What's actually wrong with United States of Europe ? I always thought it was a good idea but you guys seems to hate it for whatever reason...
Redpill me on the EU, why is it so bad ?
What's actually wrong with United States of Europe ? I always thought it was a good idea but you guys seems to hate it for whatever reason...
Redpill me on the EU, why is it so bad ?
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>why is it so bad
It's not.
There's a vague feeling among believers that the 10 kingdom NWO mentioned in the bible could be implemented by these sorts of people. That kingdom would be the evil kingdom of the Antichrist.
They're cucks who can't say no to islam.
You need the Faragepill
>you guys seems to hate it for whatever reason.
It's the eternal anglo spreading that meme. You fell for it.
>USoE could be good if just major powers
>EU all the shitty yurop countries + Marxist immigration obsessions
What do you expect from a gaggle of uneducated racists, to understand what the EU is or like it? Pff.
The fact that European cultures are so different that is impossible for you guys to unite into a single country. Latin America on the other hand...
The problem is that the EU is anti-european : they want to import shitskins and islam is mentionned as a part of european culture in the EU consitution.
it's also a bureaucratic megastate,and the euro doesn't work
it's not.
It is mainly ok, but some tweaks need to be made.
-Force refugees
-Force no borders
-Everything is 10x more expensive now
-Forces PC culture and femionism
And to top it all off, it looks, smells and tastes like communism.
I hate communism.
Cause cuck that shit
France and Germany being pro-eu.. who would've thought
The EU kills nationalism and a countries sovereignty. Shoves regulations down our throat whether we like them or not and forces immigration quotas.
They have an anthem, flag and put out drafts for EU army. Even from a purely economic standpoint the EU has gone too far.
It's currency isn't government controlled and mostly works based on germany's economy which sinks the union harder now that smaller economies are in the union
The union itself is slowly trying to introduce the only thing that would save it's economy whichis to slowly turn the union into a federalist republic which would take away the identities of all countries and also implementing an EU army that would be able be abused tokeep the union together, basically turning it into the new ussr
>United States of Europe
Oh, and they elect EU officials who none of us have even heard of. It's a political union that doesn't serve the people, just a handle of elites i.e. jews.
>The EU kills nationalism
Give it to me then
>The fact that European cultures are so different that is impossible for you guys to unite into a single country. Latin America on the other hand...
you can thank europeans for that mdrr
It would be like the United states but without all the good parts.
>A fucking trash bag
Angela pls go
>EU parliament is filled with traitors
>the constitution doesn't protect rights like the American one does
>imposing increasing regulations while boasting about free trade
>no border control
I'm not opposed to federalism if it would protect liberties but the EU in its current incarnation needs to be dismantled.
I want to see the United Christian States of SA
>i don't know what eu is, but I want to express my opinion to look nazi
basically exists solely for the benefit of Germany who get the advantage of a weak currency for their exports, while maintaining the same buying power from all their poorer "partner" countries
> common money, no common banking system
> long history of different cultural and economic interest
> germoney imports newer states' higher quality workforce without compensation
> germoney buys cheaply from other member states and sells to the world market at higher price
> germoney lending money to states with historic financial troubles then milk them for all they worth, effectively usury
> overcomplex legal system to support out-of-proportion bureaucratic class
> subverting democracy: non-elected European Commission holds legal propositioning at hand
je suis pur blanc et catholique idiot
>olen maanpetturi joka ei rakasta kotimaatansa eikä ajatellut hommata lapsia
Tapa ittes.
>let's not all cooperate, cooperation is bad
>lets go at it alone
If you don't think you can function in a cooperative effort, why would you think you would be strong enough to go at it alone?
Especially if the rest of the EU is indeed granting each other free trade, a joined military and all the other benefits that an alliance brings.
If they held a Eirexit tomorrow I would vote to leave. The economic implications of Brexit are just scare tactics and even if the ((( economists ))) are telling us the truth it would not be enough for me to sway my opinion. I'd rather national sovereignty over prosperity.
