Wow, how can Sup Forums talk their way around THIS one?
Nationalism = WAR
War and total war are different things. The stakes of modern war are too high. It has nothing to do with the EU existing or not.
>Have thousands of petty kingdoms, duchies etc
>Have less than a hundred states most of which are in a military alliance
Really take ma nogging for a joggin
War is a good thing for human evolution, just don't go full scale nuclear war. With some small and mid-scale wars, technology will have some true improvement, also will reduce a bit on population.
clearly this has nothing to do with the proliferation of nuclear weapons
no, obviously the problem all along was borders n laws n shit. after all, countries can't go to war if countries don't exist ;^D
Shit b8, sage
Yugoslav war?
The EU has been waging a war against the European people since day 1.
Why war against nations and armies, when you can just deprive people of their sovereignty via bureaucracy?
What is post hoc fallacy?
well he's kinda right, but it has to deal mostly with trade than nationalism.
Good. The world needs more death.
This peace is killing our people faster and more efficiently than any other war in history.....
You ruined my streak of (OP)s you cunt.
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
War is good for us. It makes us great. See how fucked up and emasculated everything is becoming during this long peace? Humans aren't meant for this shit.
War is preferable to (((their))) peace.
>War is the only bad thing that can happen ever
>There were no wars between ww2 and the Iraq war
>nationalism is an idiology started before the french revolution
>European history
>Surprised that major conficts in Europe were started by European nation
>the EU started, the wars inside EU stopped
>Instead it started an economical war that are destroying our countries and collapsing the economy letting lots of people starve, no demographic growth
>Try to solve it to put illigals in
>Totally destroying european heritage and culture
desu we really don't know what nationalism looks like in the era of nuclear arms.
That chart shows a clear, steady trend towards peace that began before the EU.
It also conviently stops in 2000 just before multiple wars involving multiple EU countries began.
Many European countries have been at war since the founding of the EU. Yugoslavia, Iraq (twice), Lybia, IS... If the EU is peace, why its strong desire for a large European army? Defense? Ahahaha..
War is good. Time to thin the herd and teach lessons through hardships. That's the cold, hard, truthful reality of progress.
>What is Bosnia, Ukraine
Also this
Why isn't democracy ever viewed as an ideology of global domination like communism? We have fought many a war in the name of "democracy spreading." If that was done for any other ideology, it would go down in history as a horrific period in human history. You may say that it is the right thing to do, that democracy is good and communism is bad, but the communists thought communism was good and that it was the right thing to do. Who knows, maybe one day we will be talking about the horrors of democracy.
war put us on top of the world
Wars in europe stoped after russians and americnas separated you and made you their bitches. :^) You savages need someone to hold you on a leash.
>permanent recession in half the EU after forcing the euro
>constant protests, calls to secede
>countries forced to pay for others
>increase in crime rates after mass importing muslims
>no sense of identity, people arrested for trying to find one
sounds like a pressure bomb to me
he is right you know
nationalism was a toll by liberals to destroy the old order and replace it with their modern one of bloated national burachries
2 posts by this ID
Come on guys. Sage goes in all fields
And when war became a bad thing, exactly?
Correlation and causation, what do they mean?
Wars are happening all over the place right now and it isn't because of nationalism.
war creates strong men
if war was still going on we wouldnt get numales like ops pic
And yet they wouldn't have that "peace" if it wasn't for all the war in the past.
Reminder that nationalism started in the early 1800's. Notice something else that happened in the early 1800´s on that graph?
>how can pol talk their way around this one
it's time for war.
wait, what about that thing in the balkans during the 90's?
what about that little thing called the cold war?
those don't count?
Guess the breakup of Yugoslavia, Transnistria War, Georgian Civil War, Turkish invasion of Cyprus, and Hungarian Revolution don't count.
>inb4 "but those aren't even world wars"
True, but that is because with the creation of the atomic bomb the world hasn't seen a large scale war covering multiple countries and fronts.
Europe has been at war in some capacity literally that entire time
1. Advance narrative via ad hominem based on false assertion.
2. Prophet
>war is bad
kys you weak faggot
Good. I want more wars so I can kill you and every other transgendered faggot snowflake nigger cunt that's wasting all my oxygen.
