Well, well, well. Now you know how us men feel roasties. I'm never getting married.
Ex wife dragged screaming from court after losing her £200,000 home to husband
She thought it was an easy win! Good deserves worse
I am almost ashamed that this makes me happy.
>only £200,000
lol, women btfo
10 years after? I've seen it done in reverse a few times when the wife ended up on hard times.
Guessing he was a top dog, he lost A LOT, got disabled and is on GOV assistance, so they are like, " Fuck this make the goyim pay "
Fall in love with people but never get married, marriage is a scam
Thank you greatest ally
She's an idiot, her husband is disable.\
I took Family Law, it's actually more equal now even though MRA is still crying even after KFED.
Kids usually goes to the ones who spend the most time with them, which is usually the women, but more equal after they are older, and then some men stay home.
Joint custody means joint decision making, it does not refer to living arrangement though. Sometimes fathers end up seeing their kids more after the divorce...
Women are only pay /spousal/ support if they need it, and they are expected to get themselves back into the work force, the exception would be if they have been married for a loooooooong time and/or she is old, there is some equation here I won't dig up.
As times change, there are more cases of men being the ones to raise the kids post divorces and women paying child and spousal support.
I'm a left-brained woman in a white collar job, I'm attracted to passionate blue collar men and i want one who will do the play soccer with children and hugs and kisses type - so in the event of a divorce, I would want him to get the kids and I would pay child and spousal support.
is this a troll post?
yah only a woman would say the legal system is becoming more ethical and fair.
Is there a video of that? lul
It's not that easy here. The scheister lawyers have gotten judges to give alimony in cases were people were merely living together for a few years.
>This is why you get a prenup
Prenups are often thrown out here in the JewSA. They're pointless, but (((some))) lawyers push them even though judges throw them out all the time.
are those pictures of the individuals?
The guy appears to be wearing a strange hat...
>I would want him to get the kids and I would pay child and spousal support.
thank you for saying this, it was totally outside the realm of my imagination and is genuinely refreshing (even if it is a larp).
Very informative post. Id assume you are in the extreme minority given that most women are not well versed in family law
>implying any woman would marry a racist Drumpf supporter
If the woman gets the man's money, the man should be entitled to weekly sexual release with the woman. That was the arrangement before the split, so it should remain the arrangement after.
I don't know why judges don't factor that in.
That made the news but the majority of the cases are men getting the burn.
some rich guy has to start a foundation which supports fathers who lost their children to their wife, i mean child and spousal support
Same in UK I think its 2 years
don't feel bad bro! I'm happy too!
>I'm a left-brained woman in a white collar job
The fuck are you doing here then. Here for commie threads or what?
>what is left-brained
you've been in Sup Forums too long faggot
>how us men feel
you never felt that feel to begin with
I got married last year. Since then I have learned to hate my wife. We have gained around 100k in assets and EVERYTHING is in her name.
I plan to build up for the next few years then ger her to cheat on me for ultimate alimony, then get on disability, my life plan is good
>Oy vey we foudn your
>in the event of a divorce.
Any woman who thinks in these terms should not be considered for marriage by a sane man.
>I'm a left-brained woman in a white collar job, I'm attracted to passionate blue collar men and i want one who will do the play soccer with children and hugs and kisses type
Oh fuck, are you my ex-wife? Frigid, can't orgasm, secretly a lesbian?
Watch out for this type, lads. They'll say all this and still leave you broke and broken.
>I'm never getting married.
Stay gay
take your mental illness back to ltbg, freak. no one is interested in your "i'm a lady" rp bullshit.
Exactly. Don't plan for any sort of failures whatseoever, even if the failure rate of marriage is higher than 50%. Pretend everything is going to be fine and never talk about anything bad. You would be insane to do anything else.
is that some gay lingo? So what are you exactly? mtf?
Jesus Christ you sound impulsive.
>can't orgasam
It was her fault, right lad?
>tfw phoneposting goes wrong
>I got married last year. Since then I have learned to hate my wife. We have gained around 100k in assets and EVERYTHING is in her name.
>I plan to build up for the next few years then ger her to cheat on me for ultimate alimony, then get on disability, my life plan is good
>>Oy vey we foudn your
laywers will get it all and leave you with nothing
>Fall in love with people but never get married, marriage is a scam
in america after a few years of living together you are considered married
There's still good in this world.