Germany controls your ass.
Same policies applied to completely different people.
ok let's see:
>heterogeneous culture
>heterogeneous ethnics
>heterogeneous industry
>heterogeneous development
>heterogeneous climate
>heterogeneous beliefs
the list keeps on going desu senpai, but yes let's throw everything into one pot and have the same laws everywhere, because you just know how french people will magically start to work just as hard as germans
go to german bakery: 9 hours of constant work
go to french bakery: pierre and abdul drink coffee while watching the dough being kneaded in the machine, all the while jaques playes boccia...
I disagree with absolutely everything this fellow irish man says. Haven't read it though kek. I just know it's probably a rant about the EU forcing bananas not to be bendy any more or some other bollocks ill informed people make up because they like being edgy contrarians.
Fight the system man!
We can do free trade without the EU. Take the UK for example. The US and UK are gonna have great trade agreements. Trump said the UK will be at the front of the queue.
>Unified currency without unified fiscal policy
I don't know how the fuck anyone expected it to work. Maybe that was never the intent.
commie kike slave state. kikery always leads to communism, because that's what their fiat money was invented for.
crush all currency, crush all kikes.
it's simple. we kill the ratman.
The 2 major problems are firstly the mismanagement and over-expansion of the EU to welcome Eastern European Countries that were never even part of political Europe ( in the post WW2 context) as they were under Russian communist control. Secondly, and more recently (1999), the Euro currency was introduced, which might have worked OK if the EU has kept to the original countries. But they've adopted about 20 "children" since then, from poor backgrounds who are hungry and expensive to keep, and have grown wanting the same materialistic level of wealth and opportunity as their adopted parents. Well guess what?, not all children are the same with Greece being a problem child who was given the money by the EU and they blew it and got into further debt, then came back asking for more. Like a poor man winning the lottery and using it secure an even bigger loan to party with, without figuring out how they would eventually pay it back. The EU cannot let Greece fail as the EU would not get its money back, so guess what, they lend them more euros, to the point where the EU is now is in serious shit because it's spent so much on its children that it's broke. With the UK out they are just about to get even poorer without our contributions and therefore pissed off that we don't want to bail them out anymore. The Euro is doomed and the EU leaders ( Jean Claude Junker and his mates) are in denial about it.
Welcome to 1984
Hahahahahahaha you mean before or after they get screwed?
I agree that we may not inmediately want a fully fledged US of Europe, and that the differences between us may currently be too strong to take big steps.
But I do think that cooperation is the one and only final goal. You mention Trump; I think he's a good example of someone antagonizing the entire world.
I don't think you can become very happy as a person or as a nation if no one likes you.
If nations dont like you, you'll have a lot of trade deficienties, and maybe military rivalry - something that costs you both money and people.
there's only one valid currency now.
>Poor man's US
>It's more the united States of Germany then Europe.
>Redpill me on the EU, why is it so bad ?
A good idea but every second rate leftist in Europe ended up an mep or in the eu institutions so it is now filled with a toxic blend of undemocratic bureaucratic socialist 'elite' who represent no body other that the interests of themselves and civil servants and are also incompetent
We're crashing this motherfucker and that's all you need to know, St Nigel showed us the way, you will all be sovereign again soon
speak for yourself, murrifag.
based trump' order to stop muslims has been revoked. supreme court will be 4-4, so it's over.
It's also run and ruled by Jews trying to destroy the white race by mass immigration.
there has been no war in Europe for 70 years nt because of the EU but because of nuclear weapons.....it is obsolete in its original purpose (although that was a worthy one)
Based be the mind too small for doubt.
We will ALL make it.
Well alot of that is bollocks.
There are 28 EU members states.
2 of which are former USSR states: Latvia and Lithuania.
The euro is used in 19 countries and the reason "they're in denial" as you say is because they're right. It's not going bust.
