Never leave the house without some pepe stickers. I've been triggering SJWs at my cuck university by leaving these everywhere.
I've been thinking of starting a website to send people free pepe stickers since I can mass produce these for ridiculously cheap. Would anyone want that?
>tfw americucks will never have Personal Health Cards
Dylan James
Jaxson Taylor
bump for kek
Easton Gonzalez
That would be great
Christian Foster
pls supply drop europoor
Xavier Carter
Better keep studying that bass and make dank memes that dance with your music
Isaac Sanchez
>I've been thinking of starting a website to send people free pepe stickers
Sounds like an excellent way for ANTIFA to gather addresses of people.
How about no?
William Lee
great post, infrared view reveals your card numbers.
Dylan Reed
Hahaha I would love a bunch of these!!!
John Ramirez
Yeah, that's really the only problem with it. But maybe I could handle the shipping through a third party service or something. Anyone have suggestions?
o shit my bank account is empty rip me
Kevin Williams
Lincoln Sullivan
I'd buy some
Carson Miller
kek approves bumped
Dylan Thompson
Will do, Columbia bro
Levi Ortiz
Setup a store on amazon.
Joseph Hill
>alberta personal health card kek albertans must think alike, I've been trying to get my hands on some pepe stickers to this at UofA
Mason Garcia
>muh antifa
Samuel Sanders
why is everyone scared of this? have you seen the average lefty?
Blake Thomas
I'd buy some nazi smug pepe stickers
Eli Collins
please do
Brody Baker
I'd buy hundreds and stick them all over town.
>tfw arrested for putting up hate literature
Landon Gutierrez
do you want him to get ripped off?
Jacob Richardson
Not many SJWs in my area, but sure.
Landon Rivera
someone should make pepe condoms
Wyatt Clark
Now this is cringe.
Ryder Rodriguez
>o shit my bank account is empty rip me
That sinking feeling, did you get it? T'was a troll. This is for posterity so be honest, how did you feel?
Adam Reed
which uni?
Austin Russell
Where can I buy some or make them myself?
Liam Turner
What's the music you put in the background?
Jason Rodriguez
I would like 500 please.
Kayden Young
For like half a second I actually was panicking. Ya got me
There are plenty of websites that do custom stickers, but they'll overcharge you.
Alexander Myers
Make them yourself. The proxy jew is probably trying to data mine.
also SAGE, fucking leaf.
Oliver Moore
I would buy many.
Jaxson Mitchell
Yes, they are retarded and have sub-nigger levels of logic and reasoning. They are dangerous to the general public due to their irresponsible and short sighted violent behaviour.
Aaron Gonzalez
Juan Cook
>ANTIFA starts attacking people for buying stickers Gee comrades, I wonder why the oppressive police force have started cracking our skulls
Kevin Jackson
>Anyone have suggestions fulfillment by amazon. as a bonus, you get to passive-aggresively punish immigrants working in sweatshop conditions
i'll take 50 of the original "feels good man" pepes
James Perez
Send me some to Germanistan. Many people to uncuck here
Nicholas Taylor
Yes absolutely.
Joshua Martinez
Can i have one?
Caleb Gray
it's a good start, but we need to think bigger.
Samuel Cook
where can i buy pepe stickers?
Evan Williams
Do you even have to ask, faggot?
Jeremiah Turner
I'll take 1000. Get them on both eBay & Amazon.
Gabriel Perez
/r/ collection of the australian graffiti guy's art
Aaron Campbell
How much do you want for a thousand?
I want to shitpost IRL
Jaxson Reyes
The antifa delivery team will show up at the frog posters' house outnumbering them 20 to 1.
Dylan Lopez
Juan Harris
They'll knock over my trashcans.
