Highest Paid Asian Pornstar Of 2016 Calls Dear White People "Racist niggershit" live on stream

Is she, dare I say it, /ourgoddess/?


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Asians are racist as fuck. Which is why they'll survive and the west will perish.

Lmao. The black actors get CHINKED.

This whore did a video for Blacked, as if she wasnt worthless enough... Could never be /ourgoddes/ let alone the fact that she isnt white.

It's not like she was unprovoked, or wrong. Of course racism is going to inspire more racism.

>Is she, dare I say it, /ourgoddess/?

Hell no.

what's this asian fucktoys name? it's not the one at the twitter link right? because that's like not even sexy

>Degenerate pornstar does something degenerate
I'm shocked!

Remember, asians are our ally

Great post, user. Rundown on how the Bogs are involved?

she isnt even attractive

she is trash


they are literal insects

she looks like a one night stand bar slut

the fact that anyone pays her to fuck is embarrassing

she's a mudshark doe?

G-g-guys, she is colombian actually. Not asian.

>porn start
Pick none

Pol's official waifu 2.0. Taylor Swift BTFO

I know Asians better than you, they really aren't. At all. They only care about themselves, why do you think Chinese are buying all the houses now?

Don't get too excited Sup Forums she's got a BLACKED video coming out soon

you mean pays to watch her get fucked by someone else who was also paid.

>that face

W-w-what's her name

It says here that she is mix of Spanish and Japanese.


You can tell she got blacked, her face is already disfigured

dey all thinking where da ass at

Funny, she wore classy lingerie for her vixen (white version of blcked from the same studio) shoot, and sneakers for this.
They sure know their audiences

Whores, faggots... tell me what degenerates are ARE disqualified from being Sup Forums heros?

If I am Asian I would be angry at so many Asian porn actresses fucking with Whites and Blacks.

Jenna jameson is based too. What is it with porn stars that red pills them so?

So she's upset about people insulting her for appearing on blacked.com? I'm not sure I understand what she's trying to say.

Yes, she is

White people get the east asian chicks, the rest of us get to keep our girls + have white girls

I thought this was established, happa?

Probably. Regardless of how they really feel about girl-beating absentee dads, a porn star who goes black automatically gives up most of her potential career and earnings.

I don't see the part where she's talking about anything or says racist nigger shit.

She probably got a bunch of shit about going on blacked.com, and the video is making fun of white people who are mad at her for doing it.

What am I missing.

Also, she's pretty cute for what she is.

If you see her twitter, one pic has her with a black dick in her mouth.

>Implying buying houses for someone else is normal

Isn't interracial like the end station for a porn actress? Like warm pressing olives to get out the last bit of oil (profit) before you throw it in the trash.

>being angry at what the lowest dregs of society are up to
Why? If you get emotionally involved in that shit you'll be angry 24/7 and then you will get cancer or something, it isn't healthy for you.

seems as though the producers have started trying to trick brand new girls into doing interracial by offering higher rates, which will obviously drop when she's typecast as a "blacked girl"

So, you are saying you like to get cucked?

You're missing the part where Sup Forums is so fucking stupid their cheering her on without watching the video.

Why does anyone give two shits about porn stars? Every porn star, male and female, is degenerate scum. They deserve no worship, praise, or otherwise positive reinforcement.

SJWs tend to dislike porn actresses anyways. So, she doesn't give a single fuck.

once you go black, you never go back (to black)


Her fanbase is whites shes thinking about her career

God tier mix

>tfw even gook pornstars are on our side.

I'd imagine having to get fucked by niggers for a living so Jews can make more shekels redpills one rather quickly.

The pornstars were on gamergates side too, they know their audiences, its pretty amusing

>Highest Paid Asian Pornstar Of 2016 Calls Dear White People "Racist niggershit" live on stream
No she didn't. She said she likes black dick

>porn star
they are all human trash and no matter what comes out of their mouth they deserve nothing but contempt

>falling for globalist psyops to make white men insecure.