It's simple. They can't decide what they want. Merkel & Co can't ask all the countries like the UK or France to give up their country for the ideal of a country called the EU if they show they have no interest defending it. What idiot thought the people of the UK would be happy taking a new national identity given its history when every action they take show they hate the people of the EU.
If they had shown they can defend a clear defined border, stop the expansionism and show the EU people they were willing to defend its land for its people Brexit would not have happened.
They dig their own grave. They hate the idea of nationalism yet failed to understand strong EU nationalism was needed to make it work.
Because it was built on a big fat lie. Originally it was supposed to be a free trade union, but it has now morphed into an unaccountable, unelected, authoritarian behemoth that bends over willingly for muslims and nafris while biting the hands off the European natives. It is plain to even the blindest idiot that the EU is now actively punishing the native populace and pushing to replace them in favour of low-skilled, dark-skinned serfs who will slave and toil for pennies and will pursue that goal no matter how many cultures, countries and civilisms it needs to kill in favour of that. It benefits only the very top at the great expense of the many, taking our money away and handing back pocket change and telling us how to spend it. That is why the EU must die.
Can you name one example of how Ireland has benefited from the EU? I can't think of any. Our biggest exports are UK and the US, we would be fine without the EU.
No open borders
No forced immigration policies
No forced tax regulations
InvestmentBankingFag here
The EU isn't bad for countries like Germany and France. But it is bad with as many countries in it as now.
In fact, the EU would be good for us if most other countries leave it. The countries who pull the Euro down especially.
Also the EU should get rid of the Schengen agreement, border controls are good and most people won't mind showing their ID when traveling from Germany to France and vice versa.
Where would be the capitol?
You don't have to bend over to politicians from other countries to get people to like you and work with you. I'd trust Trump to understand leverage better than you do.
and if you're not careful, you wake up with nothing but a number on your forehead and a hole in your pocket. they are pushing it hard at this very moment. no one can say he was not warned.
Insha'Allah Europe will follow the path of God.
It's good for poorfag countries like mine.
We get gibs, most of it gets stollen by politicians and syphoned to Russia, but anyway, some of it remains.
We also exporet gypsies.
How the fuck you want EU to work with those stupid Swedens and Germans?? Literately they are more interested who ass fuck them.
The EU is an undemocratic jewish banking cartel that has enslaved the natural people of Europe and is destroying them with niggers.
You are right, the idea WAS good. But like many good ideas it was smashed into ground by people. It's not very bad but there are decisions, laws and some general bureaucratic bullshit that was plain unfair, naive or misguided and hurt some countries. Especially in relation to "recent" refugee crisis, UE lead by virtue signalling leaders really didn't work well when it comes to border control, immigration quotas and so on. One of the main reasons why British voted for pulling out through Brexit.
>Based be the mind too small for doubt.
>We will ALL make it.
It was a sweedish mep that forced Ireland to spend 30 million on passport gender changes for cross dressers at the height of the 09 cutbacks when schools for disabled kids were being closed.
That kind of shit.
Eviromental laws designed to protect german wetlands being applied to Ireland by lefty greens to fuck with right wing rural occupants
Pushing creches and state owned childrearing, attacking the family, proomoting abortion.
That kind of left wing shit destroyed any hope of people likeing the eu.
They took over agriculture with CAP grants and then ruined it.
how dare you say the truth, you... goy.
because all his branches are poisonous. We got it first, but you're next france.
Wrong again. There has been over a hundred conflicts in Europe post WW2.
Including Ukraine which is happening right now!
If you mean "World Wars" that isnt due to nuclear weapons. Nuclear powers such as Russia have LOST wars with nuclear weapons at their disposal unused.
It's to do with alliances and geo-politics
off course you would
good luck in the rest of your life
>Can you name one example of how Ireland has benefited from the EU? I can't think of any. Our biggest exports are UK and the US, we would be fine without the EU.
>No open borders
>No forced immigration policies
>No forced tax regulations
We did up to 2007 all right but every penny we got they asked for 10 back and they still ruined the ag sector.
Hope you are listening Poland.
