MSM buys 50% of views from chinese bots


>(((New York Times))) gets 50% of their views from China
w ww.alexa.com/siteinfo/nytimes.com
a rchive.is/EfNhx

>(((Washington Post))) gets 60% of their views from China
w ww.alexa.com/siteinfo/washingtonpost.com
a rchive.is/XI3Ug

>(((The Guardian))) gets 50% of their views from China
w ww.alexa.com/siteinfo/theguardian.co.uk (already memoryholed)

That's atleast 30-40milion UNIQUE views from China.
Less than 10million people in China speak English.
Oh, and (((New York Times))) is also banned in China.

First thread
> First thread

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=buying web traffic



time to send email to brands advertising on those website


>w ww.alexa.com/siteinfo/washingtonpost.com
so for the washington post it's this site


that links most to it. A chinese site

First things first what can we do to spread this?


In case you want to send a mail to NYtime sponsors and let them know they are beeing scammed.

---> archive.is/KIOI5


Bump, don't let the janitors shut it down


Recap of what I posted in last thread.

Holy shit.

Okay guys so CODEFAG here.

This is YUUUUGE trust me.

These places are paying for a high end view bot. This costs some serious money aswell, and if these websites have any public records of money you can find who they are paying.
I have looked into some of my old nesting grounds for places were people sell web traffic.

Based on this image its $150 for 1k hits.

so because we cant get estimates from Alexa on per site basis.

in total of all 3 websites (30-40 million) from this service it would cost.

30,000,000 / 1,000 = 30,000
30,000 * 150 = 4,500,000$

40,000,000 / 1000 = 40,000
40,000 * 150 = 6,000,000$

So anywhere from 4,500,000 to 6,000,000.


>basement dwelling neets memed a madman into the white house
>MSM lashes out in impotent rage
>neets turn the eye of kek upon them and their house of cards

Best fucking timeline confirmed

time to get the shekelshoa pasta from the archive

Submit it to news websites, get it trending on twitter, call Batman, etc.

I love this timeline DESU

Funny a bunch of anime loving social rejects can do shit like this

so lemme get this summarized

>MSM buys chink bots
>chink bots give them views
>the ads on the MSM site pay MSM site because of the huge viewcount

am I right?

So, msm is using viewbots to fleece their ad customers? Or are there more nefarious reasons in addition to that?

Bump bump bump. I was trying to help keep a thread about this alive yesterday. Glad to see this got some traction.

The eye of kek sees all...

>clickbait isn't good enough
>pay the chinese to repeatedly click your links so that google thinks their ads are being viewed
>literally scamming their one source of income
how fucked are they

don't spread it they will try to defend themselves, calling it a glitch an attack from Putin or whatever

Send emails to the brands advertising on those website, they will get fucking pissed remove the ads, msm will bleed money like gawker did

>$150 for 1k hits

I'm no expert on the matter but this sounds way too high. The Guardian certainly couldn't afford it.

You should also report this to the SEC and the Department of Commerce

You fags better send this to someone as well, it takes 20 seconds.

Thats specific to that service, I grabbed the image from the service that had the best image.

There are plenty of traffic load services that offer hits for way more or way less money.

Its been happening gradually since december though.. They can't squirm their way out of this one.




h ttp://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/cnn.com
h ttp://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/foxnews.com




Just link them to the 4plebs archive of this thread.



This nigger gets it.

Pepejutsu. Or, sadly, like the nazis did to exert pressure over the french media to get them to soften public outrage over german rearmament.

Yes, and it helps sooth the meetings with the shareholders worried about mass-desertion of subscribers too.

That's what is going to fuck the Guardian Online if this turns out to be true. The shareholders of Guardian Media Group plc are going to go beserk.

Uhh, I mean: Ohhhh noooo~ that sucks.

Oy vey! Remember the 6 million!





Someone posted a thing in the last thread showing that the chinese viewers werent there at the end of 2016, like, completely absent

Advertisers know where the views are coming from though. There are Youtubers with millions of subscribers not making any money because most of their subscribers are from poor countries that advertisers are not interested in.


I'm sue if Hiromoot could figure out a way to replicate this himself he would.

>Send emails to the brands advertising on those website
Unless you have the email address of the VP of marketing or head of legal council, pretty much no one is going to give a shit. Some cs rep in India is not going to care. Getting the media to pick up on it is the best option.

where can I learn more about this kind of thing?

why you be trippin foo?

>Advertisers know where the views are coming from though.

So they don't mind paying MSM for their ad space, knowing mostly bots will even see them?

then how they get paid? and what else could be a reason for them to boost viewcounts through chinks?

Just a thought: Is China pushing Anti-Trump news outlets? Preparing for a currency war?

I'm sure their advertisers would be happy to see this.

A lot of times, unless a very large clinet has specific request, a click is a click. Most do not have addendums that specific and ad companies do not want to play that game when it comes to revenue. Apple is large enough to make some changes but 90%+ are not.

t. former Hearst finance manager from last thread

CodeFag. Good to see you. I was wondering if you would catch this. Top work on the whitehouse.gov petition page stuff btw! Solid dude!

