Rethuglishits BTFO by based Obama
Rethuglishits BTFO by based Obama
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A woman's right to choose has more to do with morality than science doesn't it
And you still lost.
Pretty impressive.
Based Obama
He won both his terms and both more impressively than Trump and if he could run for third term you know he would have won that too
I don't understand. Why do you need to be a doctor to have an opinion on abortion?
And then the country elected someone who promised to undo everything he did.
Really makes you think.
Why the fuck are women so obsessed with killing their children?
>prob speaks french
>knows english words better than OP or Obama
The argument against abortion is a moral one not a scientific one
Only because his opponent ran a pathetic campaign and was the definition of a shady politician
Had someone like Joe Biden decided to run Trump wouldn't even have stood a fucking chance
>"won" both terms
>beat Romney
>beat McCain
Do you understand he was just a Bush/Clinton hack set up to win?
Or are you and idiot?
Obama is the bantzmaster.
Because women are biologically inclined to try and gather the most resources.l and best alpha male seed.
This is to make a safe and healthy life for offspring because nature really doesn't have a way aborting children at will that was also part of the deal
Now women can use their sex to get her resources and they don't have the downside of children
Why do women fuck their daughters boyfriends or step dads or friends boyfriends?
Why will women blow their whole life up and forsake their children for a better man. Women will jump ship, they are selfish by nature
Scientists huh?
So at which magical week of existence do YOU believe that a genetically static fetus goes from being a clump of cells to having rights?
>78k votes across several states decides electoral votes
>Loses by around 2.7 million nationwide
>One of the lowest electoral vote counts in modern history
He's in office because of a technicality, not because the country voted for him.
Well, golly Wally, maybe your side should have picked a better candidate instead of one of the most hated women in the country.
He is in office because he won the election.
Your side lost because you're worthless leeches.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people. Honestly.
>referring to constitution
Total cuck.
Tell a liberal you have doubts about climate change and they'll call you a science-danying fanatic, but tell a liberal that doctors and scientists say there are only 2 genders and they flip the fuck out on you.
Well i guess will never know if all the illegals had anything to do with that so called 2.7 million
too bad your caucus is too corrupt to produce an actual candidate. Who you planning on running next cycle, maybe the arab wife of the guy who tweets his dick to 15-year-olds?
whichever week the woman decides :^)
>people reply to this space-waster
Be better anons and just hide trash threads.
I mean 2.7 million illegal canadians could have also voted if you want to talk about highly unlikely things that probably didn't happen.
>the system that we use to we elect our president as set down in the Constitution - the highest law in the land - is a technicality
>right to choose
Since when has it been a "right" to choose if you let someone live?
A fetus is a clump of cells not a human
it has been proven that illegal voted and there was a large amount of illigal votes
Is this actually the best you got?
Jokes on you I believe in global warming I just don't give a shit that it's happening.
I also don't give a shit if brown people want to kill their children either, less future criminals I have to pay to take care of.
Provide one source that proves illegals voted
>inb4 infoshills
>inb4 some other autistic conspiracy pushing website
>A woman's right to choose has more to do with morality than science doesn't it
You mean abortion. Why are you scared of that word. Nothing to do with choice. We are talking about ABORTION you know that grotesque practice where unborn growing kids are ripped apart and killed.
'choice' my ass.
1984 speak. In the new dictionary 'choice' = abortion
Why are abortionists so scared of the word abortion?
You'd think they would love it as much as they love advocating for it.
>insulting potential voters
>identity politics
Keep it up obama, this is the strategy that helped you win in 2016
Proof is for faggots that desperately want to believe they aren't being fucked. So they don't turn around until their ass is bleeding profusely because no one "proved" they were getting assfucked.
not really dumbass, it waa an expert who stated around 800k illigals voted and around 90% of them votes hillary, only extimated still needs to be investigated further
In my opinion Californians are all illegals as they're avowed and active traitors to their supposed country. They should all have their votes marked invalid and be deported to the country they clearly would prefer to live in, Mexico.
Why do I have to care about future negrohumans that get hit by muh climate change?
I think they mean abortion being freely available so it's a choice
Name one reason they wouldnt in California?
> voter id laws are raycis
And trump tried to do a recount, dont you remember?
Didnt Jill stein also prove dead people voted in Detroit
for you, you ignorent burger
Nice alternative facts there, come back to me when you have actual proof
Okay, well, then conversatives can't say "pro-life". They really aren't that "pro-life" considering most support the death penalty, they are okay with all the killing of innocent black people, they want to kick entire races out of the country including children who have lived here their entire life, and they also want to give no help or aid to anyone in poverty.