We've had four growth revisions since June 23rd.
All of them forecasting more growth than previously expected.
Project Fear has become a bit of a cliche/meme, but the establishment cucks have proven just how inept they are.
Marion Le Pen is our last hope to annihilate the jewish EU. Not even AfD want to leave if they're elected.
They are not even being subtle anymore , the EU leaders of whoever controls them want a single state Europe
Wow... that just seems to emanate evil.
I think they went a bit heavy on the black.
Nothing, I'd love to have a United Nations of Europe modeled after the Swiss repulic.
I did read reports of economic successes since Brexit. It's really good to hear. Hopefully other countries follow suit.
No it won't. At some point the people of the EU will snap. Vote people in where Deus Vult and RWDs are not just a meme and the EU will burn all over again. Maybe I'll be old when it happens. But happen it will.
>"Marion Le Pen''
>Wrong again. There has been over a hundred conflicts in Europe post WW2.
>Including Ukraine which is happening right now!
>If you mean "World Wars" that isnt due to nuclear weapons. Nuclear powers such as Russia have LOST wars with nuclear weapons at their disposal unused.
>It's to do with alliances and geo-politics
fair point
I was referring to France and germany mudering each other again and sucking te rest of europe into it.
Happened in 1870 to you know and 1798-1815 etc etc etc etc etc
>brussel rules
>united europe in free trade
I dont need some Rome 2.0 with prefectures and shit, let me decide myself what to do with my country and we're good
To be fair, you have done pretty nicely out of being a tax haven within the EU.
Although if we don't get a trade deal you could be fucked lmao
IE total war
I meant Marine but if they win will you leave??
what (((merkel))) wants, is communism throught the back door. she's a nwo-puppet, and europe's downfall. too bad this is a police state where kikes run politbureau and can kill you with the press of a button. most people are cowards, without a new hitler, we will not see freedom in europ any more. just civil war, and destruction. islamic destruction.
That's beautiful
>a joined military
Judging by the way EU has fucked up the sovereignty, border control, immigration and economy of its member states, I don't want to give these clowns a military. What would a EU army even be fighting for? What are the values they're supposed to defend? Freedom of speech is dead after Charlie Hebdo, democracy has been slammed as an evil after Brexit and Trump, while the European peoples and cultures are considered so awful that they must be replaced. The only values that stay safe are free movement, diversity, and tolerance; can't let go of those, ever! I'm not interested in fighting in the EU army so that muslim men have the right to run off from their families and get welfare in European countries.
>unelected beurocrats deciding for individual nations ,example refugee quotas .
what can go wrong ?f idiot....
>What would a EU army even be fighting for?
The jews.
Germany depends on exporting for 55% of it's GDP, it's cool mate.
>United States of Europe
do I get constitutional rights to posses and use my T-90 with anti-tank rockets and laser-guided missiles
also right to free speech?
You asked for the Redpill here you go,
German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.
I honestly like all of you faggots, I would gladly defend you all if you just asked to, but I never will bend over when forced to do so. This is the major problem with EU. We can do better than this
Shoo shoo, Kalergi
the own population, of course. they need to get rid of the indigenous. we are the indians now, ready to be wiped out by the advancing hordes of settlers.
it will be a mudslime army, you can bet your ass on that.
Shit, try to import your copypastas somewhere else than China, will ya, faggot?
We will convert them and show them the right path don't worry, they will feel the almighty power of Allah/God
if you read you can see more about how i think about it.
I definitely agree with you that an actual EU army is far from our minds currently. I do think, though, that if we can get a united europe to work, it would be stronger than any kind of non-unified Europe. And a European army might fit in that situation.
The reasons you are making your post, neing the overall state of conflict the EU (and the world) are in, is the same reason I think we should start trying to get together again - stop arguing amonst ourselves and unite.
Maybe we can someday rival the US, Russia and China.
Cultural differences mostly. Do you think the difference between geeks and Germans is equivalent to the difference between commiefornians and texans?