Cold war. No shoots fiered in europ in a grand scale. Border skirmishes dont count.
when you don't live in a soviet bloc without running water
peace is fun in the 1st world
If these wars never happened in Europe
>average people would not have any political representation
>there would be no religious freedom in Europe
>slavery would still exist
>ethic minorities like slavs and poles would be slowly and painfully eradicated
>the left's beloved socialism would have been strangled in it's cradle
Why does the left hate war, when war historically leads to increased liberalism?
The real question is why is pol dumb enough to engage obvious shill threads.
Okay, now show on the graph where we previously decided to import HALF OF FUCKING NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST.
What part of "We don't want thousands of backwards Moozie idiots around" don't these fucks understand?
walk right into it
It is not nationalists who are bombing and inciting unrest in the third world,it's globalists. Nationalists ju want to be left the hell alone to determine their own fate.
Global Government leads to inevitable war as well numb nuts.
>America locks down the continent through military action.
>wow guys the Euros have stopped killing each other!
>Clearly this is all the EU!
how awesome would total war be though
the USA vs the world
yeah lets do that
total war time
war = fresh air
Multiculturalism is literally the "solution" forced upon us by those in power in order to prevent war. As soon as all of the white countries in the world are undermined by non-integrating foreigners, the chances of ideological war shrinks to almost nothing.
Unfortunately, I think they didn't count on China becoming as powerful as they have in recent years--there will be a power vacuum as the United States and EU are weakened by burgeoning diversity, and China will gladly move in to fill it. Just as China is currently conquering Africa in the vacuum that white people left behind as they were displaced, so will happen to all white countries in the vacuum left by the disappearance of the white majority.
>25 year gap
>50 year gap
>100 year gap
Yep, looks like we're due!
Also, we would still have colonial empires without nationalism. Nationalism destroyed imperialist oppression and paved the way for democracy.
well I'm mostly against the Euro, not the Union itself, doe what does being in an Union have to do with flooding Europe with immigrants
it's clear the EU only exists to make the destruction of Europe easier
Peace is an inhuman state of being.
Through conflict we thrive.
Atomic bomb create peace.
lmao op is a lad
There's only like 10 countries that aren't at war
>nationalism brings war
>brings war because countries without nationalism don't want the people to see how good a nationalistic country could be and start provoking
>war happens
>Oy vey nationalism is bad, multiculturalism is good
Man I really can't figure out who is (((((((((responsible))))))))) for this.
>Europe has been at peace since World War II
This is what liberals ACTUALLY believe
Why are people so fucking retarded?
There will be another war one day in Europe, Russia & the EU are not on good terms
First of all, nationalism is a product of industrial revolution. so that graph is bullshit
>nationalism in 15th century
>hyper emotional liberals in charge of historical facts
War also spurs innovation more than anything else. Without WWI and WWII we'd be several decades behind in technological innovation
There have been constant wars worldwide during that white block at the end, is this guy really that stupid? Just because there hasn't been a major hot world war doesnt mean that conflicts and genocides don't count as "war"
This bullshit economic failure brings war. The war can be civil or international.
and if I recall it was Imperialism that caused wars not Nationalism
these retards need to watch more Avatar
Nationalism wasn't very popular before the 19th century and you could almost say that it didn't exist at all before the 18th century.
Wow, I guess all those French and British planes bombing Libya were just out for jolly japes.
Nobody first world nation or super power goes to war with another first world nation or super power anymore these days. Why?
Because of nukes you fucking liberal cucks. You know what wars are fought these days? Proxy wars or first world nations/super powers fighting 3rd world failed nation states. The lack of a major war during the EU's existence does not prove that it is at at all effective.
it's only a road to war because the (((capitalists))) seek to destroy us all
lol wut? is this image seriously trying to imply that there hasn't been war since WW2?
>before the 19th century
Also what happened to all the yugo conflicts and the one in Ukraine?
He means in Europe, dimwit, not worldwide.
War is the health of the state, without we've become flabby and degenerate.
>European history
>OP isn't even European
Poi t us towards the constant genocides in the eu. As it clearly stats its on the euro continent.
>War is never justifiable or necessary
Women and cuckold faggots cannot into philosophy
We are going towards several civil wars
What about this long period of peace before the EU?
War is the way of life of men.
There's a literal genocide going on right now in your backyard, Hans.
Also because of economics. Good luck having a total war between western nations without the economy collapsing. Funding proxy wars is less risky.
I was thinking the same thing. The destruction from World War 2 is far worse than all the previous wars. There is a much bigger incentive not to go to war, even ignoring nukes, than we had before the 20th Century.
Because the United States will inevitably go to war with Canada unless we form a political union.