Pic: Moroccan/Korean girl.
Mixed people according to the University of Edinburgh:
>Genetically superior due to the diversity of the genes
>Superior immune system
>"hybrid vigour"
Do you believe it ?
Race-mixed people are genetically superior
Other urls found in this thread:
nice (((idea)))
I'm so mixed Sup Forums would turn into nignogs and stone me
What about outbreeding depression? Hybrid vigor typically only applies if the parents are inbred as is the case with a lot of dog breeds. Meanwhile there's plenty of confirmed examples of outbreeding depression.
My god she's so buff
>"hybrid vigour"
This would only make and improvement if you got a redneck that fucked only his sisters for generations and mixed him with another from some different place. Hybrid vigor inly does anything to really inbred specimens. Racemixing would actually cause outbreeding depression thanks to the non compatible genes
>hybrid vigour
Applies to excessively inbred populations, hence why it exists when crossbreeding domestic animals
You gotta love this liberal bullshit.
There's some Korean somewhere who just flushed his/her genes down the toilet.
Looks like a spic. There's a whole continent of those already and it's so shit they'd rather climb a wall than stay there
no. she looks like nigger. i don't like ugly niggers.
Nice meme.
Also, I'm confused.
If Race is just a social construct then why is race-mixing good?
Rare breed.
I'm heading there in a month. Is this the cuck capital of Scotland?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
poor asian genes got fucking annihilated, jesus
So arab genes are more dominant than asian genes, which are somewhat dominant over white genes. Useful information.
Also who is this goddess?
Lmao. At least arab genes got her curves... I guess
I'm taking a 400 level human genetics course. It all really depends but interbreeding like the Swedes and Ashkenazi is bad. There are a lot of countries in the east side full of anemia
@kenzvx on instagram
She's wearing hijab on one picture, don't get triggered.
She's muslim btw
Get male muslims out, keep the females.
>those lips
About the Arabic genes I think it's a matter of chance.
Because on this pic : Erika Sawajiri is half Algerian (berber)/Japanese. But Algerian berbers are more white than arab and here we can see that Japanese genes are like 80% present. So that would mean that White genes < Asian genes.
>Erika Sawajiri
Ehhh the chinkshit took too much away this time.
i wonder whos behind this post, hmmm
Cherry pickus maximus
Her father is the Korean though, how the fuck does she manage to become Muslim?
She probably just wears it for the memes
Sure they are, genetic diversity within the species gives you strength. Actually, my region is having problems due to inbreeding. This is why europeans find people from other (european) countries to fuck.
Fucking chimps, though? That's another matter.
Hybrid vigour?
Whst is this the 1800s or some shit?
>Do you believe it ?
>yes goy.. er bro, have mixed children with blacks
>Sure they are, genetic diversity within the species gives you strength.
This is basically only true up until the next village over, that is the genetic diversity you need. Mixing with an Asian doesn't give you any more genetic benefits because of diversity than a Swede from Stockholm mixing with a Swede from Gothenburg.
People just ran with the meme that genetic diversity is great because inbreeding is bad.
she has white dad and mother from hong kong
Who is she? Give me sauce
Koreans have shit genetics. I'd rather be black.
Who cares? They are mongrels
Moorish/Korean= 7/10 Colombian/Venezuelan chick.
It's like bringing back the Colonial caste system OP.
The problem I'm talking about persists up until the sixth generation. Obviously, this much is easily fixable within your own country unless you live in Monaco or some shit.
Not to mention that outbreeding can give your kids lots of problems, such as the known B12 deficiency in blacks.
Kek no, I'm a mulatta chick and growing up mixed ensures mental illness/identity issues/low self esteem, since being mixed isn't an identity and you have no idea where you belong.
I still harbor a little resentment towards my mom for being a coalburner and fucking up her genes.
>'Race doesn't exist...b-but mixed-race people are more attractive and healthier!'
o i am laffin
>blank soulless eyes
everything seems to be in order
>genes for high intelligence get cancelled out by genes for low intelligence
diversity of genes is our strength go-I mean guys
Post face
of course. as long as it's a white male with a black girl so it keeps the melanated mitochondrial dna
>attractive people have superior immune systems
>two attractive degenerates racemix
>child has decent immune system
This doesn't mean mixxed race people have superior immune systems. It just means you cherry picked some mixed race people that happen to have decent immune systems and then called it an inevitable truth
There are plenty of mixed race people with terrible immune systems
>It just means you cherry picked some mixed race people that happen to have decent immune systems and then called it an inevitable truth
have you ever been here before? this is pretty much what we do to jews, black people and every group.
>blue eyes
You can put you dick anywhere you want as long as you don't sodomize the west figuratively and literally.
look up Hapa mental illness
No because we don't cherry pick
Jews was a pattern we picked up and finding good peaceful black people is cherry picking
I know a korean/columbian mix. She is really pretty, its a pretty based combo.
