Thanks for existing Argentina

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We love you too, caipirinha-san.

lol, he's a jewish puppet and good goy

Yeps, if not for Argentine attacking in the Falklands we would not have been able to prove, once again, why we are called 'Great' Britain and still rule the world.



He's earning time while constructing gas chamberas.

honestly who wouldn't want to have Doctor Who as a president.

>Implying beating Argentina is that huge of an achievement.

Kill yourself inbred bastard
Sorry we didn't help you that much, we gave all the informal help we could but we knew you would lose..... We should have waited to attack those fucking Brits.

Appreciate it, but we never had any actual chance. Truth is we sent very few soldiers to the Falklands. Most were just kids, no more than 20 years old. The whole war was a fucking lie. Our shitty military government desperately grasping on "national pride" to stay in power. The whole "Malvinas son argentinas" may sound noble, but it is pure propaganda. It only helps politicians win elections (by politicians, I mean peronists).

You're good Argentina, but fuck you for always beating in soccer. Also we can use more waiters.

If you weren't such stuck up bitches, you would be the greatest ally. Mexico-Chile-Argentina are the best countries of LA.

I'll never forget every small moment I've spent there.
I've worked for literal DOZENS of construction companies, they're all so fucking inferior beyond any type of recognition compared to Odebrecht.


=/ it will be yours someday, when the Empires are weakened.

To bad it's full of niggers

Has many Peruvians/Bolivians, not more than 5% of the population though, but they do not have blacks. I didn't see many blacks in Argentina, they were very rare, I guess the climate does not help them stay there.

Can i go live there? I'm tired of this place i'm a NEET and theres 0 jobs here.

Argentina has a lot of shitty places too, don't be so naive

The climate of Argentina is not much different from Southern Brazil. Only Patagonia is significantly cooler but it's still warmer than USA and USA it's full of niggas

Joke's on you, we have absolutely no niggers here besides some in the capital.
We do have some natives, but they're mostly cool (I'm talking about naturals). The immigrants, while also being natives/mestizos, are very hardworking and they're cool with me as long as they follow the law and customs.

Yeah, maybe. Not in my lifetime, I'm sure :^). Not that I care much about the islands anyways.

Still does not really attract them, also I have found it to be colder than Southern Brazil.
there are tons of jobs faggot, people just happen to be inferior than the jobs available, where are you from?
I believe Argentina was meant to be an Imperial Power along with Southern Brazil, this idea just happened to have been cucked by militarily superior powers.

Lets be frank friends: What would we even do with the falklands that we couldn't do with the rest of this resource rich yet underpopulated country?

It would go something like:
>aha! now the islands are finally ours!
>keep breeding sheep I guess
>call us if you need anything

I live in the hellhole of Rio de Janegro

Lmao this is actually correct.

Raises people's morale. That's pretty much about it boludobro
Oh I cannot speak for Rio no, SP is ok though. I don't know, you could try something here maybe.

>SP is ok

Brazil would have been a pretty neat empire, if you ask me. You should have remained a monarchy, imo. Argentina was a "republic" from day one, but we could have been kangz and sheit had we made less stupid decisions.

>third world thread

>You should have remained a monarchy
Absolutely! Our masonic elites did not like the moderately masonic monarchy though.

Oh I did not know Argentina was a republic from day one but what I do know is that your elites are very different than ours because they have 'cleansed' the country from a lot of people they deemed undesirable.

Well it is if your IQ is higher than 90.

You will join us soon.


Argentina is ALREADY a better place to live than France.

How is Macri doing these days? Last I've heard lefties started the usual smear campaign against him and everything he was trying to do.

"""Republic""", as in Oligarchy. We did do some cleansing, tho. Google the "Conquista del Desierto", led by glorious Roca. The indians that remained were sent to the capital in order for them to mix with the white population, given that there were so few of them (indians) left.

I just don't get it. I want to like Argentina, they actually are """"white"""" compared to the rest of Latin America, at least Italian and Spanish with little to no mixing with local population. But they truly are third world. They were US/ West Europe tier in 1900, but keep fucking it up. Shitty dictators, defaulted on their debt 5 times, get BTFO by England. Where did it all go wrong, Argies?

stop importing shitskins REEEEEEEEE

Well dude, they could not develop that much because then you would not, one had to be able to, so one cucked the other and the Anglosphere got its hegemony (that is already pretty broken tbqh) and I don't know whats next.

