
What are you learning for $150K?
What will trump do for millenials?
This. My buddy is... 49 last I checked and can't even get a first interview. I'm in school again simply to have enough degrees on top of my business experience to be able to start up another business. The only route once you are in your 40s is some form of self-employment if you aren't already embedded in an organization.
> Slacker Revolution when?
In leafistan 55k usd or cad is miniscule after taxes, and all the other bullshit we have to pay.
Getting a PhD after a separate Masters, industrial design and engineering. It (should) be worth the time and money.
My favourite thing boomers do is when they try and normalise shitty things to make us "lazy youngsters" except our lot in life.
Like there was a BBC article today that offered "tips on how to defeat the housing crisis". And one of the tips was literally "Downsize your dreams"
Well I'm sorry but if you were entitled to a 4 bedroom house after saving up for a year, so am I.
Fuck off you baby boomer
Look you sad wanker, the reason you've got Fuck all. Is because your worth Fuck all. Your generation want it all given to you. It doesn't work like that. Fight or Fuck off, you won't fight for wages and benefits so you can Fuck off.
nope. Obamacare forced millenials to finance it.
into the wheelie bin for you.
$55k is chump change for trades. Most tradesmen run their own business, so that 55 is after handling all the accounting, insurance, advertising, meetings and proposals to do the actual work. He's probably working 60 hours a week to pull that in.
Gen X didn't do anything wrong but they didn't fight the degeneracy back when it might have done us any good.
They gave into depravity and whore culture FULLY, but they were just stupid kids. It's their parent's fault for being so fucking oblivious and disconnected.
Gen X'ers basically didn't have "parents," they pretty much raised themselves and grew up in the shadow of their parents signing away their inheritance.
You know what it was? America was so fucking rich and so opulent in every conceivable way, everything was SO high quality, that none of the people who lived in that time could even conceive of America being poor. America would not only ALWAYS be rich, it would only get richer and richer!
To them, they literally figured, "Sure, we'll steal a few trillion from future generations, but by the time they're born, we'll be mining diamonds in the asteroid belt, those kids will see a trillion dollars laying on the ground and they won't even bend over to pick it up!"
Those motherfuckers thought they were only fifty years from The Jetsons.
They didn't even think twice about stealing our future before we were born. Didn't even occur to them to worry about it. Everything was just going to keep getting better and better for everyone, forever.
>Like there was a BBC article today that offered "tips on how to defeat the housing crisis". And one of the tips was literally "Downsize your dreams"
kek. Literally "accept defeat". And they wonder why suicide rates are skyrocketing.
They also suggested just renting forever or living with your parents forever
"Most tradesmen run their own business"
What rustles my jimmies is when Boomers call younger people "lazy" or "entitled".
Millenials have to work harder and go to school longer just to have slightly less than what Boomers have.
>Gen X didn't do anything wrong but they didn't fight the degeneracy back when it might have done us any good.
We tried. The dot-com bust took so much energy out of our efforts.
>Gen X'ers basically didn't have "parents," they pretty much raised themselves and grew up in the shadow of their parents signing away their inheritance.
This. They were to busy with careers to raise us. To busy on their second, third, fourth spouses, to busy doing drugs, to busy avoiding responsibility, to distracted with everything.
I wonder if boomers think about what they come across as from the outside, must be a painful realization
You should be grateful for your closet sized studio apartment...why are you so greedy?
Another thing I heard a boomer say.
"Well Millennials are just lazy, they don't answer work emails or pick up their phone after work" and "As soon as it's 5 they're out the door.
Like what I'm supposed to work for free?
Define tradesmen, then.
This is a redpill that Sup Forums ignores far too often. Almost all of the degeneracy you see today (moral, economic and otherwise) was started by boomers. Gen X, Y and Z are their bastard offspring, failed byproducts of decades worth of their Marxism. They've already virtually bankrupted the entire West, and will nail the coffin shut when they try to collect on their entitlements.
What a waste. They were handed the entire world, and they sold all of it to globalists in exchange for nothing but empty words and thin air.
No, it's true. Most tradesmen are off the books and so's their business. At least part of it.
How will you be able to compete when boomers are fighting in court to bring wage thieves from shithole countries to take your job?
>"Well Millennials are just lazy, they don't answer work emails or pick up their phone after work" and "As soon as it's 5 they're out the door.
The only acceptable answer to this is "FUCK YOU, PAY ME."
I see (((they))) have done there work in dividing us. Do not let that happen. We need all of us to MAGA. America has been fucked over since JFK and we are waking up.
Hence the word "starting." It's okay leaf, I know reading is hard for you. But you should honestly read more sweetie, no need to be so lazy.
Hardly sugar plum, it's enough to live comfortably on your own. Maybe if you learned how to manage your money you wouldn't be in such a shitty state, darling.
Admittedly Gen X is largely as bad if not worse than Boomers. There are lots of Boomers I respect, and lots of genXers that I absolutely detest. Much of the insane scam that is wal-street is the result of Boomers and their cavalier disregard for the welfare of the rest of the country/world
I don't really have an answer because I don't see any good ones. I'm a total doomer about the future
I'm a millennial and I worked hard, got multiple university degrees and make $90K working normal hours.
I still rent rather than own , just feels way too expensive to buy
>Like what I'm supposed to work for free?
Boomers invented "free" internships.
They are easily the most selfish and entitled generation to ever exist.
You are retarded.
>The boomers weren't shitty, imthet were just tricked by the Jews.
People are capable of being shitty and making poor decisions without Jews
>Most tradesmen are off the books
Very true. I have buddies that tradesmen that own their own business. If I need something done, then they'll usually do it for parts only and a few beers, I usually slip them a $100 bill if it is something major. I return the favor with my white collars whenever needed. I am not the only one that does this. It's usually only used for friends and family.
My plan is to start a business to follow the non-profit I'm building while in school. The two entities will provide income, residuals and intellectual property (biz) and a tax sink while positively contributing to the community (non-prof) so that hopefully I can afford to go to the dentist once in a while. The actual business will have no real competitors since it will be a consultancy utilizing PhD-level researchers and new knowledge that we've spent decades creating. Boomer scum can't take what's in my head.
dont listen to what people tell you to do. don't even tell them your plans. do whatever you want. people are fucking idiots. I've had literally every single person in my life doubt me multiple times and said fuck it did my thing anyways and every time I prove them wrong.
>just feels way too expensive to buy
Good for you! Wait until you're ready financially, and not when (((someone))) tells you are ready.
Rent and milk have seen the least inflation, kind of interesting.
Reading that and comparing it to today is fucking depressing