It's about fooling shareholders as much as it is about ad revenue.

The Guardian has been haemmoraging money to the tune of £90million a year. They are reduced to begging for patreon money online, such is their circulation drop.

If this turns out to be true, they are fucked. It's deliberate fraud by a plc to deceive investors.

Let's hope it's true, eh?

Read the infographic and you can figure out where I got it. Howerver...

lmgtfy.com/?q=buying web traffic

> what was shekelshoa

then spam their twitter, media will protect its own

Hey man.

Yeah I am still working slowly on the Whitehouse stuff, I just haven't been posting about it. As I haven't had a lot of time recently. I hope to pick it back up soon though.


>call Batman
I'm already monitoring the thread

them digits demand a response. Witnessed!

Good deal. Hows the foot? You were at urgent care? Doing God's work!!

Lets say China

Competitors and rivals won't cover for them, but an exec at NYT will likely cover his own ass, especially if they think they might lose their job. Spamming twitter is good, but only if it is picked up by someone big enough for everyone to see. It's easier (and faster) to send it to higher profile people in order to get awareness out.

Toe is broken some muscle damage.

100lbs tv's aren't good to have fall on your foot.

>broken toe
Someone doesn't activate their almonds.

What does it mean.....



>Circlejerking about Clinton and how she will most definitely win
>Trump wins election
>Ratings go down
>Begin roleplaying with fantasy internet bots to gain pretend internet points
>More circlejerking a la "See? We're still popular, guys!!!!!1!"

Yep, they're lying in their sec filings if this is true and that's major fraud.

I didn't activate them that day no, but I have activated them ever since.

These neurons are firing at speeds that rival the sheer gravitation force of a mega black hole.

6 Million! Oy vey, it's another shoa!

I assume we are calling this event "clickgate"?
or do we have a better name?

why would they specifically use a chinese based service? are they really that retard-hmm, they really are huh?

what's lmgtfy, I'm not clicking that you will probably hax me

I meant more in general if you had a few recommended sites

as if I would still use jewgle, fgs

Interesting timing.

I just need my weekly dose of Jimbo. That's all The Guardian are good for

Now all you need to do is read Orangutan Intellect and you will be at peak optimization and an alpha fucking white male.

YouTube monetization is different because it's not a mature company. If these media companies aren't disclosing this shit in their SEC filings, they're committing fraud.

> Competitors and rivals won't cover for them
> It's easier (and faster) to send it to higher profile people in order to get awareness out.

They are more colleagues than competitors, covering the same shit and following the same narrative.
Chances are, competitor higher profile people will try to get something out of burying the story. A scandal like this one will cover the msm with shit as a whole.

Look at what happened when gamergate started and all media released the gamer are dead articles at the same time, look at the massive Hillary bias during the election, those people are not competing against each other.

What if the views weren't bought

What if the view bots were instead a bribe?


To be honest, if they were going to be paying for views. They would probably find a middle man to do everything for them. If that is the case they probably have no idea how its being done or where the traffic was going to come from.


Witnessed. I'll order some from Alex Jones right now.

Couldn't be a coincidence.

Must mean trump is batman.

Don't be retarded

Just show them that ass and they'll kill themselves

>NY Times is the best researched and written news outlet I could find so far.

Nope, extreme bias that severely effects their output.

They're retarded enough to use "P@ssword" so, likely that retarded. These are people with no technical skill assuming everyone is as ignorant as them. Chinese intelligence, the only other conceivable reason, is not going to be half their traffic.

So how would MSM defend against this claim? What if they say there are that many reads in China?

I don't get this meme, do you want to kill sexual delinquents with a machine gun?

Gamergate was different, that was pushing a narrative. This is fraud and places like Breitbart would love to discredit the NYT. Even other liberal rags would as well, since they would get more viewers by people changing what they read.

Does the MSM sites use google? It will be suprising if this went on without being noticed by the major ad buying networks.

NYT can't, they're banned in China.

>Sup Forumstard intelligence
The traffic spikes from certain countries are caused by news related to china

Not that facts will get in the way of your memeing and alternative news

sniiiiff, oh yes my dear, very pungent

Tricky. NYT is blocked by the Chinese Firewall, for a start.

okay holy fuck man i am not prepared for how goddamn excited the future is making me right now

the morons of the world STILL insist on attempting to lie and cheat despite every fucking indication that secrets are no longer a thing when the all-seeing eye of a world wide web is out there

fucking hell lads, I used to be scared that the other shoe is going to drop any time, but i think that this whole thing IS the other shoe for all the world's elite

It was just a prank, bro.

How much are spic proxies in bulk?

This doesn't make sense.

Worse than ripping off their advertisers/sponsors, their shareholders are being lied to. They are being told that the companies they bought into are doing better than they really are. They should be informed to sell off their stock ASAP before the news goes public and the stock tanks.

Paco, one of the publications is banned and China is half their traffic. Just focus on mixing concrete.

Down the hall and to the left kid.

you can lead a man to braaarrrp, but you can't make him sniff

Sup Forums """"research""""