Ok user. Very calmly, explain to me why a blank man with a white woman triggers you so much. She's an autonomous individual who is free to do whatever she wants, right?
Ok user. Very calmly, explain to me why a blank man with a white woman triggers you so much...
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Hey as long as they're both faithful to eachother and fulfill all their commitments in the relationship I have no problem with this
blank describes their mindset perfectly. Black men more likely then not offer women nothing more than sorrow and regret, they don't care
>She's an autonomous individual
not really
White girls just love big black cock, white men really can't compete...
That nigga looks so fucking high lmao
It triggers me because I think about the children. I could care less about either of those two.
As long as he's Christian and a Trump supporter, and he actually marries my daughter, I have no problems with my daughter being impregnated by a black man. Pic related for another example of a based black man.
because that's one less white baby and one more black baby
not to mention most wf bm relationships end in the wf getting fucked over, "burn the coal pay the toll"
would rather not see people get fucked over, but when you live in a free society you will see a lot of people decide to fuck themselves over
that's a tranny with a blank man
Because Sup Forumstards are never going to get laid so they have to sperg out
So very calmly.
Suppose there was a new trend where women would intentionally cut off oxygen to their babies that would cause brain impairment...leading to a 20-25% drop in IQ depending. They did this because it was fashionable....would you agree with it?
It's because life is not some game and nature is not a joke.
the problem is the propaganda campaign to promote this
>tfw half black
both my parents are mixed
Honestly if a white woman wants to flush her genes, future, and dignity down the toilet I really don't care.
She's the one who will end up a single mother with a broken orbital socket, not me.
Both should be shot in the head... very calmly.
Because my taxes will go to pay for her mulatto 6 kids
that is how races die, you fool, you completly fell for the controlled opposition.
Race realism is extremly important.
Females are like children.
Left to their own devices they will eat candy until they suffer from illness. They don't know what's good for them.
Fact: The female in the picture will be mistreated and abused, and probably impregnated unintentionally.
Fact: Once she shits out the baby, the male in the picture won't have anything to do with it.
Black "men" completely and irrevocably BTFO. They simply can't compete, and when will they learn?
Actually she's probably an average woman who doesn't know what's good for her.
If every white woman had kids with black man instead of a white man, white people would cease to exist in a generation. It's irresponsible, genocidal, and psychotic. In a rational world, it would be punishable by death
These threads are posted by bots you niggers, ignore the slide threads
I dunno, user. Probably the same reasons blacks publicly freak out about black celebrities dating or marrying white people.
Those eggs inside her womb are a limited resource and as such need to be governed responsibly.
Imagine you're a gardener, a good gardener; year after year you toil in the dirt, working, weeding, pruning, doing everything you can to ensure the health and the vitality of the garden, you use fertilized water, soil amendments, everything you possibly know to help your garden thrive generation after generation so that the people who come after you can also enjoy not just the garden, but the very act of maintaining the garden; you hope to teach your offspring the importance of hard work and perseverance, dedication and diligence; you hope to show them that with some planning and foresight they can provide for themselves and those in need, if they're just willing to put in the effort
Now imagine your daughter brought home some worthless filthy mongrel that shit all over your garden, and then she laughed about it, and rolled in the shit, and threw the shit at you and called you a stupid racist fuck for not liking dog shit all over your garden and that you should smear the shit on the inside of your house or you're a fascist racist neo nazi if you don't like dogshit everywhere.
We are that gardener
no, stop falling for controlled opposiion propaganda
very good post
>as long as my grand kids will be non white i don't have problem with it
That's how i read it, either marry good white guy or im disowning you.
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Remember the sage option if you post
Why is Trump supporter a requirement? Christian and conservative are admirable, but Trump is an ass of the highest order.
Okay, but you literally are being a racist. That can't be denied. You are against this person because they are black. So you can't be mad at them for calling you what you are.
But a mixed nigglet will nag your daughter and eventually fuck her leading to your gense going to wase since your grand kids will be non white, also that same mixed nigger from single mom has a higher chance of robbing or killing you.
Either white or fuck off.
das nigger is sum foobah playah, she a legit whore tho sucking famous nigguh dick'n shit
Because I have a small penis is that what you wanted to hear?
>a blank man
Is the blank between his ears?
>She's an autonomous individual
No individual is autonomous.
>dog shit kills gardens
It doesn't bother me itself, but what bothers me is that it's deliberately pushed to remove us from the gene pool.
These athletes are retarded, I know its white pussy but still it is clearly a trap. She wants one thing (a baby) and will get it very easily. Then you're stuck paying out the ass for 18 years, all for some white pussy.
Why would I have a problem with a thick, throbbing, black cock pumping hot, thick African cum into a little white pussy? I'm not racist.
>Muh conspiracy theories
Fucking virgins.
its not that iam triggered
you that feeling of disgust when you see people having sex with animals.well for some reason iget the same feeling when this happens (pic).idk why though
It doesn't, I don't care about some coalburning 3DPD whore
What does "trigger" me is the fact that people completely ignore the results of racemixing, which is Brazil.
It doesn't trigger me, people are allowed to throw away their genetics all they want. If a girl has enough daddy issues that she bangs niggers, that's her problem not mine. He will leave her anyway, resulting in a passive mixed breed raised by a single mother which poses no threat to society unlike a full blooded nigger
Ah, the hourly interracial couple thread. Right on schedule.
>when your sole quality is to serve as a warning and people ignore it
Tell me more my brazilian friend.
>tfw gf is openly racist and is disgusted at the thought of a black guy
>tfw her entire family is racist
>tfw I she wants white babies early
I fucking made it. Race traitors will hang.