Bentley Bell
>antifa finds your address >flash mob appears outside your house >being a proud American you make ready for battle with your glorious god given 2nd amendment rights >the mob is getting heated with chants that resemble a 8th century berserker gang on Down's syndrome >violence appears imment >you stand ready by your barricaded window, sweat flowing the side of your face every second feeling like an hour >then suddenly it begins the mob proceeds to viciously attack your trash cans before scattering off like roaches
Ian Scott
I didn't think so many people would be interested, this is great. I'll start printing shitloads of these, and make a website within the next few weeks. I'll make another post on here once it's up.
Noah Cruz
If you'll ship to the US I'll pay for a few thousand.
Anthony Hall
Kek bless you
Adrian Sanders
planned on going international?
Alexander Murphy
You are doing the work of a God. Shadilay.
Connor Perry
Some kid I went to Indiana university with back in 99 isrd to leave nazi white power propaganda stuff all over. I rember going to food store for beer and finding swastika stockets in the toy section.. he ended up going on killing spree in 2 states. 8 kills I think.. Name was Ben Smith.look him up..Why stop @ Peps user OP?
Adam Barnes
>find war veteran registry >send stickers to all of the found addresses >antifa get their shit kicked in multiple times after targeting their homes and raiding them
Bentley Powell
I don't see why not, envelopes are cheap to mail. Depending on shipping costs I might need to charge for international but I'll look into that.
Hudson Rivera
Me again. Sorry bad spelling. New phone possing me off
Hudson Ortiz
Do it I'll stick them all over Ottawa
Oliver Collins
Will you ship rare pepes?
Joshua Wilson
Hehe! Noice
Dat stuff doesn't work here, there were never no nuzi frosker in the jewspaper here.
Even the gommies would just kek their rectum off by that stupid shit.
>Help the nazi frosks are coming!
Christian Rodriguez
PEPE magic strikes again. Shia le Beouf had his he will not divide us art project closed down by cops . Too many fights lol. Shia was also arrested and deported. Shadilay
Cameron Williams
Owen Morales
Keep me posted
Ian Johnson
Be not afraid I go b4 you always said PEPE on the Mountain.
Isaac Green
leaf I know we've had our differences, but I need these
Jose Lee
godspeed broflake
Camden Perry
Leo James
This user gets it.
Keep an eye on antifa and their tactics. Note some of the suggestions in these two articles about how they're trying to defend themselves and shut us down.
Still, get this sorted out so it's not going to create any database or dox the recipents and it's a great idea. Covering up the other sides stickers is a go-to for pissing them off and knowing they're being watched.
Ryder Long
Do it.
Isaiah Perry
>losing to cucks
the only thing weaker than a cuck is a weaker cuck. you gigantic pyro of faggotry.
Joshua Cook
Today this leaf was not a faggot.
Oliver Nelson
>alberta health care card
What city do you live in?
Oliver Hernandez
This is gunna be great. I love near a college campus. Leaving Pepe stickers in hipster joints will be fun.
John Evans
Can you mail them to Argentina?
I can make you some rare pepes just for you.
Ethan Perry
>the mob proceeds to viciously attack your trash cans hearty kek
Jackson Green
OP here, had to switch to mobile
This is a great idea, I can throw in one rare pepe with each order or something Email any rare Pepe's that you'd like to be included to [email protected] or post em in this thread
Michael Flores
It's a shit picture... It's supposed to look like he's sprayed over the graffiti with red paint... But the can he's holding is black.
Daniel Walker
I'd love some kind of KEK-related stickers too. Imagine spreading secret symbols of KEK around our cities, charging up more energy for KEK's will.
Easton Miller
send some to uk man. cost £1.69 here
Hunter Rivera
Hey, drop a post in the /k/ patch thread when you do as well. It's slower than on here, so it's less likely to be missed/slid!
William Gutierrez
>everybody who buys pepe stickers is a nazi
Carson Perry
please ship to turkey
Aiden Watson
Isaiah Murphy
Fucking great idea
I bet I could carve one up from an eraser.
Cameron Howard
Good idea, I'll be sure to do that Hell yeah, the pic you posted will definitely be a sticker