Political power shifting from scumbag elites to "tha people" overnight, basically.

Well I mean UK, France, Netherlands, and Germany all managed to develop despite literally fighting wars against each other. IDK I want Argentina to succeed, Patagonia seems comfy af, but they keep fucking up.

>check flag

The truth is that we were never US/West Europe tier. There just was an elite in the cities that had a shitton of money, but outside that people were living in slums, or in rural areas they were living just as bad as in the rest of Latin America.

They don't have the same market access Europe and Burgerland has, that's why it is a bit harder, Mercosul is the attempt to develop Latin America but it is guided by commies so it is so fucking hard you know..

Paris is objectively third world clay now

One only needs to leave the capital cities to witness what Argentina truly looks like. Either farmlands, to straight nothing, to slums.

Who is /ourguy/ in Argentinian and Brazilian politics? Can we make South America great for once?

No, theres no hope, your trips won't convince me.
We have too many stupid brown people.

My opinion is corruption, like some of east europe and Russia

>The truth is that we were never US/West Europe tier.
But most argies still feel this sense of entitlement / superiority like they are even now. True?

Agustín Laje is cool. Not sure if /ourguy/ material, but he does bash PCness on a regular basis.

But I thought Brazil is cleansing itself right now? 100+ people dead in last 72 hours or something? It's a start.

South Brazil independence when? Can all the whites in Brazil for an ethnostate? Is it our only hope?

Only the faggots who never leave their private neighborhood or who live in isolated, all White towns in the middle of nowhere

we still have 100 million+ to go

Who was Argentina's best leader? Was Perron based or a cunt that ruined everything?


He was based, but still got a lot of things wrong. He way too much power to labor unions and his so called "successors" have been fucking up the country since his death, be it in the form of presidents, politicians or leftists terrorists (google: Montoneros).

*He gave

Bolsonaro not really /ourguy/ but as in Donald Trump is also not really really /ourguy/ but it is what we have you know?

this isn't true tho

I feel sad for you Brazil, I think the whites should just leave to a place like Argentina and let the rest of the subhumans kill themselves.

>TFW living in rural Cordoba
>TFW no neighbors
>no muzzies
>peaceful farmland
>dirt roads
>large lake
>nuclear power plant nearby

Say what you want about Argentina, I love it here

After yesterday I must admit I'm really considering this.

Must be great bro.

It is. Do you even history? You think places like Santiago del Estero or the likes were ever US tier? C'mon, only Buenos Aires was rich.

what do you do for a living?

checked, see you in Argentina dude

stop making me jelly

You see, our blacks are not all bad and shit, most are lovely..
But my prejudice is TOO BIG, JUST TOO BIG it makes me literally sick, I can't help it, they have not done anything bad to me though, I am just concerned my presence is toxic for most of them.

I don't consider myself a bad person though.

you have to understand that back in the day Europe was a starving shithole about to blow and the two countries without a bleak future were USA and Argentina that's why they received so much immigrants.
This Argentina was never great is a meme pushed by the left to justify all their fuck ups.

I can't masturbate to your version. Have mine instead.

Same, maybe uruguay or something, i guess it's easier to immigrate to other 3rd world countries.

I forgot to add that I have suffered discrimination by blacks a little, but that was not a pervasive thing and I'm not going to judge them all for this.

Yeah you can just go there. I have heard good things about Uruguay too, the problem is that their economic is pretty small and dead.

I'm picking up my fathers old job of trtuk driving for distribution of water and acid

I know people from older generations who do not know how to read. Rural Argentina was very backwards when compared to rural United States. Particularly in northern Argentina, we were very very backwards. The immigrants might have been escaping war and poverty in Europe, but we were not nearly as good as USA back then.

Maybe Argentina could be compared to Southern United States. The colonization system used by USA was different because they gave land to the immigrants. Here in Argentina, immigrants didn't receive any land. The land was concentrated in the hands of the richest families.

Jesus dude what's with the fucking shaming and shit. I'm sure there are some good ones, doesn't mean you have to punish yourself by choosing to live among the sub-humans. You'll feel much more comfy when you don't have to see them on a daily basis.