So really it should be "anti-choice". That's literally all it is. They are against women having a choice.
>abortion doesn't exist in nature
Wrong. Yanomamo Indians practice abortion, as do other traditional societies. Even further, many societies practice outright infanticide.
youre proof is there
>political scientist
More alternative facts
It is my belief that 100% of all people that are pro-abortion were not aborted and are thus unable to comment on the situation. Only doctor confirmed retards and an argument for rape babies should be aborted.
>Vote democrat because we pretend we know all the answers!
>you lost because you're worthless leeches
Not an argument.
So you're claiming there are voter id laws in California?
I dont need to prove anything else..?
this image is beautiful
>Advocate for killing irredeemable individuals makes you anti life
>Not wanting to import a horde that has values and culture antithesis to yours is being anti life
>Expecting people to pay for their own existence is being anti life
>getting assfucked
>won't turn around until a liberal authority figure tells him he's getting fucked
>never turns around
>assfucked to death
"it has been proven"
ok....where's the proof?
not proof
“Trump and others have been misreading our research and exaggerating our results to make claims we don’t think our research supports,” Richman says. “I’m not sure why they continue to do it, but there’s not much I can do about that aside from set the record straight.”
so you disagree with anything that disaproves youre viewpoint, yet youre provided with valuable information and arguments, nice logic acording to that logic ill argue that the earth is flat
It's absolutely true.
Your party did everything in its power to run the country into the ground for the last eight years.
Then you lost the election.
And the really hilarious thing is that you have absolutely no idea why it happened.
You have literally nothing left but autistic screeching.
The midterm elections are going to be a bloodbath.
you just contradicted yourself
On the day of the rake, you will be spared.
What about a woman's right to choose her doctor?
Most liberals don't buy into the new gender norms. Also, I read an article in Nature saying how sex determination and biological gender are more complex than they seem.
I don't have a strong opinion on abortion
for rape and birth complications I support it, but killing your baby just because you had too much sex and didn't plan seems retarded
how? your own researcher says that the paper you are referencing isn't proof.
ooooooh buuuuuurn
>The left openly advocates for non citizens to vote
>New york california and virginia have 0 quality control over who gets registered to vote
>They came out in droves in 2008 and 2010
because the one is acctually their field and they dont have to be doctors for that
>absolutely true
Except for the part where it isn't. Obama made some mistakes, but he made a lot of good decisions too, and he sure as hell was better than Romney and McCain/Palin.
Most women wouldn't murder their children once they are actually born, it's natural not too
That's why abortions are convenient because while it's still infestation it doesn't illicit the same emotions as annactual infant
Exceptions don't disprove the rule, flagrant infanticide out of convenience has never been a norm in any society
Ritulized sacrifice, genocide and killing the deformed etc has exsisted but that isn't quite the same as "oh I don't won't his kid I'll just murder it "
He asked for proof and i provided it, you said i did not provide it yet i linked to the article
13% of abortions are done in fear of health
less than 1% are done due to rape and incest
the overwhelming majority of abortions are caused by lack of personal responsibility.
If women's "right to choose" means she can end a life because she had unprotected sex without being aware of the consequences, then clearly all the reasoning we need is the opinion of doctors and not the people potentially affected by allowing abortions to propagate through society.
Source: "Reasons US women have abortions: quantitative and qualitative perspectives" Finer, Frohwirth, Dauphinee, Singh, Moore
That's a morality question, not a medical one King Nigger
After extensive arguments with one of the few liberals with a head on their shoulders(somewhat), she explained that "there is a difference between pro-choice and pro-abortion, by claiming to be pro-choice you are not advocating for abortion, you can disagree with it all you want, but it's not my right to tell someone what they can and can't do. Pro-Abortion just means that you're all for abortion in any way shape and form".
While that does make some sense, I see pro-choice and pro-life as black and white. Either you support the murder of unborn children or you don't. There's no if ands or buts about it.
>the overwhelming majority of abortions are caused by lack of personal responsibility.
So a baby should be born into a person who can't be responsible for it? Would you be okay with the child being cared for by the state and all of the social welfare programs we have in the US?
did you not read what I said? The article cites a paper which the researcher himself says is not proof of voter fraud in the recent election.
She is a libertarian
I don't give a fuck if you murder your children just don't expect me to pay for it or be happy about it
shouldn't they become women?
>so deluded
I almost feel sorry for you. You're probably going to have less than 40 votes in the senate in a couple of years and you'll still be scratching your head, wondering what happened.
Just kidding. I don't feel sorry for you traitorous scum at all.