I lul'd hard at 'hybrid vigor'.
I don't believe that shit, also being pretty or having aesthetic body doesn't make you any less vulerable to diseases. My dad had a friend who looked like a true alpha male. Extremally handsome, tall, naturally muscular - he passed away last month while all of his bald manlet neighbours are alive and kicking and it's not the only example I know. Also beautiful people doesn't necessarly have a beautiful children and even ugly people can have a pretty/handsome offsprings. It is clear that modern claims about the gene superiority of actractive people are incorrect, but then again anyone who treat psychology, sociology and other pseudoscience that does not allow for a 100% accurate repetition of results as a reliable source of knowledge is nothing but a tool.
BLEACHED was more than just a meme
It's not that all jews are evil, it's just that they lie and therefore you cant trust the ones that appear good
Nigs arent all evil either, but when you don't know one, it's stupid to relax around them
Ugly AF. If anything she proves why we mustn't race mix.
how can white wymynz even compete?
>White supremacy was a pattern we picked up on and finding good white people that aren't nazis is cherry picking
>Sup Forums wouldn't want to get RICED by this
We've had blacks in America for hundreds of years, to the point where they all have a significant amount of white dna, this is why blacks in America are smarter than blacks in Africa.
Anyway it's entirely plausible that both those two had the recessive gene for blue eyes.
Like that actor from Spartacus.
Nazis werent white supremacists("Pride in one's race does NOT mean hatred for all others" -Adolf Hitler) and there are almost no white supremacist groups in the US
Are white people arguably xenophobic and like their own kind more than others? Kind of but that's all races
Id want her to marry a Japanese man in Japan or something and then help conquer China for us while I marry a white woman wtf
i'm not arguing what those idiots argue i'm just pointing out the irony
We should start mocking race mixing by giving their offspring nicknames like dog breeds
we already do that.
lightskin vs dark skin.
light skins get all the women so dark skins hate
so that they can have nonwhite children? all nonwhites should be executed to be honest
Yes there is irony on Sup Forums a lot
Whenever you have a lot of anonymous people disagreeing and then you call them all a unified group, there will be ridiculous irony/satire
Sup Forums is the opposite of an echo chamber
Yeah, but there need to be better names
Hybrid vigor is only a thing for severely inbred populations. It can only be demonstrated in animal/plant pops where inbreeding has actually caused visible effects.
The immune system thing is bullshit. You can only have so many of these genes and if you pick up resistances for shit that is not in your country it replaces something else if you are white this means you are getting resistances for things you will not encounter in place of things you will.
Also our populations are already diverse enough that further mixing is not going to gain benefit and most likely will have a detrimental effect.
The whole "white supremacist" comes from the American kind of racism "stay in your place niggers" aka being supreme over them but the can stay in your country. The euro link is " get out my country paki "
thats not a quote from Hitler you fucking mong
newfags out
Hybrid vigor is a backmerge in selective breeding to restore vitality of INBRED germlines, bred to reinforce the selected traits, and then remove the potential risks brought with them. Unless her parents were Rothchilds it doesn't really make sense, no.
>Actually, my region is having problems due to inbreeding.
Thought most of south America was mixed. Are you 100%indo
Finally, someone mentioned Gramsci in this board.
Let the non whites mix until thier skin is light enough to pass as white
>Race-mixed people are genetically superior
You people are fucking idiots.
A truly superior genetics would be having skin that can photosynthesize sugars, or be gamma radiation resistant for when we finally burn off the ozone layer.
This silly "oh, you're browner than me" bullshit is 64-level retarded.
I joke to my cousins that if anybody starts a race war I'm fucked no matter who wins.
Elliot had the issue of inheriting his father's neurotic kike genes. Such genes are unstable in an Asian man's body. All the meme hapas overwhelming have Jewish fathers.
Hapas with goy dads usually turn out alright.
Mongols. There's a difference.
Roaming Millenial on youtube.
She is a trump supporter
Hapa here. I'm plagued with an inferiority complex that keeps surfacing up and I'm not quite sure if it's a thing exclusive to those like me or if this happens generally across all populations.
I have very low self esteem despite being decently skilled and well versed.
its the same for mixed men. i feel more drawn to one side but i don't really have any heritage other than my american nationality, although at least i love that
nothing can save a nigger or nigger's offspring from stupidity
Race mixed people make up the majority of the population in most of the worlds most impoverished countries with the exception being those countries that are inhabited predominantly by non mixed people of color.
Not enough mixed qts ITT.
Israel would be a fantastic place to test this theory.
"hybrid vigour" is when you get back some original hardy traits after you bred them out in favour of other, like bigger fruit etc.
Of course everyone would be superior with white genes. That's what you're implying, is it not?
After all, white people are the final step in evolution. It would be only natural if people wanted to breed up.
Not when the most valuable human trait is intelligence