*sips garmagaram chai*
Well Sup Forums...?
*sips garmagaram chai*
Well Sup Forums...?
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Kya Tujhe Ab ye Dil Bataye is nice song desu.
Why is it called ARABIC numbers then?
/Desi/ Pride Worldwide
india's greatest gift to mankind is a stove that is powered by hand-harvested shit
haha aryans btfo
1/10 for trolling effort
> curly hair
Doesn't exist in Asia
whitey btfo!
*sips muddy water*
Why can't we start using the word right?
Germans being Aryans are the white version of WE WUZ
Indians can't acquire digits. Prove me wrong.
Fuck white people lmaoooo
then why did a germanic outcast sub-tribe from an island (anglo) dominate your entire race without effort for some time (and still would, if they weren't so kind)?
Indian "people"
and yet you still haven't mastered the art of pooing in the loo pajeet
Yuropoors BTFO
leading nation in water conservation. designated shitting streets are the future. get enlightened, eurocuck
make leprosy great again
Designated shitting street.
Ironic, Indians civilization was started by European Aryans.
ya'll know that hindus are aryan?
yep. we go waaay back
That's not what an Indian looks like. The whitest ones look like fucking gypsies.
>Dat pic
What part of Greece is India in?
I like your pic. I keked
Just watch this video, Pooinloos are unequivocally shit tier
Dude. The average Indian is the most ugly people in the world. Topped maybe only by abos. And you stink like a dead horse.
PAHJEET, MY SON...Will you choose beautiful european bathroom or designated shitting street?
Poooooooo in loooooo