Drumpf posters defend this.
>you can't
Drumpf posters defend this.
>you can't
A gay BBC-loving Jew is a nazi now
Also charge your fucking phone OP you fucking degenerate
They could at least use a picture of Milo that isn't him looking like the lead singer of MCR.
OP here.
Do you have proof of him being Jewish or loving BBC? Marketing scam used to pander to neo Nazi, trump loving facists.
Just because of his supposed background doesn't make him immune to backlash from his radical ideals
>OP here,
hello nerd virgin
>Do you have proof of him being Jewish or loving BBC?
What is quotes of him admitting both from his own mouth, you Fake Ne- I mean NIGGER
And even if the BBC T-shirts are falsehood banter
He explicitly stated his jewishness during live interview - while bragging about "of course jews run the media, it's obvious" - and has not backed down
What is decorum?
We expect professionalism and debate in the senate and shitposting IRL in the streets.
But don't worry the left is the beacon of free speech in this country
Drumpfkin btfo has to resort to "nerd virgin" as a debate response
Just because he said it doesn't make it true. He uses that as a shield to spread vitriol and falsehood.
These are two completely different things when you actually bring in context.
when was she silenced in the senate?
we need more info than just that
No matter what your opinions about Milo are, he isn't a neo-Nazi.
>into the fucking trash it goes
his mother's mother is Jewish so based on tradition Jews consider him one of them, but he was raised as a Catholic.
Google.Com you pleb. I can't blue pill you all on my own.
False equivalent you dildo.
So your new defense is that someone of Jewish decent is incapable of having fascist and/or white nationalist/Nazi ideals..
You know better than that, conservicuck
That's why America is cucked as fuck. Protip: you can poo in public restrooms, but can't shit on the lawns.
Ok first of all define neo-Nazi.
Next, prove that he is a neo-Nazi. As your image claims. Show me something.
>inb4 lol do it yourself conservicuck
We aren't the ones denying OTHER HUMAN BEINGS in to this country. We're a country of immigrants
> educate yourself
fucking phoneposter scum
There are several examples where he talks about fucking black guys, but I don't have exact links.
Kinda don't care to look either.
Is this website just kike propaganda trying to turn us against Trump?
Why are 2/3s of the threads nigger/jew shitposting?
We do allow people into this country though my trolling friend, you just have to do it legally and not be from shitholes prone to people spontaneously combusting.
The chance of being attacked by a terrorist is less than 1%, you want to gamble our nation world-wide credibility on that small of a percentage?
Now we just look like a bunch of scared pussies
Try again, leftist cunt.
>Marketing scam used to pander to neo Nazi, trump loving fascists.
>Pander to white supremacists
>Pander to Nazis
>By openly claiming to be a gay jew who loves BBC
>nigger fucking faggot kike
fake news please
I'm all for bringing niggers and shitskins to America. When they start demanding Sharia it'll be so much fun to drag them out of their homes and throw them in mass graves along with the people who advocated for them to come here
But I suppose you want gun control though right?
One is protecting someone's first amendment right, the other is breaking the senates' rules. In the first scenario, the republicans are stating their position on the manner - the government should not limit your individual expressions, regardless of their ideological origin. In the other scenario, Elizabeth Warren was speaking out of turn when she tried to read that letter. The U.S. Senate has some weird and strict rules you must follow, much stricter and much more enforceable than the U.S. House of Representatives' rules.
Quote about the situation:
"Quoting King technically put Warren in violation of Senate rules for "impugning the motives" of Sessions, though senators have said far worse stuff. And Warren was reading from a letter that was written 10 years before Sessions was even elected to the Senate.
Still, top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell invoked the rules. After a few parliamentary moves, the GOP-controlled Senate voted to back him up.
Now, Warren is forbidden from speaking again on Sessions' nomination. A vote on Sessions is expected Wednesday evening."
that day will never come
Of course, as civilized (idk about you) as humans have become we've evolved past the need for firearms.
* Nigger News
>different poster
you have to go back
protip if you think Milo is a neo nazi, you will have a bad day when real neo nazi show up... and nobody will listen to you.
>gay nigger loving kike is a neo-nazi
Did the leftist completely lose it?
So we're not fascists then? You idiots need to pick a side. Are we genocidal racist maniacs or are you just a fucking faggot?
Also come and try to take our guns you fucking pussy
This is a dumb thread.
Everyone leave it now
Also "civilized"
When did I ever mention genocide, cuckservitive?
> vote trump
> avoid issues
ez - lieawatha broke the senate rules
what part of that don't you understand ?
ez - since when is using violence to suppress free speech at a piublic university ok ?
seriously op FOAD you gdamn libbies are worthless pieces of shit LOL