Pornstars are trash but I'm just happy there's gonna be a shitstorm, to be honest.

I can not understan a single word she says, someone care to translate?

>seems as though the producers have started trying to trick brand new girls into doing interracial by offering higher rates, which will obviously drop when she's typecast as a "blacked girl"
kek, double their pay the first time so they don't do white on white and then when can't do white on white you can give them peanuts.


Can someone please translate what she said i cant understand this whore

dont be a fucking retard

I never said otherwise, I love drama and shitstorms

some people just want to see the world burn :^)

Kek yep, ya blew it lads

here i translated it into your native language so it is easier to understand for you

تراجع أشمد سخيف الضفدع الحمار الكلبة الحمار الكلبة

The Bogs don't answer to the Rothschild's.

Bookmarked everything, thanks

it's been available since yesterday

I'm not. She literally didn't say it. Is this a troll thread or something? How am I being a fucking retard?

That's her? Nasty.


Did you idiots even watch the video?
Why are you cheering?

When TV is so shit you gotta find entertainment in shitstorms, tragedies and wars. Not like we have a choice

It's a shill thread.


>no dr. william pierce videos



She's a literal whore so this isn't exactly a suprise. It's great that she sees Dear White People for the racist propaganda that it is but I don't give a fuck about this slut.

Get this disgusting whore out of here.

ayy my nigga
I'm a kike and even I think he's right

>"If they want to promote IR (interracial) they should do it in a positive way"

I am getting so fed up with this shit... Even my own father was talking to me the other day about how white women love black men and how that's a good thing. When I try to explain that white people are being demographically replaced he got really upset.

I am "That creepy uncle" and I am only 20.

I think I am going to kill myself soon.




Sounds like your dad likes watching your mom get fucked by niggers- maybe you should ask to sit in on their next session, see if you inherited those cuck genes?

hate to tell you this but i doubt he's your real dad

No, I am far from a cuck and that is what is driving a wedge between us. Nice projection though.

Mercedes carrera is actually pretty redpilled

Shes pro trump, loves matts and knows sjw's are full of shit

She was pro gamer gate and called out anit

>mom's getting fucked by niggers
>not putting her in her place
>not a cuck

when i worked in the seafood industry the asians were very selfish and rude, but if you helped them out then they would help you out. they just need us to show our willingness to get along before they show theirs.

Fuck forgot link


The political opinions of women don't matter.

I'm confused.

>"You know how us Asian girls be... always after that... black dick... Grow up! Stop being so insecure about your... teenie weenie."

Sounds like she's saying "lol you dumb white people you jelly us azns want the BBC? Don't be so insecure about ur little dick white boise xD"

she was on BLACKED?

Suddenly my dick is diamonds.

I don't usually watch vanillashit jewish productions but BLACKED is actually really nicely shot.

>Hey guys, this random degenerate said 2+2=4 and that's what we've been saying all this time

>Is she /ourgodess/?

The absolute state of nu/pol/

people just read the first few words of a thread and take it as truth

>us asian girls
she aint even full asian why do half asian girls always fetishize themselves



>White writing

Jews cant do anything right

It was a bit of both really. The first part was sarcasm, the second part was correct.

This thread proves you faggots just read the OP and accept it.

FAKE FUCKING NEWS she has been blacked hundreds of times and is dissing whiteguys.

Watch Tushy then. It's Kino.

So she meant

"Asian girls aren't into black guys you idiots. You have small penises."

Makes no sense.

>being a porn critiquing degenerate

More like:

Asians girls aren't into black guys, quit messaging me about doing a video, you must be insecure about your dicks.

But Asian girls go for black guys disproportionately less.

You can definitely sense the sarcasm in her statement though. If not you must be autistic.

It's hard to tell with how smug people in media are. I could tell she was maybe being sarcastic but the teeny weeny comment throws me off to doubt that. Anyway.

With this context, it makes sense I guess? Who's messaging her exactly and about what? Niggers are messaging her to do an interracial scene?