Yes I believe this to be absolutely true.
I hope God forgives me.

The original plan was actually that: split the Patagonia and give it to the immigrants so they could work the land and settle permanently. But... you can see how things actually went.

>Here in Argentina, immigrants didn't receive any land
not true at all bro

Anyways Patagonia is a barren desert. You can't use it for farming, it's worthless. The lands that are really worthy are in the Pampas, but they are in the hands of a few rich, old families of the old elite.

Where do you live? You probably live in Santa Fe or somewhere near that place right? Well you know, you should visit northern Argentina. People are always blaming immigrants from Bolivia or Paraguay for the villas in Buenos Aires, but there are a shitton of immigrants from northern Argentina as well. The north is just as poor as Bolivia or Paraguay

Argentina is also corrupt as fuck and their country went bankrupt.

Well Kirchner wasn't very good.

Dude what you're feeling is completely natural, it's in-group preference. Just because you don't drink the multikulti coolaid doesn't mean you're evil wtf

Yes, I need to be around my people.
When I'm not I get depressed af.

I know that some places of the country were and still are backwater shitholes but back in the day there was not much to compare to.
The North saw better days with the sugar and steel industries, dismantled in recent decades. It wasn't always that poor btw.
All that stuff about the country not being that great was made up by the left, obviously it was more potential than anything, but this country had two important things, government order and personal freedom (without a true democracy though) to do anything. Two things that our founding fathers envisioned but we lost.
100 years later we have rampant crime and like 50% of taxes.
>Porteño but part of the family moved to Tucuman in the 70s.

vivis en embalse?

And how do you know who is your people?
It's difficult, at least to me. I am white but of Spanish ancestry, my family has been living in Argentina since the 17th century. So I don't feel like I have anything in common with all the people here who have Italian, German or even recent Spanish ancestry. They are immigrants to me. I am more Argentinian than them, I've been here for longer. But I don't have anything in common with the indians that live here neither. So it's like half of the country feels foreigner to me.

So are you guys now white?

The problem is that while we had potential, we had to build it on the basis of the old colonial system. The old families that lived here before the immigration were corrupt as fuck, and they didn't care about the progress of our country. We were not like USA because we didn't have the institutions they had, we were corrupt and they weren't. When you have a corrupt ruling class, no matter how many good immigrants from Europe you bring, the country will end up being shit anyways,

My people, for me: people who share some of my beliefs and look a little like me, even better if shares european roots.
Civilized non-chimp out people.

Not my people: negros, I cannot be myself with them, I would be arrested.

I can tolerate Bolivians/Peruvians/etc, even though I prefer Euro descendants (I'm not that strict like you haha)

>Chavez dead
>Castro dead
>Kirchner gone
>Mujica gone
>Bachelet unpopular
>Morales unpopular
>Correa unpopular
>Maduro will an hero soon

great job guys, keep it up

>The old families that lived here before the immigration were corrupt as fuck
late XIX century oligarchs were visionaries, but their descendants were incompetent as fuck (that's how they lost power and influence) Not necessarily corrupt.

I Just went back from Rio, it was pretty good and chill, you just need to use common sense(dont go alone at night in desert streets and stuff like that).
The turistic areas are very safe and very beautiful. Also the locas were very very nice and super friendly with me. The city is very beautiful, a litle bit caotic, not a big deal the same as many big cities. They drive like they were crazy and very patient at the same time(I almost didn't hear honks even in bussy streets).
So don't bealive everything you read here 100%. I will probably go back, since a week was very little time to explore all.

Some might have been visionaries but a lot of them were greedy fuckers who only cared about having more land and money. The history of my province, for example, is about how a bunch of old families divided the WHOLE province between themselves and decided to make it theirs.

Casi,all lado,villa rumipal

Wow dude, and Rio is in a civil war state right now, at its center ofc.

this very much, Peron wasn't bad per se, the problem is Peronism, the most lefty wing peronists become the whole moviment.

cool yo vivo cerca de villa del totoral, tengo el festival de doma siempre a mano.

Menem was shit too you know, and he wasn't the left wing

I just was at Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, Lapa, Barra da Tijuca(and the national park), Botafogo, and a couple of days at Angra dos Reis.

>tfw never went to Rio haha

Lapa count as Rio rite?