Niggers are smelly, violent, disproportionately likely to be welfare leeches and their offspring tend to be the same.
Encouraging any sort of white/black racemixing is to encourage the end of our society and fuck that
As a guy who's mixed, You can guess which side i hate most,
Right answer and im posting dick pics
Many posters here seems to be underage
Their replies/threads are so childish and immature
She looks like a pig
Sorry lad, all germanics do
You didn't get the memo. This board has become so meta bro
You mistyped "reddit" in your url bar.
Nothing wrong with it as long as he's a good guy who treats her well and they love each other. Racial purity is byproduct of geographic isolation.
It doesn't. What does is the constant shitpost of interracial couples in a lame attempt to get attention from people online.
What does racism even mean? It's a meaningless concept.
Why should white people give up all their in-group preferences just to avoid offending black people? That's nothing more than cultural and ethnic suicide.
Multiculturalism is a codeword for white genocide
>first post best posting your own first post
Better question: why do fake news sites have so many Chinese viewers? It's not that they're using bots to artificially increase their viewer count, right?
how come white women with black men is the hottest thing to see?
It really activates my almonds how you can destroy that argument with just one picture
See this map
The blue areas are majority White, and the green areas are mixed/native, red ones are black
"Coincidentally", the blue states are the best places here, and they want to secede from Brazil, while the green areas are garbage, and where most Brazilian material in gore websites are from
you should know how powerful propaganda can be
>nu-Sup Forums
>disproportionately likely to be welfare leeches and their offspring tend to be the same.
More White people are on welfare than blacks bitch. And whites don't smell like a bed of roses either.
And yet no-one listens to us.
doesn't that make you 1/4 black?
Wasted genes.
And once she inevitably becomes miserable, she'll take it out on society with feminist autistic screeching.
it doesn't. what triggers me is that rat's nest ghetto ass entertainment center.
>Pabst blue ribbon pants
You'd let your daughter marry that?
no, 1/2 + 1/2 = 1. he's a total nigger.
>whites outnumber backs 5:1
Weak bait enjoy the (you)
>Hey as long as they're both faithful to eachother and fulfill all their commitments in the relationship I have no problem with this
kys for replying with sjw shite to a bait thread
top tip in real life cross cultural and interracial marriages don;t work and the kids end up fucked up with no sense of identity
most white women can't handle the fact that black men slap them either
White women seek dangerous/ exciting partners.
They seek black men like some sort of wild animal and that they are in control, kind of like people who get exotic pets.
Too bad one day the nigger will turn on you, and you end up with a black eye or as a single mother.
>They break up
>she uses public assistance to pay for her spawn
If black men weren't pieces of shit that don't take care of their children then there really wouldn't be a problem.
It becomes my problem when their mullato kid grows up and doesn't have a dad and try's to reconnect with his culture via retarded as fuck rap culture that inevitably leads to crime and more bastard children.
For real, if its a regular dude (that attempts to make a senpai) that happens to be black I really don't care.
Also the oversexualization of black men in pop culture pisses me off a little, only cause I don't think there is anything special with black, and I hate them being marketed on behalf of the media as exciting.
I care :3
The sock on the right was worn by a foot that was designed to fit it. The sock on the left went on a foot that was too big big. Now the sock on the left is stretched out and useless.
If you could care less then why don't you care less? Are you some sort of nigger lover??
>whites outnumber backs 5:1
It doesn't matter, if you're so perfect and intelligent so many wouldn't be on welfare and poor you're not better than other people like you think you are.
He'd let his daughter marry an ape. He could be wearing banana skins for all it matters after that
first of all, that's not how multiplication of fractions works. you have to flip the fraction to get the recipercol and then multiply them too numbers by each other.
1/2 * 1/2 = 1/2 * 2/1 = 1 * 2 / 2 * 1 = 2 / 2 = 1
CArmen electra married that faggot after being fucked by countless blacks. Fucking remy la croix is with a white guy.
If your sole reason for ostracizing mixed race couples is because of 'black culture', you can man up and start a relationship with a women previously fucked by a nigger.
>white people are intelligent
He's still half black.
If he's not a thug loser then I don't see a problem. The problem is that white women are getting drawn to the thug moron losers because they're told it's "cool" from media on all sides.
The men of a nation should keep their women in check, otherwise others will.
Here, consult with this philosopher.
>doing maths
niggers do not raise their children.
She will just be a used up whore with nigger babies that no white man will want.
She will become another nigger tax burden on the rest of America.
Are most Brazilians on Sup Forums and the internet in general probably from the blue areas?
all nonwhites should be executed. they must be eradicated one way or another. it is inevitable. better sooner than later.
Blue areas- German slave owners
green- whatever
red- slaves
nice. Oppress and enslave blacks, then cry about them. Great logic.
Because if the white people are bred out of existence then diversity no longer exists. I remember watching the fairly odd parents when they all turned to gray blobs. The world is very boring when everyone looks the same. There is no culture when everyone is mixed. Also I find it very sad that people would make the biggest decision in their life which is who they love based off of trending. Go to Google and type in white couples and you will find mixed couples mixed in. Go to Google and type in black couples and there are no mixed couples and images. Go to Google and type in White women or white man and you will see mixed couples. I don't know who is behind this there are so many people behind this. But the problem is not jewish the problem behind this is social media. I think people interracially date due to trends because trends are cool. Well guess what, smoking cigarettes was cool when I was growing up and now I can no longer work out and achieve exercise goals due to me trying to be cool as a teenager. I mean I don't really have to explain all this to you do I?