>, but he made a lot of good decisions too
Name literally one
>The article cites a paper which the researcher himself says is not proof of voter fraud in the recent election.
Youre stupid quote states otherwise, saying that they are trying to correct trump's number's because he "inflates" them, it does NOT state that voter fraud does not happen, which is just what you said, and for a fact voter fraud happened to what extent we do not know
Topest of keks
Some of these leafs are ok
>Ask a nigger about crime rates and they say "We dindu nuffin!" But when it comes to reparations suddenly they all wuz kangz.
That's just name calling and doesn't detract from the fact that Clinton won the popular vote and Obama has done many good things for the country and was reelected. Trump only won because he pandered to the rural voters which won him the electoral college, neither clinton nor trump were generally liked by a majority of people like obama was.
>Ask a democrat and they will say they are the party that respects science
>Ask a democrat about genders and they will say that there are more genders than there are stars in the galaxy, and if you don't like it you are basically hitler.
>So a baby should be born into a person who can't be responsible for it?
Not him but we evolved with women shitting out kids when they were 13 and 14. It's clear that it is doable.
I support abortion because it mostly effects the shitskins but you're conflating the ability to be responsible with the desire to be responsible. All these women are certainly able to be responsible, they would just prefer not to be burdened with doing so.
>So a baby should be born into a person who can't be responsible for it?
They shouldn't be having a baby in the first place. If they do, there is this thing called adoption. Irresponsibly is no excuse for murder.
It's PRESIDENT Obama, alright??????!!!
The whole point is that voter fraud didn't win the election. You're talking about millions of votes when really it's something more like 100 or less. It's a wide enough margin that whether or not there was voter fraud it's an entirely moot point because it had no effect on the results.
To Obama bin Fuckface: My right to use a gun the way I want doesn't give me the right to shoot somebody.
>You're talking about millions of votes when really it's something more like 100 or less
A lot more
No one is saying he would win the popular vote if there wasnt voter fraud, im just arguing it does exist and it needs to be taken care off, its plain stupid to whatch a president say that people who are not ellegible to vote will not be penalised, and who knows it might have costed a few senate and congress seats for both parties, wheter you like it or not it needs to be taken care off because it puts in jeupardy youre country
>you're conflating the ability to be responsible with the desire to be responsible. All these women are certainly able to be responsible, they would just prefer not to be burdened with doing so.
You don't know that. That's the whole point of giving someone the right to choose to have an abortion. Whether or not a mother can provide for a baby, if she doesn't want the baby she probably shouldn't have it. That's forcing someone to have a baby because of your hangups about when someone is alive, rather than the quality of life this person would have being born into a household that didn't want it. If a mother wants to get rid of her baby, they probably shouldn't have a baby.
>They shouldn't be having a baby in the first place.
exactly why people should be allowed to have an abortion.
>exactly why people should be allowed to have an abortion.
Legalizing abortions only worsens the problem, it makes so that people do not care about theyre own actions because theres a safety net
Trump won.
You lost.
>So a baby should be born into a person who can't be responsible for it?
Yes. This is admittedly a matter of opinion based on my life experience. Perhaps my stance would change if I knew the percentage of adults that grew up in poor households -or to parents that weren't conventionally ready- grew up to live normal lives; normal here being an equivalent or better, financially and emotionally, life compared to their parents.
I don't have this on me, but it has been found that across the world, happiness has not correlated to wealth. Many poor countries with low states standards of living have people that are mostly happy compared to many first world countries.
Another issue is the discernment of what constitutes being ready to have a child. Who decides this? Wouldn't this clearly change from generation to generation? Do we know the effects of having abortion be universally culturally accepted? Does it better a society to impose a baseline importance to pregnancy insofar as that it forces it's people to shift into a mindset that is family oriented? Does the lack of concrete data going either way mean we should deviate from the norms the nation initially had anyway?
>Would you be okay with the child being cared for by the state and all of the social welfare programs we have in the US?
No. Life isn't fair, and not wanting to be responsible for someone else's decisions is consistent with my earlier statements.
>ethical dilemma
>need to be a doctor
80 iq everybody.
I'm gonna second this. Obama was a shit president. If you liked him, fine I guess. But seriously consider why you liked him.
>You don't know that
I do actually, i have two kids and a dead wife. It ain't that fucking hard.
>claims he doesn't want to be responsible
>subsidizes poor people breeding
>wants more of them to breed
>subsidizes poor people breeding
Where did I mention this?
Ask fake news about their popularity in America and they say "we have viewers!" But when you look at their internet traffic, suddenly....all of their viewers become Chinese.
President who?
Every time you fucking vote.
Sure thing, buddy.