£200,000 will buy you a really nice house as long as you don't want to live in a city (and why would you? That's Mudslime country now).
I have a feeling this is going to happen a lot more with young women outearning men. The state isn't paying for it. It'll be a fun role reversal.
No we don't have common law marriage here despite most people believing we do. Feminists are trying to introduce it but it's failed so far (to the disappointment of a lot of harpies who tried to get support they thought they were entitled to).
I have genetic markers for it unfortunately D; "Impulsive novelty seeking "
Things cant go tooo well for me so i sabotage
We will see, its mostly for the experience
Common law marriages actually don't exist in the UK and never have. Don't tell women that though, the look on their faces when some gold digging whore discovers this after thinking they've won the jackpot is priceless.
No marriage and no kids = You Get Nothing, Good Day Whore
sigh.. no they are almost never overthrown, stop with the no-prenup propaganda.
ok you're polish so you get a pass.
the human brain has hemispheres, one right and one left.
I know, right? There used to be a million jokes about how dumb Pollacks are.
when someone says they're left brain dominant, they're saying they're intellectual, analytical, like mathematics/reason etc.
"right brained" people are supposed to be creative, emotive, sensory etc.
The pleb meme is actually backed up by some research. Did you know your left hand and eye is controlled by your right hemisphere, while your right hand and eye is controlled by your left?
The Corpus callosum is the connection between the two hemispheres.
Women make the primary earners in most relationships in the western world.
Expect an onslaught of stories like this during the next 10 years and the laws being changed (now that they benefit men).
a friend of mine in highschool was extremely Polish, was swole af, star QB, crack shot and had a natural understanding of ballistics and unit formation.
Couldn't spell moron correctly, always got choked out by my German buddy when they wrestled in the same way every time.
Went into the Rangers.
She got arrogant. Thought it was an easy win. Women are truly despicable. i am happy that the guy finally got something back from the bitch. Especially what with him being, disabled and all.
>I took Family Law
in canada.
>it's actually more equal now
maybe in canada
>even though MRA is still crying
where are most "mra" located again?
>even after KFED.
wut dat be muh nigga?
The woman is already planning on abandoning her hypothetical children. Would you want that as a mother? Cause that's what you're signing your kids up for if you impregnate her.
This makes me unbelievably happy.
My mom cheated on my dad, he was making good money as an engineer $150k per year, she was a teacher. She cheated on my dad with my brothers baseball coach, and in two weeks, left the family. And in the divorce, she won $250k cash, took all the furniture, all the plates, cups, silverware. It's been 9 years, and she still keeps taking my dad to court to get more and more from him because shes a fucking idiot. She bought a house in Southern California, and she buys a new car every few years for her and her boyfriend (the coach she cheated on my dad with). Their house looks like a fucking mess, she bought 6 cars, 2 boats (shitty ones). Her jew lawyer will continually fuck with my dad trying to insinuate that my brother isn't really his son because he still has to pay child support for him. My mom made like 100k flipping houses and she tried to avoid making it seem like she made money by signing all the houses in his name. If she showed that she made 100k in profit flipping houses, she would've lost money from my dad. Then because she did that, both of them ended up getting investigated by the IRS for tax evasion, and ended up losing even more money, SO SHE FUCKING GOES BACK TO COURT and gets MORE money from my dad. It's fucking insane. Then she goes around talking shit about my dad to her friends, trying to make it seem like my dad was a bad person, when in reality he worked his ass off 70 hours a week to give her whatever she wanted.
The system needs to change
That stuff is an absolute meme, "left-brained" people are just normal competent people where as "right-brained" tend towards attention issues and all sort of retarded shit. I mean its a meme in the way of the concept of a special creativity that results from being otherwise functionally inferior. I am left-handed and this is my observation of other lefties
>t.Roastie shill.
>The pleb meme is actually backed up by some research.
No, it isn't.
Not going to happen. Divorces arent equal, they give the women the upper hand everytime
Slowly but surely, Trump supporters (who in big part aren't some Sup Forums-like edgy shitlords going muh nazi papa) actually present themselves as far more dependable and attractive candidates than leftist ones.
The former usually value family and rules, work for their shit and strive to have stable livelihood. The latter get dominated by tantruming crybabies, nu-male effeminate rejects absolutely unable to live in any way than through welfare provided by the government.
it is
>The best example of an established lateralization is that of Broca's and Wernicke's Areas where both are often found exclusively on the left hemisphere.