Sup Forums, I'm pretty sure I'm being gangstalked...

Sup Forums, I'm pretty sure I'm being gangstalked. the government keeps trying to fuck with my head I'm pretty damn sure of it. I know about the FEMA camps they're trying to do to the american... fucking bastards they can't get away with this

help me Sup Forums how to I stop the gangstalk pic unrelated I think..

56 78 24 19 134 847 375 2

what does this mean? tell me TELL ME

You're probably paranoid, dude.

pepper spray

take your meds, paranoid psychotic

If you aren't doing drugs, you should do some.

If you are, you should lay off.


Quick! Wear pic related!

>tfw they gave up on gangstalking me because I enjoyed it

>the gubmint is messing with my head!
>BRB, I'm off to buy a delicious Burger King® Whopper™



Subject marked for further examination.

Continue operation against subject.


fuck off, this shit is actually happening. the same black cars keep following me, all of them have government plates and are obviously following me


there is a black car that keeps circling around in my cul-de-sac they're all crown victorias with government plates I would take a picture but I'm not quick enough

Again, so?

what the fuck do you mean so they keep following me I didn't do anything illegal ZI'm a normal american citizen they need to fuck off and leave me and my family alone

why are you afraid of attention?

this. if you don't react, they lose interest. they are only interested in easily triggered people. it's a bit like secret shoppers following you around in stores. if you neither steal nor care that you're being followed, you can turn it around to your own amusement. this disturbs the secret shopper.

they're probably trying some shit on me I don't know what they're doing but it isn't good they might try and lock me up or something on fake charges

Move. To another country.