How diverse is Sup Forums?
US born Colombian. Does that make me a spic?
Too much.
Where's the chaos deity option?
What do I pick if I'm a Caribbean mutt? 60% north African 30% Scottish 10% poo.
Send help.
half white half poo in loo
>1 drop
i am of aryan living in melbourne
>all these americans that think they are "white"
what do i chose for slav
white on the inside
>poll actually matches US demographics
maldito mixer, espero que al menos votaras por Trump
>69 whites
>0 niggers
40% germanic 35% italian 25% spanish and white as fuck.
Are you white?
well said my white equal
MFW when I'm spic
Did your parents hide on the wrong boat?
>tfw you're not a nigger
No turk rape baby option so I choose to be white on the inside :(
>that one nigger vote
>no Jew option
>no white/Jew mixbreed option
>have on shot at life
>get born as a nigger
>none cares about you
>not even your own people
Kill yourself.