Schools. out. for. ever!

Schools. out. for. ever!

this is all i see.

>DeVos knows nothing about public schools! She's not qualified!
>DeVos wants to learn more about the public schools? SHUT HER DOWN!

Is there a DeVos D.Va meme yet?

She should make the kids' dreams come true and have that shitty commie school blown to smithereens.

>Right wing protesters block leftist speaker

You will never read this because they are cowards.
They will only do what the government and the laws let them

I'm starting to think these people are addicted to losing

i can't help myself. is there a Sup Forums detox center?

It's cowardly to accept the rights of other people and let them speak?


Lefties just can't stop losing, and they can't control their minions. The teachers' union and the Democrat party picked DeVos as the one cabinet member to block. She's not particularly worse than any others; she's not especially unqualified. Hell, Rick Perry is a weird one and my choice, as a Trump supporter, for someone to go if somebody's gotta go. DeVos likes vouchers, which the teachers' union hates, and the union is a big power in the Dem party, so they picked her to make their stand.

They blasted out emails, started campaigns, raised money, drew their line in the sand saying that DeVos will be stopped. They sent out emails saying that they had some Republicans on their side, and naming the names of the persuadable ones that needed the people to mob them, including form letters and email addresses.

And they failed. DeVos isn't really any worse than the rest of his cabinet. They just shilled that line because they didn't want to divide their energy and they wanted at least one victory in stumping Trump. And they failed. Now they're trying to spin making Pence break the tie as some kind of big win for the Democrats.

The whole "DeVos is the most unqualified, horrendous choice" is a forced meme, and anyone who believes it swallowed the propaganda.

>reading CNN
>linking to CNN

you need to go back

She can't be head is Dept of Ed of they just abolished the Dept

>leftists don't get their way
>pitch fits, riot, disrupt society in general

Why can't they just accept the fact that they lost this round? This is how our country works, sometimes the guys you vote for don't get into office. Tough shit faggots.

More like we aren't hypocrites and boot lickers of the status quo

I wonder how many teachers are "anti-union"? I have 2 friends that are teachers and they hate the union, but they have to toe the line.

What does BLM have to do with any of this?

Fake and gay.

They need to stay relevant

welcome to Sup Forums
where everything is made up
and if something bad happens its either black, muslim or jews
self-derision? Hell to the no we're too much of pussies for that!

I think they need to spend all their superpac money or they lose it.

My mother's a teacher, and she has mixed feelings about the union. They do a lot of good stuff, and the school district would definitely fuck teachers over without it, but it drives her crazy that the union defends and protects crappy teachers. My mother never misses school unless she's really, really sick, but there are a whole bunch of teachers who get "sick" all the time, always on convenient times like Fridays before a break.

There was one teacher at her old school who missed all the time. If this teacher's elderly mother had an appointment with a doctor at 9am, she'd take off the whole day as a sick day. One year she "accidentally" got her dates confused and bought plane tickets for a European vacation for the week before spring break, when classes were still going on. But don't worry, it all got straightened out so that she was able to take her vacation, missing a week of school, without losing out on any money, even though she'd already used up all of her sick time, personal days, etc. She got "emergency leave" so she would still get paid while on vacation.

My mother thinks education is a total mess, and that it probably does need somebody like DeVos to come in and shake things up. The system isn't working, and bringing in somebody dedicated to the system is not going to change anything.

But yeah, mixed feelings about the union. She likes a lot of what they do, but they flex their muscle and protect a lot of shitty teachers.